
1942 (MCMXLII) was a common year beginning on a Thursday according to the Gregorian calendar.



  • 1 January: the United Nations Declaration is signed in New York, United States
  • January 3: in China—in the framework of the Second Sino-Japanese War—Chiang Kai-shek is appointed commander-in-chief of all the allied forces.
  • January 6: In the concentration camp of Buchenwald the first experiments with humans on exantematic typhus begin.
  • 7 January: In Libya, the Nazi group Afrika Korps withdrew in the direction of Tripoli.
  • January 10: Japan invades Indonesia.
  • January 10: Uruguay Begins the 17th edition of the Copa América.
  • January 19: the Japanese army invades Burma.
  • January 20: Second milestone of Schoenstatt. It is decided that Father Joseph Kentenich can leave Dachau.
  • January 22: In Bahía Blanca (Argentina) the Roberto Natalio Carminatti Stadium of the Olympic Club is inaugurated.
  • 29 January: in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Protocol to Rio de Janeiro to end the conflict between the republics of Ecuador and Peru


  • February 1st: In Norway, Vidkun Quisling is appointed Prime Minister.
  • 1 February: another group of experiments on exantematic typhus are carried out in the Buchenwald concentration camp.
  • 1 February: in Chile, Juan Antonio Rios wins the presidential elections.
  • February 3: Japanese air strike at the port of Suraya.
  • 6 February: steam arrives in Barcelona Apollo loaded with wheat from Argentina.
  • 7 February: The German offensive in Libya is detained in Gazale.
  • February 7: in Montevideo (Uruguay) The Americas Cup ends and Uruguay wins its Eighth American Cup.
  • 8 February: In Tlalnepantla, Mexico, the bullring Esteban García is opened.
  • February 9: In New York, a fire destroys the French transatlantic Normandie.
  • February 10: A Pacific Allied War Council is created.
  • 11 February: in front of the French port of Brest, the German warships Gneisenau, Scharnhorst and Prinz Eugen They break the British blockade.
  • February 14th: In Boston, Cornelius Warmerdam achieves the world record of leaping with perch, with a mark of 4.77 meters.
  • February 15: During World War II, the Japanese occupy the city of Singapore, after surrendering the British unconditionally.
  • February 19: In Ecuador, the Cotopaxi volcano (Volcano) enters activity and causes great damage.
  • February 19: In Australia, almost 150 Japanese warplanes attack the city of Darwin.
  • 21 February: there is a coup in Uruguay that represents the continuation in the presidency of General Alfredo Baldomir.
  • February 23: In Brazil, Austrian writer Stefan Zweig committed suicide with his wife in exile.
  • February 24: in the Black Sea, about 16 km north of the Bosphorus Strait, the small boat Struma "who was dragged to that place by a Turkish shuttle, by the orders of the British ambassador," he explodes. 781 Jewish refugees died. Years later it will be known that they were torpedoed by the Soviet submarine Shch-213.
  • February 24: In Ankara, Turkey, the German ambassador Franz von Papen suffered an attack.
  • 27-28 February: Operation Biting begins at night after the German occupation of Seine-Maritime, which was that a group of British paratroopers should destroy a German radar station and leave unharmed.


  • March 1st: in Sagunto a high furnace for steel is inaugurated.
  • March 3: In France, British Royal Air Force aircraft attack Renault factories.
  • March 3: British incursion against the base Diego Suárez (Madagascar).
  • 15 March: start of broadcasts of Radio Exterior de España
  • 17 March: the first murders of Jews are carried out in the camp of extermination in Bełżec.


  • 2 April: the Japanese fleet carries out naval operations around Ceylon.
  • 7 April: the soviets re-establish the railway link with Leningrad.


  • 13 May: on the coast of Florida (United States), the German submarine U-564 the Mexican oil ship Potrero de Llano (Mexico being a neutral country in the Second World War). Fourteen sailors die, including the captain of the ship.
  • 13 May: an earthquake of 7.9 shakes the Ecuadorian province of Manabí, leaving 300 dead.
  • May 14: Mexico sends at 21 hours, through its legation in Sweden, a protest note with a satisfactory deadline of response on May 21, to the governments of Germany (which refuses to receive it), Italy and Japan (who despite having received it do not give any answer).
  • 17 May: in Kharkov, the German forces carry out a counter-offensive.
  • 20 May: the German submarine U-106 sinks the Mexican oil ship Golden Box. Nine sailors die, including the captain of the ship.
  • May 22: Mexico declares the war against Germany, Italy and Japan, thus opening Mexico's participation in the World War.


