Contenido 1958 (MCMLVIII) was a common year beginning on a Wednesday according to the Gregorian calendar.
- 1 January: the European Economic Community was founded.
- January 1st: In Annecý (France) the first Carrefour store opens.
- January 2: In Venezuela, the government announces the surrender of the rebels in Maracay.
- January 3: a New Zealand expedition led by Edmund Hillary arrives at the South Pole.
- 4 January: the Soviet artificial satellite Sputnik 1 (which was the first artificial satellite of History, launched on October 4, 1957) disintegrates into the atmosphere.
- January 8: In the United States, 14-year-old Bobby Fischer wins the National Chess Championship.
- 10 January: in Venezuela, Pedro Estrada, director of the National Security Directorate, is removed from office by General Marcos Pérez Jiménez, accelerating the fall of that regime.
- January 18: In Maxton (North Carolina), armed Lumbí Indians confront a group of men from the racist terrorist band Ku Klux Klan.
- January 18: In the United States, the CBS channel transmits the first of the young concerts of the composer Leonard Bernstein, directing the New York Philharmonic. The series (a concert every three months approximately) will be televised for the next fourteen years, and will turn Bernstein into the most famous orchestra director in that country.
- January 17: In Peru TV Peru is inaugurated, the first television channel in Peru.
- January 19: In the province of Esmeraldas (Ecuador) there is an earthquake of 7.6 that leaves more than 100 dead and more than 40 wounded.
- 23 January: in Venezuela, after two days of national strike, a civic-military movement knocked down the dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez and restored Venezuelan democracy.
- January 28: In the United States, 36-year-old footballer Roy Campanella is suffering from a car accident that leaves him hemiplegic.
- 31 January: from Cape Cañaveral (United States), at 22:48 (Local time) NASA orbits the first American satellite, the Explorer 1. (The first artificial satellite of history was the Soviet Sputnik 1 released on 4 October 1957).
- January 31: James Van Allen discovers the radiation belts bearing his name.
- 1 February: from Cape Cañaveral (United States), at 3:48 UTC NASA orbits the first American satellite, Explorer 1. (The first artificial satellite of history was the Soviet Sputnik 1 released on 4 October 1957).
- 1 February: In the city of Cairo, Syria and Egypt, they join, forming the United Arab Republic, later dissolved.
- February 2nd: in Costa Rica, Mario Echandi is appointed president of the republic.
- 5 February: In Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser is appointed the first president of the newly created United Arab Republic.
- 5 February: in front of the mouth of the Savannah River (Georgian State), during a practice exercise at 2:00 in the morning, a B-47 bomber carrying a Mark 15 hydrogen bomb of 3500 kg rode into the air a F-86 fighter aircraft. To protect the crew from a possible explosion, the bomb was thrown into the shallow waters—where they believed it could be easily recovered—a few kilometres from the town of Tybee Island. He never got back.
- February 6: The British European Airways flight 609 is crashed at Munich-Riem airport. Die the complete team of the British Manchester United, among others. (Munich air detachment).
- February 10: In Ifni (Morocco) Spanish invading forces begin an offensive to expel nationalist soldiers.
- February 10: In Guatemala, Miguel Ydígoras Fuentes is elected president in second ballot.
- 10 February: the conversion of the Spanish currency into Moroccan francs begins: 10 francs are equivalent to 1 peseta.
- 11 February: the strongest solar maximum in human history is recorded.
- 11 February: In China, the Chinese People's Congress agrees to introduce the Latin alphabet in the country.
- February 11: In China, Marshal Chen Yi succeeded Zhou Enlai as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- 11 February: In the United States—under the apartheid empire—Mohawk Airlines hires Ruth Carol Taylor as an airline. She's the first African American woman to get that job. His career lasted only six months due to another discriminatory barrier: the company prohibited the stewardess from marrying.
- February 14: Jordan and Iraq create a federation as a replica to the founding of the United Arab Republic.
- 17 February: in Spain, the artist Carlos Sáenz de Tejada receives the entrustment of Alfonso X el Sabio.
- February 20: The U.S. Atlas rocket explodes on the Cabo Cañaveral launch platform, which means the fifth failure of seven launch attempts.
- 21 February: In Ifni (Morocco) the second phase of the Spanish military invasion begins.
- February 22: The United States decides to provide the United Kingdom with 60 Thor rockets with nuclear ojiva.
- February 23: In Cuba, the rebels led by Fidel Castro kidnapped the Argentine motorist Juan Manuel Fangio, five times world champion. He'll be released 28 hours later.
- February 23: In Argentina, the radical politician Arturo Frondizi is elected president of Argentina thanks to a pact with Juan Domingo Perón, while the Peronist and Communist parties were banned by the regime of the Freedom Revolution.
- February 24: In the jungle of the Sierra Maestra (the easternmost province of Cuba), Radio Rebelde begins to broadcast (to date) – the defamatory of the guerrillas led by Fidel Castro.
- February 24: In London, the philosopher Bertrand Russell launched the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
- 1 March: in Greece, the cabinet of Konstantinos Karamanlis is resigned.
- March 1: In Cuba, the dictator Batista rejects an appeal from Catholic bishops to establish a Government of national union.
- 1 March: in Uruguay, Carlos Fischer takes over the presidency of the National Council.
- 1 March: in the Gulf of İzmit – about 100 km east of Istanbul (Turkey) the Turkish passenger ship sinks Üsküdar. At least 300 people die.
