
1941 (MCMXLI) was a common year beginning on a Wednesday according to the Gregorian calendar.



  • January 4: In the United States, the German film actress Marlene Dietrich gets US nationality.
  • January 8: the founder of the Scouts Robert Baden-Powell died.
  • January 10: Germany and the Soviet Union signed a pact in Berlin that defined the new borders between the two countries.
  • 11 January: Yemen has an earthquake of 6.5, leaving a balance of 1,200 dead.
  • 15 January: in Spain, King Alfonso XIII abdicates his rights to the throne in his son Juan de Borbón, Count of Barcelona.
  • January 20: In the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt swears for the third time his office as president.
  • January 30: In the framework of the Second World War, Italians cannot move forward due to lack of fuel, and retire to Derna, Tripolitania, which is occupied by Australians.
  • January 31: British General Richard O’Connor holds a meeting with the rest of the commanders (and with a Vawell envoy, who was in Greece), where he analyzes the retirement situation presented by the Italians who were collecting all their material to leave the Cirenaica.


  • 1 February: RENFE (National Network of Spanish Railways) is constituted.
  • February 1st: In the Soviet Union the regular airline opens to the Bering Sea.
  • February 2nd: in Bordighera, Italy, there are dictators Francisco Franco and Benito Mussolini.
  • February 2: In Chile, the 16th edition of the Copa América begins.
  • 4 February: Wavell was in Cirenaica, while the 7th Armored Division (with 40 heavy carts and 80 light ones) advanced on Msus. At their side the Australians were on the main road between Barca and Bengasi. Italians try to organize some resistance and break the fence, but they are quickly detained.
  • 4 February: O'Connor tries to advance further, but the High Command had already decided to concentrate its efforts on the Greek Campaign.
  • February 6: General Erwin Rommel is appointed head of Afrika Korps, German armoured troops to operate in North Africa. British and Australian troops enter Benghazi (Libya).
  • 6 February: The U.S. House of Representatives rejects the Republican request to set a ceiling for aid to the United Kingdom.
  • 7 February: the first provision of the Reich on X-ray protection and radioactive substances regulates protective measures against these radiations in the non-medical area.
  • 11 February: British planes bomb the German city of Hannover.
  • 14 February: German troops from Africa Korps, led by General Rommel, arrive in Tripoli, Libya.
  • February 15: the Spanish city of Santander suffers in the early morning a demolishing fire that destroyed most of the old town of the city.
  • February 15: In Moscow the XVIII Congress of the General Union of the PCUS was inaugurated.
  • 17 February: Italy and Turkey sign a non-aggression pact.
  • 14 February: in the province of Pontevedra, Spain, a hurricane strikes some 150,000 trees and destroys the towers of more than 300 churches.
  • February 19: Madeira Island is devastated by a cyclone.
  • February 28: In the city of Bogotá (Colombia) the Club Independiente Santa Fe was founded.


  • 1 March: Bulgaria adheres to the Tripartite Covenant.
  • 3 March: in Barcelona the First Hall of the Spanish Fashion is celebrated.
  • March 3: In Libya, British forces occupy the Cirenaica.
  • March 4: In the United States, Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt swears as president for a third term.
  • March 4th: in Santiago (Chile) Ends the Americas Cup and Argentina wins its Sixth Title.
  • 7 March: Günther Prien is lost in the sea next to the crew of the U-47 on patrol number 12
  • March 22: London professor of internal medicine Eric Bywaters systematically describes crushing syndrome with mioglobinuria (red urine staining) and kidney failure.
  • 25 March: the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Yugoslavia sign the addition of the country to the Tripartite Pact.
  • 27 March: coup d ' état in Yugoslavia headed by army officers unconformed by the inclusion of the country in the Tripartite Pact, overthrowing the government of the regent Paul of Yugoslavia and proclaiming King Peter II to form a new government with General Dušan Simović at the forefront.


  • April 2: In Rostock, a test pilot named Schäfer takes off on board the first plane equipped with two engines in reaction.
  • 6 April: the invasion of Yugoslavia by the Axis forces led by Germany begins with the participation of forces from Italy, Bulgaria and Hungary.
  • 10 April: In North Africa the Tobruk site begins after the British withdrawal of Cirenaica.
  • April 15: In the Mexican state of Colima there is an earthquake of 7.7 that leaves a balance of 90 dead.
  • 17 April: the Yugoslav Royal Army surrendered to the Axis forces after the invasion of Yugoslavia and 11 days of struggle.
  • 21 April: in Barruelo de Santullán (in the palentin mining basin), 18 miners are killed as a result of a gray explosion in the Pozo Calero.


  • May 5: In Venezuela, General Isaiah Medina Angarita assumes the presidency.
  • May 13: In New York, African American pianist Fats Waller (1904-1943) recorded a famous version of the jazz song Georgia on my mind.
  • May 27: In the Atlantic, the battleship Bismarck is sunk by British ships.