  • 4-7 June 1942: Midway Battle, turning point in the Pacific front of World War II
  • 14 June: In the Argentine city of Punta Alta (Province of Buenos Aires), the parish of Nuestra Señora de Luján is inaugurated.
  • 21 June: In the Second World War, Tobruk falls into the hands of the Italian and German forces.
  • June 21st: In Fort Stevens—in the framework of World War II—a Japanese submarine sails through the Columbia River (in Oregon), shooting 17 torpedoes in one of the few Japanese attacks on U.S. territory.
  • 21 June: in Tirat Tsvi (Israel) the highest temperature is recorded in History of the entire Asian continent: 53.9 °C (129 °F).
  • June 25: General Eisenhower takes over United States troops in the United Kingdom
  • 26 June: in the port of Veracruz, Mexico, the German submarine U-129 the Mexican oil ship Tuxpam. Four sailors die.
  • 27 June: in the port of Veracruz, Mexico, the German submarine U-129 the Mexican boat The Choapas. 3 sailors die.
  • June 27: Vito Dumas starts his journey around the world along the 40th parallel route (the Quarantine Bramadores), a feat that took him 401 days of solitary navigation.


  • Between 1 and 23 July, Afrika Korps advances to the Egyptian port of El Alamein, where it is arrested by British, Indian, Australian, Dutch and South African forces.
  • 2 July: the 644th Battalion of Tank Destroyer is created, which is sent to the Ardennes.
  • July 5: The Flying Tigers are absorbed by USAAF as the 23rd Hunt Group, leaving a mark of 286 victories.
  • 8 July: in Argentina the "Presses of Bragado" are released, three anarchists—Pascual Vuotto, Reclus de Diago and Santiago Mainini—justly imprisoned eleven years earlier.
  • July 17: In Spain, the Constitution of the Spanish Courts was enacted in the framework of the Francoist dictatorship.
  • July 23: the deportations of Jews from the Warsaw Gueto to the Treblinka extermination camp begin. From this date 6000 persons will be deported


  • 1 August: the first book in Catalan language after the war is published in Spain: Mystical rose, ecclesiastical work of Father Camil Geis.
  • 1 August: the third presidential period of Rafael Leónidas Trujillo begins in the Dominican Republic.
  • 1 August: in Daegu (South Korea) the highest temperature is recorded in the history of that country: 40 °C (104 °F).
  • August 6: In Guatemala there is a strong earthquake of 7.9 that leaves 38 deaths.
  • August 1942-2, 1943: Battle of Stalingrad, turning point of the Eastern Front of the Second World War
  • erra Mundial) 19 August: in Dieppe (France), the landing operation Operation Jubilee with 6000 Canadian soldiers is a bloody failure. The experience will allow the planning of the Normandy landing in 1944.
  • August 23: The German Army arrives in the Soviet city of Stalingrad, starting the bloody Battle of Stalingrad.
  • August 24: an 8.4 earthquake shakes the Peruvian cities of Ica and Arequipa.
  • August 29: in the concentration camp of Jasenovach (Croatia)—in the framework of the Serbian genocide—the Franciscan Catholic seminarian Petar Brzica (1917-2010) denies 1360 non-Catholics (Christian Serbs, Muslim Serbs and Gypsies. Until the arrival of communism in 1945, between 0.3 and 0.4 million men, women and children will die in that Catholic fascist camp.
  • August 31: in Ternopil, Ukraine, an SS brigade organizes the first deportation of Jews from the ghetto of Ternopil to the concentration camp of Belzec.


  • September 1st: the 8th Regiment, of the 15th Panzer Division, reaches 18 km from the Egyptian coast, but the RAF and the allied artillery implacably attack the rest of the Afrika Korps, which in the afternoon already lacks trucks to supply their cars, many of which are abandoned after exhausting their fuel. At night, Erwin Rommel orders to suspend the attack and several units retreat in order, passing to the defensive; all advances stop.
  • September 1st: in North Africa, the ace of Luftwaffe Hans Joachim Marseille takeoffs 3 times, from 07:30 to 16:00 hours approx., swept it down only to 17 British and American fighters in the south and southeast of Imayid. Tomorrow you will receive the Knight Cross with Roble Sheets, Swords and Diamonds. However, his father, General of the Wehrmacht Hans Joachim, died that same day in Stalingrad.
  • 3 September: formation of the Fourth National Government of Spain (1942-1945).
  • 4 September: In Argentina it is created by the sanction of Law No. 5327 the department Rawson, in the province of San Juan.