- 7 March: the dissolution of the local minor entities of Campo de Luna, Lagüelles, Láncara de Luna, Oblanca and San Pedro de Luna, belonging to the municipality of Láncara de Luna, in the province of León, as a result of the construction of the reservoir of Barrios de Luna, is authorized by decree published in the BOE on the 25th of the same month.
- March 17: United States launches Vanguard 1The second satellite in that country.
- March 17th: in Mars Bluff (South Carolina) a disarmed atomic bomb falls. The 3447 kg of conventional explosives create a mushroom cloud and a crater of 23 m in diameter and 8 m in depth. Destroy several houses and hurt a family. (See article Explosion of an atomic bomb in Mars Bluff).
- 17 March: the director general of Carabineros de Chile Jorge Ardiles Galdames creates, through the Order General No. 189, the Museum and Historical Archive of Carabineros de Chile, the present Carabineros Historic Museum of Chile.
- March 26: French writer Pierre Boulle becomes the first person to win the Academy Award without knowing how to speak English.
- March 27: In the Soviet Union, Nikita Jrushchov became prime minister.
- April 1: Spain and Morocco sign the Cintra agreements.
- April 6: In Iran, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlaví repudiates for sterility his wife Soraya Esfandiarí Bajtiarí.
- 7 April: An earthquake of 7.3 is recorded in Huslia (Alaska).
- April 14: the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 disintegrates with the body of the bitch Laika (the first earthly living being in space) inside when contacting the atmosphere.
- April 14: In the jungle of the Sierra Maestra (the easternmost province of Cuba), guerrilla Fidel Castro made his first speech at Radio Rebelde (founded two months earlier). He analyzed the bloody setback of the April 9 general strike, asked to redouble efforts in the fight against the tyranny of Batista, and ratified the oath that the fortress of the mountain would never be overcome and that the Homeland would be free or in that endeavour would fall to the last fighter.
- April 14: In the Blue Quarter of Arroyo Naranjo (in the suburbs south of Havana), the beans led by Captain Brito murder the guerrillas Holvein Quesada Rodríguez and Evidio Marín in their Washington street house between Rivera and Maceo.
- 15 April: 400 years after the death of Hürrem Sultan
- April 28: 157 km northeast of the Eniwetak atoll (Marshall Islands, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean), on an aerostatic balloon at 26.2 km altitude, the United States explodes its atomic bomb Yucca18 kiloton. It's the 122 bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 1 May: in Argentina, the politician Arturo Frondizi assumes the presidency.
- May 5: On the island Runit of the Eniwetak atoll (Marshall Islands, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean), the United States explodes its atomic bomb Cactus18 kiloton. The crater will later be covered with soil and contaminated rubble and will be covered with a concrete dome, called "Dome de la Cactus".
- May 5: U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon visits Bolivia.
- May 8: In Costa Rica, Mario Echandi Jiménez assumes the presidency.
- May 11: In the Bikini atoll (Marshall Islands, in the Pacific Ocean), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Fir1360 kiloton. Very good performance is achieved: 93.4 % fusion of radioactive material.
- May 11: In the Enewetak atoll (Marshall Islands, in the Pacific Ocean), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Butternut81 kiloton. It is the first time the B46 (or Mk-46) pump is tested again.
- May 12: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb Koa1370 kiloton.
- May 15: The Soviet Union launches the artificial satellite Sputnik 3.
- May 16: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb Wahoo9 kiloton. This is a test in the depths of the ocean (975 m).
- 17 May: in Spain, the dictator Francisco Franco promulgates the Fundamental Laws of the Kingdom before the Spanish Courts.
- May 20: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb Holly.5.9 kiloton.
- 21 May: in the Bikini atoll (Marshall Islands, in the Pacific Ocean), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Nutmeg25.1 kiloton.
- May 24: In Tokyo, Japan, the III Asian Games begin.
- May 26: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb YellowwoodTX-46, 330 kiloton. Despite its great power, it is a fizzle (failed bomb), as 2500 kilotons had been predicted.
- May 26: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb Magnolia57 kiloton.
- May 30: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb Tobacco11.6 kiloton. The second stage of explosives does not work.
- May 31: In the Bikini atoll (Marshall Islands), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Sycamore92 kiloton. Turns out a fizzle (failed bomb), as 5000 kilotons had been predicted. It is the 133rd bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- June 1st: in Tokyo, Japan, the III Asian Games culminate.
- 2 June: In the Enewetak atoll (Marshall Islands, in the Pacific Ocean), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Rose15 kiloton. Turns out a fizzle (failed bomb), as 125 kilotons had been predicted.
- 2nd of June: in the foothills of Mount Picacho, near the city of Guadalajara (Mexico), a Constellation plane crashed from the company Aeronaves of Mexico. It is considered the worst air accident in the history of that country.
- June 8: In the Enewetak atoll, United States detonates its atomic bomb Umbrella8 kiloton. It is a test in the ocean, of little depth (46 m).
- June 8: the sixth edition of the 1958 World Cup in Sweden begins.
- June 10: In the Bikini atoll (Marshall Islands, in the Pacific Ocean), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Maple213 kiloton. It is a success, since it is achieved 89 % of the predicted fission.
- 14 June: in the crater of the atomic bomb Castle Bravo (in the Bikini atoll), United States detonates its atomic bomb Aspen319 kiloton.
- 14 June: In the Enewetak atoll (354 km west of the Bikini atoll), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Walnut1450 kiloton.