  • June 21: In Mexico City, the Spanish republican government in exile founded the Madrid College.
  • June 22: Operation Barbaross begins; the German Third Reich Armed Forces invade the Soviet Union.
  • 26 June: there is a strong earthquake of 8.1 in the Andaman Islands that causes a tsunami with several deaths and damages.
  • June 27: In Spain, the Minister Secretary of the Movement, José Luis Arrese, published a manifesto in which he requested the creation of a body of volunteers to fight in the Soviet Union.
  • June 27: Czechoslovak composer Erwin Schulhoff is deported to the concentration camp in Wülzburg, where he would die a year later.


  • 1 July: in New York, at 13:29 h, the first television announcement of the story is broadcast on the WNBT chain. The advertiser was the Bulova watch company and paid US$ 9.00 for an ad of 10 seconds. It was released on the baseball game break that confronted the Brooklyn Dodgers against the Philadelphia Phillies.
  • July 5: In the framework of World War II, German troops reach the Dniéper River.
  • July 5: the Peruvian-Ecuadorian War begins.
  • July 18: Japanese troops landed in southern Indochina.
  • July 27: Peru used for the first time in the Western Hemisphere an attack of airborne and parachuting forces to take Puerto Bolivar during the Peruvian-Ecuadorian War.
  • July 31: Reinhard Heydrich, the second in command of the SS, finished the writing of document T/179, No. 461, detailing the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem.


  • August 25: the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran begins.