  • October 29: Bob Ross, American Artist and Presenter
  • October 31: In England, a German air strike destroys the city centre of Canterbury.


  • 8 November: to commemorate Putsch of 1923, Adolf Hitler delivered a speech at the Löwenbräukeller of Munich addressed to the alten Kämpfern (old fighters), announcing them the safe victory in the front of Stalingrad.
  • 9 November: Erik Scavenius is elected Prime Minister of Denmark.
  • 19 November: the Soviet army began the Uranus operation, a clamp movement that aims to close the 6th German army in Stalingrad.
  • 23 November: In Stalingrad, the two clamps of the Soviet army are found in Kalach, the sixth German army being surrounded.
  • 29 November: in Uruguay elections are held, which are won by Juan José de Amézaga. For the first time, four women are elected to the Uruguayan parliament.


  • December 2nd: Manhattan Project: Under the Stagg Field Stadium of the University of Chicago, a team led by Enrico Fermi manages to start the first nuclear reaction in a controlled chain. The following encrypted message was sent to the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt: "The Italian navigator has landed in the new world."
  • 20 December: in Turkey there is a devastating earthquake of 7.0 that leaves 3,000 dead.



  • January 1st: Alassane Ouattara, President of the Ivory.
  • January 2: Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, director of Spanish film and screenwriter.
  • January 3: Laszlo Solyom, Hungarian politician.
  • January 4: Gerardo Vallejo, Argentine filmmaker (f. 2007).
  • January 4: John McLaughlin, British jazz guitarist.
  • January 5: Terenci Moix, a Spanish writer (f. 2003).
  • January 5: Maurizio Pollini, Italian pianist.
  • January 6: Rosa María Mateo, Spanish TV presenter.
  • January 8: Stephen Hawking, British physicist (f. 2018).
  • January 14: Judith Merkle Riley, American writer.
  • January 16: Jesús González Mercado "Don Chuy", Mexican hairdresser (f.2022).
  • 17 January: Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali), American boxer (f. 2016).
  • January 17: Forges, Spanish graphic humorist.(f.2018).
  • January 25: Eusébio, Portuguese footballer (f. 2014).
  • January 29: Arnaldo Tamayo, first Cuban cosmonaut.


  • February 1st: Terry Jones, actor, comedian and British writer, of the comic group Monty Python (f. 2020).
  • February 2: Graham Nash, British musician, The Hollies band.
  • 4 February: Ovidi Montllor, singer and Spanish actor (f. 1995).
  • February 5: Janine Pommy Vega, American poet of the beat generation (f. 2010).
  • February 8: Alberto Restuccia, actor, performer, playwright, theatre director and Uruguayan professor.
  • February 9: Carole King, American singer.
  • February 11: Graciela Dufau, Argentine actress.
  • February 11: Coco López, journalist and Argentine political scientist.
  • February 11: Horacio Verbitsky, journalist and Argentine activist.
  • February 12: Ehud Barak, Israeli politician.
  • February 14: Michael Bloomberg, American politician.
  • February 16: Kim Jong-il, North Korean President (f. 2011).
  • February 19: Juan Carlos Dual, Argentine actor.
  • February 21st: Margarethe von Trotta, German filmmaker.
  • February 22: Christine Keeler, British model and cabaretera.
  • February 24: Joe Lieberman, American politician.
  • February 25: Karen Grassle, American actress.
  • February 27: Robert H. Grubbs, American scientist (f. 2021).
  • February 27: Miguel Angel Santoro, Argentine footballer.
  • February 28: Dino Zoff, Italian footballer.