- June 18: In the Atoll Enewetak, United States detonates its atomic bomb Linden11 kiloton.
- June 25: In Mexico, Demetrio Vallejo, the leader of the railroaders, initiates a series of labor strikes to get the government to give them an increase in wages.
- June 27: In the Bikini atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 140, Redwood412 kiloton.
- June 27: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb Elder880 kiloton.
- June 28: In the Enewetak atoll, United States detonates its atomic bomb Oak8,900 kiloton.
- June 28: in Stockholm (Sweden) Ends the World Cup and Brazil is the World Champion for the first time after beating 5-2 to Local Sweden.
- June 29: in (Madrid) Spain the Athletic de Bilbao proclaimed himself champion of the Spanish Cup after beating 0-2 to the Real Madrid place in the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium this end passed to history as the end of the eleven villagers.
- June 30: in the Bikini atoll, United States detonates its atomic bomb Hickory14 kiloton.
- 1 July: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb Sequoia5.2 kiloton.
- 2 July: in the Bikini atoll, United States detonates its atomic bomb Cedar220 kiloton.
- July 6: Federal elections are held in Mexico where the C is elected. President Adolfo López Mateos of the Institutional Revolutionary Party.
- July 5: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb Dogwood397 kiloton.
- 9 July: in the closed bay of Lituya (Alaska) a strong earthquake of 8.3 causes the fall of the Lituya glacier inside the bay, which generates the highest megatsunami known in human history, which dragged the coast to a height of 520 m.
- 9 July: In Greece, Constantinos Karamanlís again assumes power.
- July 11: Mexican footballer Hugo Sánchez was born in Mexico City.
- July 12: In the Bikini atoll (Marshall Islands, in the Pacific Ocean), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Poplar, of 9300 kilotons (the most powerful operation Hardtack I).
- July 14: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb Scaevola (a safety test that does not produce any explosion).
- July 17: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb Pisonia255 kiloton.
- July 22: in the Bikini atoll (354 km east of the Enewetak atoll), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Juniper65 kiloton. It is the 150th of 1129 bomb that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992, and the last detonated on that island.
- July 22: In Argentina the government of Arturo Frondizi created the Di Tella Institute, which began to spread the artistic avant-garde that the State promoted from the National Fund for the Arts.
- July 23: at the Enewetak atoll at 7:30 local time (20:30 on July 22, according to the universal time) United States detonates its atomic bomb Olive202 kiloton.
- July 24: Argentine President Arturo Frondizi declares the battle of oil, with which he achieved oil self-supply in less than four years.
- July 25: In Long Beach, United States, Luz Marina Zuluaga is crowned as Miss Universe 1958, by the Peruvian Gladys Zender, being the first Colombian to win the contest.
- July 26: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its atomic bomb Olive202 kiloton.
- 26 July: in London, United Kingdom, Charles of England, the firstborn of Queen Elizabeth II, is crowned by his mother as Prince of Wales
- July 26: In the same atoll Enewetak, United States detonates its bomb Pine2,000 kilotons. It is the "clean" version of the Mark-41 design.
- July 26: In Argentina, the National Congress repeals Decree Law 4161/56 sanctioned by the dictatorship to ban Peronism, and punishes an amnesty law that frees the thousands of Peronist political prisoners imprisoned by the Freedom Revolution.
- 31 July: at 23:50 local time (10:50 UTC, 1 August), 76.8 km above the Johnston atoll (Marshall Islands, in the Pacific Ocean), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Teak3,800 kiloton.
- August 3: the USS Nautilus nuclear propulsion submarine becomes the first ship to cross the North Pole under the water.
- August 6: In the Enewetak atoll, the United States detonates its bomb Fifteen, which results in a failed atomic bomb and does not produce any nuclear explosion.
- August 7: In Argentina the government of Frondizi creates the state company Yacimientos Carboníferos Fiscales (YCF).
- August 12: 43 km above Johnston atoll, United States detonates its thermonuclear bomb Orange, of 3800 kilotons (the Hiroshima bomb generated 13 kilotons).
- 18 August: the controversial work is published LolitaVladimir Nabokov.
- August 18: In the Enewetak atoll (Marshall Islands, in the Pacific Ocean), at 15:00 local time the United States detonates its atomic bomb Fig0,02 kilotons. It is the 156th bomb of 1129 that the U.S. detonated between 1945 and 1992, and the last one that exploded on this island.
- August 23: the President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, signs the Federal Aviation Act, transferring all the aviation authority in the United States to the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA, later known as the Federal Aviation Administration).
- August 23: Chinese Civil War: the second Taiwan Strait Crisis begins with the bombing of Quemoy by the People's Liberation Army.
- August 27: in the South Atlantic, 2700 km west of Cape Town (South Africa) and 160 km southeast of Tristan da Cunha Island, the United States Government - at 2:28 (local time) in the early morning - launches a rocket from a boat, with an atomic bomb that explodes in space, at 200 km altitude. It is the first test (of three) of the secret operation Argus.
- August 27: a Soviet satellite returns to Earth after failing its orbit; its crewmen, two dogs, return safely and safely.
- August 27: Montserrat Tresserras and José Vitos cross the Channel of La Mancha.
- August 27: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Government of Arturo Frondizi puts into effect the new Law on Professional Associations. Eleuterio Cardoso, Andrés Framini and Adolfo Cavalli are present.
- August 28: In Argentina the seven rectors of the seven national universities (including José Peco, Joshua Gollán, Oberdan Caletti and the brother of the president of the Nation, Risieri Frondizi) asked the National Executive to not conclude the decree for private universities, arguing that it was "so that the institutional and academic life of the country would not be altered". The demonstrations and acts of protest began almost simultaneously.
- August 30: in the South Atlantic, 2750 km west of Cape Town (South Africa) and 2000 km east of the South Georgian islands, the United States Government – at 3:18 (local time) in the early morning – launches a rocket from a boat, with an atomic bomb that explodes in space, at 256 km altitude. It is the second test (of three) of the secret operation Argus.
- September 1st: First Cod War between Iceland and the United Kingdom begins.
- 6 September: 2700 km west of Cape Town (South Africa), and 1270 km southeast of Tristan da Cunha Island, the United States Government at 22:13 (local time) launches a rocket from a ship, with an atomic bomb that explodes in space, at 539 km altitude (maybe it was the highest nuclear explosion in history). It's the third and last test of the Argus operation.
- 7 September: in Seville (Spain) the Stadium Ramón Sánchez Pizjuán is inaugurated.
- September 12: Jack S. Kilby invents the first integrated circuit (microchip) while working in Texas Instruments.
- September 12: in the U3q area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 12:00 (local time), the United States detonates its Otero atomic bomb from 0.038 kilotons to 150 m underground. It is the 160 bomb of 1127 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- September 17: In the U3h Area of the Nevada Test Site, at 11:30 (local time), the United States detonates its atomic bomb to 150 m below ground Bernalillo, of 0.015 kilotons.
- September 19: in the U7b Area of the Nevada Test Site, at 6:00 (local time), the United States detonates 150 meters high (in an aerostatic balloon its atomic bomb Eddy0,083 kilotons. It is the 162 of the 1129 bomb that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 21 September: 150 meters underground, in the U3m area of the Nevada Test Site, at 11:00 (local time), United States detonates its atomic bomb Moon, of 0.015 kilotons.
- 23 September: 56 meters underground, in the U12f.01 Area of the Nevada Test Site, at 14:00 (local time), United States detonates its atomic bomb Mercury, 0.01 kiloton.
- September 26: 150 meters underground, in the U3r Area of the Nevada Test Site, at 12:00 (local time), United States detonates its atomic bomb Valencia, of 0.002 kilotons.
- September 27: Ida Typhoon kills at least 1269 people in Honshu, Japan.
- September 27: Hurricane Helene, the worst storm in the hurricane season in the North Atlantic, reaches the status of category 4.
- 28 September: in Paris, France, the constitution of the V Republic is approved in referendum.
- September 28: In the 12F area of the Nevada atomic test site, the United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 166, Mars, of 0.013 kilotons. (In comparison, the Hiroshima bomb was 13 kilotons.)
- September 29: in Area 7B of the Nevada Test Site, the United States detonates from an aerostatic balloon its atomic bomb Mora2 kiloton.
- In September, in Argentina, the polemic explodes for free or secular teaching. Serious incidents between police and students. Student opposition against the law of Minister Atilio Dell'Oro Maini, which authorizes the operation of private universities.
- October 1st: In the United States, NASA begins to operate, with 4 laboratories and 8000 employees.
- 1 October: Tunisia and Morocco join the Arab League.
- 2 October: Guinea is declared independent (from France).
- October 4: British Overseas Airways Corporation uses the new De Havilland Comet (Comet 4) jets to become the first airline to carry airline services across the Atlantic.
- October 5: 110 meters high (in an aerostatic balloon), in the B7b area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:10 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb Hidalgo0,077 kilotons. At 8:15 he detonates the bomb. Colfax, of 0.006 kiloton, 107 meters underground, in the U3k area. It is the bombs No. 168 and 169 of the 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- October 8: 124 meters underground, in the U12b.02 area of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 14:00 (local time), the United States detonates its atomic bomb n.o 170: Tamalpais0,072 kilotons.
- October 9: Pope Pius XII died.
- 10 October: On a 30-metre-high tower, in the 7c area of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 6:30 (local time), the United States detonates its atomic bomb No. 171: Quay0,079 kilotons.
- 11 October: Pioneer 1, the second and most successful of the 3 space probes of the Thor-Able project, becomes the first spacecraft launched by the newly formed NASA.
- October 14: In Japan the construction work of the Tokyo Tower ends.
- October 18: The first video game, “Tennis for Two”, invented by William Higinbotham, is presented at the Brookhaven National Laboratory Visitors’ Day Exhibition in the United States.
- 25 October: In Rome the conclave begins to choose a new pontiff after the death of Pope Pius XII (28 will choose John XXIII).
- October 25: On an aerostatic balloon, 460 meters high, on the 8b area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 20:00 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb Ceres, of 0.0007 kilotons. It is the 186 bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- October 25: In the Ain-Diab circuit, (Morocco) British pilot Stuart Lewis-Evans died in accident.
- October 26: On an aerostatic balloon, 460 meters high, on the area 5 of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 2:20 am (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb Sanford4.9 kiloton. It is the 187 bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992. At 8:00, in another balloon and at the same altitude, it detonated on the area B7b the atomic bomb De Baca, of 2.2 kilotons.
- October 26: The Pan Am company makes the first commercial transatlantic flight on a reaction plane.
- October 27: On a 16-metre-high tower, in the 3rd area of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 6:30 (local time), the United States detonates its atomic bomb No. 171: Chávez, of 0.0006 kilotons. It is the 189th bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- October 28: In the Vatican City, Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli is elected Pope, and adopts the name of John XXIII.