  • March 2: Lou Reed, American singer and musician (f. 2013).
  • March 2: John Irving, American writer.
  • 2 March: Mir-Hosein Musaví, an Iranian politician.
  • March 5: Felipe González, president of the Spanish government between 1982 and 1996.
  • March 8: Teresa Velázquez, Mexican actress (f. 1998).
  • March 9: John Cale, Welsh musician.
  • March 11: Josep Maria Beà, Spanish hysterist.
  • March 12: Emeterio Gómez, Venezuelan professor, economist and philosopher.
  • 13 March: Scatman John, American singer (f. 1999).
  • March 14: Barbara Evelyn Bailey, educator, writer and academic in Jamaican gender studies.
  • March 21: Fradique de Menezes, politician in Sao Tome and Principe.
  • March 22: Leo Dan, singer, composer and Argentine actor.
  • March 24: Josefina Delgado, Professor of Letters, graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires.
  • March 25: Aretha Franklin, American singer (f. 2018).
  • March 26: María del Carmen Avendaño López, PhD in pharmacy, Spanish and academic number of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy.
  • March 27: John Sulston, British biologist.
  • March 28: Daniel Dennett, American philosopher and writer.
  • March 28: Neil Kinnock, British politician.
  • March 29: Santiago Pampillón, student activist and Argentine worker (f. 1966).


  • April 3: Rosita Escalada Salvo, writer, journalist and teacher from Argentina.
  • April 4: Jorge Alí Triana, actor, screenwriter and director of Colombian film and television.
  • April 7: José Javier Múgica Astibia, was a UPN councillor at Leiza City Hall (Navarra), killed by the ETA terrorist gang.
  • April 8: Yair Klein, Israeli military and mercenary.
  • April 12: Carlos Alberto Reutemann, a driver of Formula 1 and an Argentine politician.
  • April 16: Frank Williams, founder and manager of the Williams F1 Formula 1 team (f. 2021).
  • April 20: Arto Paasilinna, Finnish writer.
  • April 23; Jorge Figueroa Acosta, painter, muralist and Mexican sculptor.
  • April 23; Sandra Dee, American film actress (f. 2005).
  • April 24: Barbra Streisand, American actress, singer and filmmaker.


  • May 5: María Cristina Gómez, a community leader and a Salvadoran teacher murdered by the Government (f. 1989).
  • May 5: Joaquín Leguina, a Spanish politician and writer.
  • May 5: Tammy Wynette, American singer (f. 1998).
  • 7 May: Andy Montañez, Puerto Rican singer.
  • May 9: John Ashcroft, American politician.
  • May 16: Graciela Iturbide, a Mexican photographer.
  • May 17: Ramón Sánchez-Ocaña, presenter of Spanish television.
  • May 18: Nobby Stiles, British footballer (f. 2020).
  • May 21: Humberto Serrano, an Argentine actor of Spanish origin (f. 2013).
  • May 23: José Omar Pastoriza, footballer and technical director of Argentina (f. 2004).
  • May 23: Gabriel Camargo Salamanca, Colombian businessman (f. 2022).
  • May 24: Norma Herrera, Mexican actress.
  • May 25: Marcos Mundstock, Argentine comedian.


  • June 1: Honorino Landa, Chilean footballer.
  • June 1st: Bansi Pandit, Hindu religious writer, Indian conferencist and nuclear engineer.
  • June 1: Josefina Gómez Mendoza, geographer, writer and Spanish professor.
  • June 5: Teodoro Obiang Nguema, a Guinean politician.
  • 7 June: Muamar el Gaddafi, colonel and Libyan politician (f. 2011).
  • June 9: Américo Navarro, humorist and Venezuelan actor.
  • June 18: Roger Ebert, American film critic (f. 2013).
  • June 18: Paul McCartney, British musician, bassist of The Beatles.
  • June 18: Thabo Mbeki, a South African politician.
  • June 20: Brian Wilson American musician, The Beach Boys band.
  • June 23: James Marcus, British film and television actor.
  • June 24: Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, Chilean politician, president between 1994 and 2000.
  • June 27: Bruce Johnston, American musician, The Beach Boys.
  • June 30: Esteban Abad, Argentine writer and journalist.
  • June 30: Robert Ballard, American Oceanographer.