- October 28: The Soviet Union grants Argentina a credit (equivalent to 100 million dollars of that time, which is equivalent to 823 million 2015), for the purchase of Soviet oil equipment, at an interest rate of 2.5 % per year.
- October 28: 256 meters underground, in the U12b.04 area of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 16:00 (local time) United States detonates its atomic bomb Evans0,055 kiloton. It is the 189th bomb of 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- October 29: On a 15-metre-high tower, in area 9 of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 3:20 am (local time), United States detonates the atomic bomb Mazamabut it generates a very poor nuclear reaction. 6:45 detonates the bomb Humboldt on a tower of 10 m in area 3v, of 7.8 kilotons. It is the bombs number 191 and 192 of the 1129 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- October 30: In Argentina, President Arturo Frondizi and Minister Alvaro Alsogaray announced a new economic policy, the weight devaluates 68.2 %, the tariffs on the import of foreign products (of lower price than nationals) are abolished, and consumption subsidies are abolished.[chuckles]required]
- October 31: In Venezuela the Pact of Puntofijo is signed.
- 3 November: The new UNESCO headquarters is opened in Paris.
- 3 November: In Chile, Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez assumes the presidency, being the second “independent government”.
- November 10: Harry Winston donates Diamond Hope to Smithsonian.
- 21 November: The University of the East is inaugurated in Venezuela.
- November 26: A Boeing B-52 Stratofortress established a world speed record of 902 km/h on a 10000-kilometre-free closed circuit. On the same day, another Boeing B-52 Stratofortress sets a world speed record of 962 km/h over a 5000 km-free closed circuit.
- December 1st: In Mexico, Adolfo López Mateos took office as president as his quincuagesimoquinto president for the presidential term 1958-1964.
- 7 December: in Venezuela the presidential elections are held after the restoration of democracy, resulting in the election of Rómulo Betancourt
- December 15: In Peru, the first commercial television channel in Peru was inaugurated.
- December 16: The fire of the Almacen Vida in Bogotá, Colombia, leaves 88 dead.
- December 18: The United States launches the Score, the first communications satellite of human history.
- December 21: In France, the military Charles de Gaulle is elected by referendum, president of the V Republic.
- December 26: The temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is opened in Barinas.
- 31 December: the International Geophysical Year ends.
- 31 December: Mexico-Guatemala Conflict begins (1958-1959).
No known date
- In 1958, Enric Bernat founded the Spanish company of Chupa Chups.
- In Quintana Roo (Mexico), Pablo Bush Romero founded the town of Akumal, the first diving destination in that country.
- The island of the Faisanes becomes a shared sovereignty between Spain and France to break the connection of ETA in the two Basque countries.
- January 1st: Grandmaster Flash, beard musician.
- January 2nd: Stefano Giuliani, Italian cyclist.
- January 3: Carles Francino, Spanish journalist.
- 6 January: Michel Nykiel, Polish footballer (f. 2014).
- January 7: Linda Kozlowski, American actress.
- January 9: Mehmet Ali Ağca, Turkish frustrated killer.
- January 13: Paco Buyo, Spanish footballer.
- 15 January:
- Luis Pescetti, writer, musician and Argentine singer.
- Boris Tadić, Serbian president.
- Silvano Contini, Italian cyclist.
- 16 January:
- Anatoli Boukreev, Russian climber (f. 1997).
- Paolo el Rockero (Jorge Montejo), Argentine actor and comic.
- January 17: Georges Bregy, Swiss footballer.
- January 20: Lorenzo Lamas, an American actor.
- 25 January:
- Alessandro Baricco, novelist, playwright and Italian journalist.
- Antonio Jesús López Nieto, Spanish football referee.
- 26 January:
- Ellen DeGeneres, American humorist.
- Edgardo Bauza, footballer and Argentine coach.
- Gian Piero Gasperini, footballer and Italian coach.
- 28 January:
- Guillermo Fernández, Argentine singer and musician.
- Maitê Proença, actress and presenter of Brazilian television.
- January 29: Thierry Tusseau, French footballer.
- 30 January:
- Marco Solfrini, Italian basketball player (f. 2018).
- Brett Butler, American actress.
- Marek Łbik, Polish penguin.
- February 1: Ryō Horikawa, Japanese seiyū.
- February 2: George Grigore, Romanian writer and translator.
- 7 February:
- Manuel Mijares, Mexican singer.
- Giuseppe Baresi, Italian footballer.
- 10 February:
- Silvia Süller, vedette and Argentine media.
- Galy Galiano, Colombian singer.
- Ricardo Gareca, former footballer and Argentine coach.
- 11 February: Alberto Bica, Uruguayan footballer (f. 2021).
- February 12: Javier Gurruchaga, actor, showman and Spanish singer, member of the Mondragon Orchestra.
- 16 February:
- Alberto Górriz Echarte, Spanish footballer.
- Ice T, American actor and singer.
- Lisa Loring, American actress (f. 2023).
- February 18: Gar Samuelson, American drummer, of the Megadeth band (f. 1999).
- February 19: Reina Reech, vedette, choreographer and Argentine actress.
- 22 February:
- Jesús Álvarez Cervantes, Spanish journalist.
- Kaïs Saied, Tunisian politician, president of Tunisia since 2019.
- February 24: Silvia Pfeifer, actress and Brazilian model.
- 26 February: Michel Houellebecq, French writer.
- 27 February:
- Hugo de León, Uruguayan soccer player and coach.
- Ana María Rodríguez, American child scientific writer, of Argentine-Venezuelan origin.
- February 28: María Casal, Spanish actress.
- March 3: Miranda Richardson, British actress.
- 5 March: Andy Gibb, British singer (f. 1988).
- March 6: Luisa Ezquerra, Spanish actress.
- March 7: Rik Mayall, British actor and comedian (f. 2014).
- March 8: Gary Numan, British musician.
- 10 March:
- Sharon Stone, American actress.
- Frankie Ruiz, Puerto Rican singer (f. 1998).
- 11 March:
- Ghazi Mashal Ajil al-Yawer, Iraqi politician, Acting President.
- Juan José Galeano, Argentine lawyer and writer
- March 13: Mágico González footballer Salvadoran.
- 14 March: Albert II of Monaco
- March 17: José Manuel Abascal, is a Spanish exatleta, specialist in the middle.
- March 19: Myriam de Lourdes, Colombian actress.
- 20 March:
- Holly Hunter, American actress.
- Edson Celulari, Brazilian actor.
- Evelio José Rosero, Colombian writer and journalist.
- 21 March:
- Gary Oldman, British actor.
- Benito Pocino, Spanish actor.
- March 31: Sylvester Groth, film actor and German tenor.
- 2 April:
- Stefano Bettarello, rugby player and Italian coach.
- Larry Drew, basketball player and American coach.
- Pablo Sobisch, Argentine painter, son of the painter Enrique Sobisch from 1929 to 1989.
- April 3: Alec Baldwin, American actor.
- April 6: Francis (Francisco García Escalante), Mexican artist (f. 2007).
- April 11: Stuart Adamson, British singer and guitarist.
- 21 April:
- Andie MacDowell, American actress.
- Yoshito Usui, Japanese-sleeved drawer (f. 2009).
- April 23: Jorge Márquez, writer, author and theatre director.
- 29 April:
- Michelle Pfeiffer, American actress and singer.
- Giovanni Galli, Italian footballer.
- April 30: Guillermo Capetillo, Mexican actor, singer and bullfighter.
- 2 May: Giuseppe Dossena, footballer and Italian coach.
- 4 May:
- Keith Haring, American artist (f. 1990).
- Tony Friel, English bassist.
- May 6: Lolita, Spanish singer and actress.
- 7 May: Tadeusz Dolny, Polish footballer.
- May 11: Brice Hortefeux, a French politician.
- May 12: Massimo Briaschi, Italian footballer.
- May 13: Willie González, Puerto Rican singer.
- May 16: Lalo Rodríguez, Puerto Rican singer (f. 2022).
- 17 May:
- Paul Di'Anno, American musician, Iron Maiden's first singer.
- Rudy Pérez, Cuban-American musician and producer.
- Eduardo «Chabay» Ruiz, an Argentine politician.
- May 18: Isabel María Pérez, Spanish actress.
- 26 May:
- Margaret Colin, American actress.
- Norberto Peluffo, soccer player, coach and Colombian sports commentator.
- May 27: Neil Finn, New Zealand singer.
- 30 May:
- José María Gimeno, Spanish actor.
- Marie Fredriksson, Swedish singer and composer of the Roxette duo (f. 2019).
- 2 June:
- Lex Luger, American professional fighter.
- Rocío Banquells, Mexican singer and actress.
- Patricia Adriani, Spanish actress.
- 4 June:
- Tito Nieves, Puerto Rican singer.
- Henry Jenkins, American media academic.
- 7 June: Prince, American pop singer (f. 2016).
- 10 June:
- Alfredo Adame, actor and presenter of Mexican television.
- G. Harishankar, Indian percussionist (f. 2002).
- Berta Pereira, Uruguayan percussionist.
- Francisco Pacho Benítez, a Colombian journalist (f. 2022).
- June 12: Gladys Florimonte, Argentine actress and comedian.
- 14 June:
- Viviane Senna, Brazilian businessman.
- Olaf Scholz, German politician, act. Chancellor of Germany since 2021.
- June 19: Luis Guridi, Spanish filmmaker and screenwriter.
- June 21: Jaime Urrutia, singer, lyricist and Spanish composer, of the band Cabinet Caligari.
- June 22: Bruce Campbell, American actor.
- June 30: Esa-Pekka Salonen, director of Finnish orchestra and composer.
- 2 July: Luis Motta Domínguez, Venezuelan military and political.
- July 3: Angel Acebes, Spanish politician.
- July 5: Martiniano Abaga Elé Ndoho, Maelé singer and ecuatoguineano (f. 2017).
- July 6: Arnaldo Otegi, Spanish politician.
- July 8: Kevin Bacon, American actor.
- July 11: Hugo Sanchez, a former soccer player and a Mexican coach.
- July 17: Juan Carlos Paz, footballer and Uruguayan coach.
- July 23: Pietro Fanna, Italian footballer.
- July 26: Jesús Barrero, Mexican actor of hemlock (f. 2016).
- 30 July:
- Kate Bush, British singer.
- Richard Burgi, American actor.
- August 2: Shō Hayami, Japanese seiyū.
- August 4th: William Orbaugh, Guatemalan guitarist.
- August 7: Bruce Dickinson, British singer, Iron Maiden band member.
- August 12: Pablo Longueira, Chilean engineer and politician.
- August 13: Domenico Dolce, Italian fashion designer.