  • 1 July: Mario Rapoport, economist, intellectual and Argentine professor.
  • July 1st: Julia Higgins, British chemistry and physics.
  • 1 July: Geneviève Bujold, Canadian actress.
  • 2 July: Vicente Fox Quesada, Mexican president between 2000 and 2006.
  • 2 July: Juan Cutillas, footballer and Spanish football coach.
  • July 4: Jorge Hidalgo, Chilean historian.
  • July 6: Fello Suberví, abogado y política dominicano.
  • July 7: Alicia Arellano Tapia, Mexican politics.
  • July 10: Rodriguez, American musician and composer.
  • 10 July: Isidre Fainé, Spanish business executive.
  • July 13: Harrison Ford, American actor.
  • July 15: Vivian Malone Jones, an American civil rights activist (f. 2005).
  • July 15: Philippe Ouedraogo, engineer and political leader in Burkina Faso.
  • July 18: Walter Rios, musician of Argentine tango, composer, director and performer of bandoneon.
  • July 23: Myra Hindley, British murderer (f. 2002).
  • July 24: Heinz, British singer and bassist of German origin (f. 2000).
  • July 24: Chris Sarandon, American actor.
  • July 30: José Luis Bollea, Argentine singer, director and composer (f. 2010).
  • July 30: Danny Daniel, Spanish singer and composer.
  • July 31: Jaime Ignacio del Burgo Tajadura, Spanish politician.


  • August 2: Isabel Allende, Chilean writer.
  • August 2: Leo Beenhakker, Dutch coach.
  • August 2: Louis Falco, American choreographer.
  • 2 August: Ilija Pantelić, player and Bosnian football coach (f. 2014).
  • August 5: Marta Taboada, Argentine lawyer and activist (f. 1977).
  • August 6: Francesc Pi de la Serra, Spanish singer in Catalan.
  • August 7: Ahmed Ould Daddah, a Mauritanian politician and economist.
  • August 7: B. J. Thomas, American singer.
  • August 11: Tabajara Ruas, Brazilian writer, journalist and filmmaker.
  • August 14: Francisco Labastida Ochoa, a Mexican politician and economist.
  • August 15: Héctor Alarcón Correa, Colombian teacher and farmer (f. 2012).
  • August 19: Jorgelina Aranda, actress, model and vedette argentina (f. 2015).
  • August 19: Fred Thompson, American politician and actor.
  • August 23: Susana Vieira, Brazilian actress.
  • August 27: Per Stig Møller, Danish politician.
  • August 27: Tanya Atwater, American geophysics and geologist.
  • August 29: Carmen Díez de Rivera, Spanish politics (f. 1999).


  • September 2: Gustavo Angarita, Colombian actor.
  • September 3: Al Jardine, American musician, from The Beach Boys band.
  • September 3: Gregorio Rosa Chávez, Cardinal and Salvadoran Catholic Bishop.
  • September 4: Biser Kirov, singer (tenor) pop, producer and Bulgarian diplomat.
  • 4 September: Alberto Ramón Vilanova, Argentine psychologist (f. 2003).
  • September 5: Eduardo Mata, Mexican musician (f. 1995).
  • September 10: Christine Darden, math, data analyst and American aeronautics.
  • September 11: Ana María Anton, Argentine biologist.
  • September 17: Lupe Ontiveros, American actress (f. 2012).
  • September 18: Gabriella Ferri, Italian singer (f. 2004).
  • September 21: Luis Mateo Díez, a Spanish writer.
  • September 22: Annette Funicello, American actress and singer (f. 2013).
  • September 22: Marina Mayoral, Spanish writer and teacher.
  • September 22: David Stern, American lawyer and NBA Commissioner (f. 2020)
  • September 23: Miguel Ángel Ciuro Caldani, Argentine jurist, an exponent of the Trial Theory of the legal world.
  • September 24: Hanna Damasio, Portuguese neurologist.
  • September 26: Emilio Gutiérrez Caba, Spanish actor.
  • September 28: Donna Leon, American writer.
  • September 29: Madeline Kahn, American actress (f. 1999).
  • September 29: Ian McShane, British actor.


  • October 1st: Jean-Pierre Jabouille, French motorist.
  • October 1st: Marquito Montoya (Carlos Rodríguez), singer and Argentine composer of pop music.
  • October 2: Steve Sabol, American audiovisual producer (f. 2012).
  • October 3: Roberto Perfumo, Argentine footballer (f.2016).
  • October 11: James Oliver Huberty, mass murderer and head of the Mcdonald's Massacre of 1984.
  • October 14: Manuel Herrera, filmmaker, documentaryist and Cuban writer.
  • October 19: Iñaki Gabilondo, Spanish journalist.
  • October 21: Guy Saint-Vil, Haitian footballer.
  • October 22: Annette Funicello, American actress and singer (f. 2013).
  • October 23: Michael Crichton, American writer and writer (f. 2008).
  • October 25: Jaime Barbini, Colombian actor (f. 2022).
  • October 26: Bob Hoskins, British actor and director (f. 2014).