- August 16: Madonna, American singer and actress.
- August 17: Belinda Carlisle, American singer.
- August 18: Madeleine Stowe, American actress.
- August 22: Vernon Reid, British guitarist.
- August 25: Tim Burton, American filmmaker.
- August 29: Michael Jackson, singer, songwriter, dancer, American music producer and philanthropist (f. 2009).
- August 29: Rebecca De Mornay, American actress.
- 30 August:
- Anna Politkóvskaia, a Russian journalist and human rights activist (f. 2006).
- Braulio Castillo, Puerto Rican actor.
- August 31: Ramón Ibarra Robles, Spanish actor.
- 2 September:
- Cano Estremera, Puerto Rican singer (f. 2020).
- Luis Guillermo Guerrero, Colombian lawyer and jurist.
- September 6: Michael Winslow, American actor and voice actor.
- September 12: Hikaru Hanada, Japanese actor and seiyū.
- September 14: Fernando Olivera Vega, Peruvian politician.
- September 16: Jennifer Tilly, American actress.
- September 17: Nancho Novo, Spanish actor.
- 22 September:
- Andrea Bocelli, Italian singer.
- Joan Jett, American singer and guitarist.
- 5 October:
- Manuel Landeta, actor, singer and Mexican dancer.
- Antonio Di Gennaro, Italian footballer.
- October 6: Flavio Caballero, Colombian actor.
- 7 October:
- Gerardo Isaac, military and national Argentine hero.
- Julio Alberto, Spanish footballer.
- October 8: Michael Jarrell, Swiss composer.
- October 10: Tanya Tucker, American country singer.
- October 11: Totia Meireles, Brazilian actress.
- 13 October:
- Ana Bertha Espín, Mexican actress.
- Yamal Jashogyi, Saudi journalist (f. 2018).
- October 14: Isabel Sabogal, novelist, Peruvian poet and translator - Polish.
- October 16: Tim Robbins, American actor.
- 20 October:
- Dave Finlay, Irish professional fighter.
- Viggo Mortensen, a Danish-American actor.
- Mark King, singer and bass player of the English band Level 42.
- Ivo Pogorelich, Croatian pianist.
- 25 October:
- Edi Clavo, Spanish drummer of the Caligari Cabinet band.
- Kornelia Ender, German swimmer.
- Leonardo Natale, Italian cyclist.
- 27 October:
- Monica Gonzaga, an Argentine actress.
- Manu Katché, French percussionist.
- Simon Le Bon, British vocalist and composer of the Duran Duran band.
- October 28: Concha García Campoy, a Spanish journalist (f. 2013).
- October 30: Julia Zenko, Argentinean singer.
- November 1st: Annette Patrick, French singer, from the band Ottawan.
- 2 November: Juan Ramón Lucas, Spanish journalist.
- November 5: Robert Patrick, American actor.
- 11 November: Luz Casal, Spanish singer.
- 14 November:
- Sergio Goyri, Mexican actor.
- Raúl Pérez Tovar, Venezuelan baseball player.
- 15 November:
- Diane Pretty, sick of amiotrophic lateral sclerosis (ELA) and British euthanasia activist (f. 2002).
- Rodrigo Pardo García-Peña, journalist, academic and Colombian diplomat.
- Carmen González Huguet, Salvadoran poet and writer of Spanish descent.
- 16 November:
- Marg Helgenberger, American actress.
- Roberto Guerrero, a Colombian motor racing pilot.
- 17 November:
- Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, American actress.
- Mariana Ingold, composer, key player and Uruguayan singer.
- Frank van Hattum, New Zealand footballer.
- 20 November:
- Horacio Chofi Faruolo, musician, sound programmer and Argentine music and jazz keyboard player.
- Rickson Gracie, Brazilian martial artist.
- November 22: Jamie Lee Curtis, American actress and writer.
- 25 November:
- Gustavo Arribas, Argentine politician, director of the intelligence agency of that country.
- Jules Bocandé, Senegalese footballer.
- 29 November:
- Michael Dempsey, British musician, The Cure band.
- María Elena Moyano (Madre Coraje), leftist activist and Peruvian feminist, murdered by Sendero Luminoso (f. 1992).
- 30 November:
- Krzysztof Urbanowicz, Polish footballer (f. 2014).
- Miodrag Ješić, footballer and Serbian coach (f. 2022).
- December 1st: Javier Aguirre, soccer player and Mexican coach.
- 2 December: Agustín Lasaosa, Spanish footballer.
- December 4: Luis García Montero, Spanish university professor and poet.
- December 6: Nick Park, English animator.
- 9 December:
- Rikk Agnew, American guitarist, of the Christian Death band.
- Ethel Koffman, Argentinean singer and teacher.
- Nick Seymour, Australian musician, Crowded House band.
- 11 December:
- Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, Spanish politician.
- Ever Hernández, Salvadoran soccer player.
- José Antonio Manzano, Spanish singer. (f. 2019)
- December 17: Mike Mills, American musician.
- December 19: Rosita Pelayo, Mexican actress.
- December 20: Fabián Matus, musical producer and Argentine writer (f. 2019).
- December 22: José Alberto "El Canario", Dominican singer.
- December 24: Janfri Topera, Spanish actor.
- 25 December:
- Alannah Myles, Canadian singer.
- Juancho Rois, accordionist and Colombian composer of vallenata music (f. 1994).
- December 28: César Sarachu, Spanish actor.
- December 29: Ana Curra, Spanish singer, of the band Parálisis Permanente.
- December 31: Bebe Neuwirth, American actress.
Unknown date
- Francisca Puertas Maroto, a doctor in chemical science and a professor at the Spanish CSIC.
- January 1st: Edward Weston, American photographer (n. 1886).
- January 4: John Anderson, Scottish politician (No. 1882).
- January 30: Victor de la Serna, a Spanish journalist (n. 1896).
- February 1: Clinton Davisson, American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1937 (n. 1881).
- February 4: Monta Bell, American filmmaker (n. 1891).
- 3 March: Wilhelm Zaisser, politician of the German Democratic Republic (n. 1893).
- 8 March: Eulalia de Borbón, Infanta de España, daughter of Isabel II and Francisco de Assisi de Borbón (n. 1864).
- March 21: Cyril M. Kornbluth, American writer of fantasy and science fiction (n. 1923).
- May 29: Juan Ramón Jiménez, Spanish poet, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956 (n. 1881).
- June 20: Kurt Alder, German chemist. Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1950 (n. 1902).
- August 14: Jean Frédéric Joliot-Curie, French physicist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935 (n. 1900).
- August 14: Edwiges de Sá Pereira, teacher, journalist, poet and Brazilian feminist (n. 1884).
- August 22: Roger Martin du Gard, French novelist, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1937 (n. 1881).
- August 27: Ernest Lawrence, American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1939 (n. 1901).
- September 25: John B. Watson, American psychologist (n. 1878).
- October 9: Pius XII, Italian pope (n. 1876).
- October 24: George Edward Moore, British philosopher (n. 1873).
- 11 November: André Bazin, French film critic (n. 1918).
- November 15: Tyrone Power, American actor (n. 1914).
- 17 November: Yutaka Taniyama, Japanese mathematician (n. 1927).
- November 24: Robert Cecil, British politician and diplomat, Nobel Peace Prize in 1937 (n. 1864).
- December 10: Krishna Venta (Francis Pencovich), leader of American sect and religious (n. 1911).
Art and literature
- Hannah Arendt published Human condition.
- Manifesto de Los Traspolas, a Colombian literary group, entrusts to Nadaism and the beat generation.
- Boris Pasternak: Dr. Zhivago.
- Carlos Fuentes: The most transparent region.
- Francisco Ibáñez: Mortadelo and Philemon.
- January 6: J. Vidal Cadellans gets the Nadal award for his novel It wasn't ours..
- January 26: In the United States, Buddy Holly appears in Ed Sullivan's program.
- 15 August: Octavio Paz publica The violent station.
- 13 September: Julián Polanía Pérez publica Notion of weighing.
- Vladimir Nabokov publishes Lolita in the United States.
- Chinua Achebe: Everything is falling apart.
- Jorge Amado: Gabriela, nail and cinnamon.
- Samuel Beckett: The unnamed, The latest Krapp tape.
- Truman Capote: Breakfast at Tiffany's.
- Agatha Christie: Tragic innocent.
- Ian Fleming: Dr. No..
- Graham Greene: Our man in La Habana.
- Kenzaburō: Throw the seeds, shoot the children.
- Bertolt Brecht: The resistible ascension of Arturo Ui.
- Tennessee Williams: Suddenly, last summer.
Science and technology
- Creation of ARPANET.
Medicine and Biology
- Nishiwaki and Kamiya describe for the first time the ginkgo teeth zifice (Mesoplodon ginkgodens).
- Kenneth Norris (1924-1998) and McFarland describe for the first time the marine vaquita (Phocoena sinus).
- Bobby Fischer becomes, at the age of fifteen, the youngest Grand Master in history.
Motor Racing
- Formula 1: Mike Hawthorn (United Kingdom).
- World Series: the New York Yankees win their world championship number 18 after winning the 4-3 series to the Milwaukee Braves.
- Professional Baseball League of the Dominican Republic: the Lions of the Chosen get their third consecutive title by defeating 5-1 to the Eastern Stars.
- European Champions Cup: Real Madrid gets its third cup from Europe after beating 3-2 in extra time to AC Milan
- World Cup Soccer: Brazil 5:2 Sweden (28 June).
- Fair Cup: Fútbol Club Barcelona (Spain).
- Colombian Championship: Independent Santa Fe.
- September 21st: it is held at the Sanchez Pizjuán stadium in Seville, the first official party, between the Sevilla FC and Real Betis teams, ending with the bética victory with a result of 2-4.
- It is released the debut album of The Everly Brothers, titled simply The Everly Brothers.
- The rock and roll artist, Buddy Holly, launches his second and third studio album, the second so-called Buddy Holly and the third That'll Be the Day. Edit the simple "Maybe Baby" and "Heartbeat".
- The Hawks band appears, which in 1964 would change its name for The Band.
- The Bee Gees band appears.
- The support band is created for Cliff Richard The Drifters, who would change his name for The Shadows.
- Frank Sinatra: "Come Fly with Me". «Album published on January 6 by the recording label Capitol Records». "Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonely." «Album published on September 8 by the recording label Capitol Records».
- On March 12th the III edition of the Eurovision Song Festival in Hilversum Netherlands
Nobel laureates
- Physics: Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, Ilya Mikhailovich Frank and Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm.
- Chemistry: Frederick Sanger.
- Medicine: George Wells Beadle, Edward Lawrie Tatum and Joshua Lederberg.
- Literature: Boris Leonidovich Pasternak.
- Peace: Georges Pire.
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Las Meninas
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