  • November 1st: Larry Flynt, American pornographic editor (f. 2021).
  • 1 November: Aída Rubino, actress of cinema, theater and Argentine television (f. 2021).
  • November 2nd: Stefanie Powers, American actress and singer.
  • 7 November: Roger Bartra, anthropologist, sociologist and Mexican academic.
  • November 8: Sara Gómez, Cuban filmmaker and feminist of black race (f. 1974).
  • November 8: Sandro Mazzola, Italian footballer.
  • 12 November: Cristina Peri Rossi, poet, narrator and Uruguayan essayist.
  • 13 November: Andrea D’Odorico, theatrical producer and Italian stage designer (f. 2014).
  • 15 November: Daniel Barenboim, director of the Argentine-Israeli orchestra and pianist.
  • November 17: Martin Scorsese, American filmmaker.
  • November 18: Monica Randall, TV presenter and Spanish actress.
  • November 18: Linda Evans, American television actress.
  • November 19: Calvin Klein, American fashion designer.
  • November 19: Moris, singer, musician and Argentine composer.
  • November 20: Joe Biden, American politician, President of the United States since 2021.
  • November 24: Billy Connolly, Scottish actor and comedian.
  • 25 November:
    • María Elena de Cañizales, Venezuelan politics.
    • Mary da Cuña, actress and theatre director Uruguay (f. 2016).
  • November 27: Jimi Hendrix, American rock musician (f. 1970).
  • November 30: Francisco Chaparro, Spanish football coach.
  • November 30: María Ángeles Durán, sociologist, economist, teacher, writer and Spanish researcher.


  • December 3: Pedro Virgilio Rocha, Uruguayan footballer (f. 2013).
  • December 6: Silvio Angel, Colombian actor.
  • December 7: Rudy Márquez, Venezuelan singer.
  • December 9: Billy Bremner, Scottish footballer (f. 1997).
  • December 14: Juan Diego, Spanish actor.
  • December 15: Canela, journalist and television presenter íloargentina.
  • December 15: Dave Clark, British singer and drummer The Dave Clark Five.
  • December 17: Juan de Dios Román, Spanish basketball trainer. (f.2020).
  • December 20: María Rosa Fugazot, actress, comedian, singer and former Argentinean vedette.
  • December 21: Hu Jintao, Chinese politician.
  • December 23: Quentin Bryce, a former Australian general governor.
  • December 29: Jorge Alberto Leanza, Mexican football referee.
  • December 31: Andy Summers, British musician.

Unknown date

  • Ignacio Rodríguez Iturbe, American Venezuelan hydrologist.


  • January 6: Aleksandr Beliáyev, Russian writer of science fiction (n. 1884).
  • January 9: Juan Veltroni, Italian architect (n. 1880).
  • January 12: Vladimir Petliakov, Russian aircraft designer (n. 1891).
  • January 22: Walter Richard Sickert, British impressionist painter of German origin (n. 1860).
  • February 22: Stefan Zweig, Austrian writer (n. 1881).
  • February 22: Vera Timanova, Russian pianist (n. 1855).
  • February 24: Anton Drexler, head of the Nazi Party between 1919 and 1921 (n. 1884).
  • March 8: José Raúl Capablanca and Graupera, a Cuban chess player (n. 1888).
  • March 10: Sir William Henry Bragg, British physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1915.
  • March 16: Yákov Perelmán, Russian scientific writer and divulner (n. 1882).
  • 16 March: Alexander von Zemlinsky, Austrian orchestra director.
  • March 28: Miguel Hernández, Spanish poet (n. 1910).
  • April 17: Jean Perrin, French physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1926 (n. 1870).
  • April 27: Emil von Sauer, composer, pianist, editor of scores and professor of German piano (n. 1862).
  • April 22: Fritz Platten, a Swiss socialist (n. 1883).
  • July 26: Roberto Arlt, novelist, playwright and Argentine journalist (n. 1900).
  • July 26: Titus Brandsma, a Carmelite priest and philosopher, killed by the Nazis (n. 1881).
  • August 3: Richard Willstätter, German chemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1915 (n. 1872).
  • August 18: Erwin Schulhoff, Czech composer (n. 1894).
  • September 1: Juan José Domínguez Muñoz, an anti-franist phalangist (n. 1916).
  • 14 September: Rubén Ruiz Ibárruri, son of La Pasionaria, during the Battle of Stalingrad. Hero of the Soviet Union on a posthumous basis (n. 1920).
  • September 15: Gabriel Terra, Uruguayan president (n. 1873).
  • October 18: Mikhail Nésterov, Russian painter (n. 1862).
  • November 12: Amparo López Jean, galleguist and Spanish suffrageist (n. 1885).
  • December 22: Franz Boas, American anthropologist (n. 1858).
  • December 27: William George Morgan, American educator and inventor of volleyball.
  • José María Eguren, Peruvian poet.

Art and literature

  • Albert Camus: Foreign, The Myth of Sispho.
  • Arturo D. Hernández: Sangama.
  • Camilo José Cela: The family of Pascual Duarte.
  • C. S. Lewis: Letters from the devil to his nephew.
  • Francis Ponge: From things.
  • Helmut Flieg: Rehenes.
  • Saint-John Perse: Exile.
  • T. S. Eliot publishes the last Four quartets"Little Gidding."
  • André Breton holds his lecture "Situation of Surrealism between the Two Wars" at Yale University.
  • Edward Hopper finishes his most recognized painting: Nighthawks.
  • Agatha Christie: A body in the library, Five pigs, The case of the anonymous.
  • John Steinbeck: The Moon Is Down.
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: War pilot.


  • The FC Barcelona creates the platoon and hockey sections on online skates disciplines in which it is currently the most laureated club in the world.
  • Uruguayan Football Championship: National is dedicated champion for the seventeenth time.
  • One of the teams of the Venezuelan League of Professional Baseball, the Cardinals of Lara, is created.



  • 1 April: There was a father. Yasujirō Ozu.
  • 13 August: Bambi David Hand.
  • 26 November: Casablanca by Michael Curtiz (USA). With Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart.
  • Abyss of passion (Kings RowSam Wood.
  • The matter of the day (The talk of the townGeorge Stevens.
  • Dancing is born love (You Were Never LovelierWilliam A. Seiter.
  • The Baisano Jalil de Joaquín Pardavé (Mexico). With Joaquín Pardavé and Sara García
  • The black swan (The black swanHenry King.
  • The fourth commandment (The Magnificent AmbersonsOrson Welles.
  • Istanbul ("Journey into Fear"), Norman Foster.
  • The strange passenger ("Now, Voyager") of Irving Rapper.
  • History of a great love of Julio Bracho (Mexico). Period film with Jorge Negrete, Gloria Marín, Andrés Soler, Domingo Soler, Sara García and Ernesto Alonso
  • Wake Island ("Wake Island"), John Farrow.
  • Desperate journey of Raoul Walsh.
  • I married a witch ("I Married a Witch") from René Clair.
  • The woman of the year ("Woman of the year"), by George Stevens.
  • The Panther Woman ("Cat People"), by Jacques Tourneur.
  • Fog in the past (Random Harvest), by Mervyn LeRoy.
  • The oldest and the minor ("The major and the minor"), by Billy Wilder.
  • The pride of the yankis ("The pride of the yankees"), by Sam Wood.
  • Caribbean Sea Pirates ("Reap the wild wind"), by Cecil B. DeMille.
  • I remember love ("A Garibaldino to the Convent"), by Vittorio De Sica.
  • Sabotage ("Sabotage"), Alfred Hitchcock.
  • Mrs. Miniver ("Mrs. Miniver"), by William Wyler.
  • Be or not be ("To Be or Not to Be") by Ernst Lubitsch.
  • The usurpers ("The Spoilers"), by Ray Enright.
  • Yanqui Dandy ("Yankee Doodle Dandy"), by Michael Curtiz.


Nobel laureates

  • Physics: one third destined to the main fund and two thirds to the special fund of this section of the prize.
  • Chemistry: one third for the main fund and two thirds for the special fund of this section of the award.
  • Medicine: one third destined to the main fund and two thirds to the special fund of this section of the prize.
  • Literature: one third for the main fund and two thirds for the special fund of this section of the award.
  • Peace: one third for the main fund and two thirds for the special fund of this section of the prize.

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