  • September 1st: All Jews are ordered to wear a yellow bracelet with the star of David in white as identification.
  • September 1: In front of the east, the German army advances towards the city of Leningrad by gunning for the artillery.
  • September 1: Washington, the United States Atlantic fleet announces the formation of a patrol assigned to the Denmark Strait.
  • September 1: two heavy cruises and four destroyers will compose this force.
  • September 1st: The United States Navy is now ready to escort convoys in the Atlantic transporting American goods.
  • September 1st: in Cologne, Germany, the 7th Anti-Aereal Division is formed.
  • September 2: In Italy, the Fascist Diary D'Italia de Il Popolo It publishes that Adolf Hitler and Mussolini propose to unify Europe and to promote the "haronious cooperation of all European peoples".
  • 2 September: the RAF daily attacks on occupied Europe have been suspended only 19 days during the months of August and September.
  • September 3: In Norway, the British aircraft carrier Victorious launches an air strike against the German facilities in Tromsø with little result.
  • September 3: In Tokyo, the Japanese are informed that a meeting between Prince Konoye and President Roosevelt is impossible.
  • September 3: The gas chambers are used for the first time in Auschwitz.
  • September 4: In the North Atlantic, the German U-652 submarine attacks the American destroyer USS Greer in the waters of Iceland, while escorting a convoy, the counterattack destroyer and trying to sink the submarine with deep loads.
  • September 4: Roosevelt (American President) quotes the incident as an example of Germany's aggression against the United States
  • 4 September: the Finns refuse to advance towards Leningrad.
  • September 5: In Norway, RAF bombers attack the German Admiral Scheer pocket battleship on the Oslo fjords.
  • September 5: The British release General Henri Dentz in exchange for the release of British prisoners in Syria.
  • September 6: In Japan, Prime Minister Konoye flakes at the military pressure to begin preparations to start the war in mid-October, if no agreement is reached with the Americans on the oil embargo.
  • 6 September: in its guideline No. 35, Adolf Hitler orders the taking of Moscow, following the Operation of Ukraine.
  • September 6: In Manchester, Sun Castle wins St. Leger.
  • September 6: U.S. Ambassador Grew warns his superiors at the White House that if Konoye's conciliatory offers are not considered, the Japanese prime minister could be deposed by a military dictatorship.
  • 7 September: In Norway, the British aircraft carrier Victorious re-launched an air strike against the German facilities in Tromsø with the same result.
  • September 8: In the Eastern Front, the Finnish attacks continue against the Soviets in the area between Lake Ladoga and Lake Onega cutting the railway line of Múrmansk in the south, a vital port in the north for the supply of the Soviet Union.
  • 8 September: the Russians claim to have made advances near Smolensko, beating eight German divisions.
  • 9 September: On the east front, the Spanish Volunteer Division, the Blue Division comes to serve with the German army on the front of Leningrad.
  • September 10: On the east front the attacks of General Heinz Guderian's 2nd Panzer Group against Soviet forces east of Kiev reach Konotop.
    • September 10: General Ewald von Kleist's 1st Panzer Group begins a breakdown of his bridge head over the Dniéper River near Kremenchug.
    • in Turkey, an earthquake of 5.9 leaves a balance of over 400 dead and 600 destroyed buildings.
  • September 11: Washington D.C., as a result of the incident of the USS Greer warship, the president announces that U.S. warships will be able to "disseminate first and ask later" to ensure the protection of the waters "necessary for U.S. defense." This forms a situation that was already common.
  • 11 September: the German order of the day indicates that Leningrad must be quickly conquered, whatever the price, Zhúkov takes over the city.
  • 11 September: the construction of the Pentagon begins
  • September 12: On the east front, north of Kiev, the city of Chernigov, on the north side of the river Desna is evacuated by the imminent advance of the 2nd German Army, the first snowfalls of the year begin to fall.
  • September 12: In Norway the Norwegian government under the pro-German leadership of Vidkun Quisling prohibits young explorers' associations and other youth clubs, require boys to join the youth sections of the Nasjonal Samling party.
  • 13 September: In the Pacific Ocean the Japanese combined fleet ends a four-day exercise.
  • 13 September: the German High Command announces that Soviet prisoners of war will have smaller rations than those of other nationalities.
  • 13 September: in the Nuevo Circo de Caracas (Venezuela), the politician Rómulo Betancourt founded Acción Democrática, considered the main political party of the second half of the 20th century in Venezuela.
  • 14 September: in a Helsinki shipyard (Finland) three German dredamines are sabotaged.
  • September 15: On the east side of Leningrad, German forces capture Schlusselburg on the south bank of Lake Ladoga, totally incommunicadorating the city. The site of Leningrad begins.
  • September 15: In the United States, the general legal body dictates that the neutrality record is not being violated because U.S. ships carry war material to the British territories and in the near and far east or the Western Hemisphere.
  • September 15: In the Champs-Elysées of Paris, French partisans attack German soldiers.
  • September 16: In the Eastern Front, the Panzer forces of General Heinz Guderian and the 1st Panzer Group of General Ewald von Kleist near the city of Lokhvista, close to 600,000 Soviet soldiers in a bag stretching from the west to 100 miles Kiev.
  • 16 September: in Iran, the Shah abdicates in favor of Prince Mohammad Reza Pahlaví under pressure from the Anglo-Soviet troops who invade the country.
  • September 17: In Washington, D.C., the U.S. Navy is increasing its troops to escort the Atlantic convoys, assumes responsibility for part of the Halifax line and the security of traffic to Iceland, will increase Canadian naval escorts travelling to 22 degrees west until British escorts take over.
  • September 17: Allied forces in Iran occupy the capital Tehran making sure the Axis influence is stopped.
  • September 17: In the Eastern Front there are strong fighting in the peripheral areas of the city of Kiev between the Soviet and German forces.
  • September 18: In Washington, D.C., President Roosevelt is asking Congress for $5985 million more to help the United Kingdom.
  • 19 September: on the east front the city of Kiev yields to the German forces of the South Army Group after nearly six weeks of struggles, the Soviet losses in the battle are approximately half a million casualties; German deaths are estimated at 100,000.
  • September 19: In the occupied Yugoslavia the meetings between the two main leaders, Josip Broz Tito and Draža Mihajlović begin to discuss the resistance to the Germans, the political differences divide two groups and no agreement is reached, the struggles between the two factions soon begin.
  • 20 September: in the port of Gibraltar, an Italian minisubmarine attacks two ships.
  • September 21: On the east front in the vicinity of Leningrad, Luftwaffe begins its attacks against the Baltic Soviet fleet in the port of Kronstadt.
  • 21 September: the British bomber The Mosquito makes its first operational reconnaissance flight.
  • September 22: Heydrich, who heads the secret police in Berlin since 1934, is appointed Reich protector for Bohemia and Moravia.
  • September 22: UK, King George of Greece arrives in London.
  • September 23: in Washington D.C., President Roosevelt announced the possibility of arming US merchant ships to repel German attacks.
  • September 24: On the east front, near Leningrad, after four days of Luftwaffe attacks against the Soviet Baltic fleet, the battleship is plunged Marat and are damaged Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya And two cruises. Meanwhile, the Panzers of the South Army Group penetrate up to 40 miles from Kharkov.
  • September 24th: in the Mediterranean, the first German submarine takes over Gibraltar and manages to enter the Mediterranean Sea.
  • September 24: Allies begin Operation Halberd to bring soldiers and supplies to Malta. The initial convoy consists of 9 transports with an escort of 3 battleships, 1 carriers, 5 cruises and 18 destroyers.
  • September 25: On the east front the German armies isolate Soviet forces on the Crimean peninsula.
  • September 25: Near Perekop the German attacks of paratroopers begin.
  • 26 September: in the Mediterranean, the Italian admiral Angelo Iachino commands a naval force composed of 2 battleships, 6 cruises and 14 destroyers for the allied convoy of relay that sails to Malta.
  • 27 September: In North Africa the Wolchefit site ends when the Italian garrison is delivered to the 25th African Brigade of the East.
  • 27 September: on the east front the German forces arrive at Perekop in their advance the Crimean peninsula.
  • 27 September: in the Mediterranean Sea the allied convoy to Malta is found by Italian air reconnaissance forces and suffers the loss of a transport, the Italian naval force pursues the convoy but fails to reach it, the convoy successfully delivers 50,000 tons of food to the island.
  • 27 September: In the occupied Czechoslovakia, the German governor of Bohemia and Moravia, Konstantin von Neurath resigns, Heydrich replaces him.
  • September 27: In the United States, the first 14 Libertador class ships are launched (312 are under construction).
  • September 28: An Allied Conference is held in Moscow. Harriman (United States), Beaverbrook (United Kingdom) and Viacheslav Mólotov (the Soviet Union), led the delegations.
  • September 28: The Franciscan Apostolate of Saint Judas Tadeo, considered the second largest brotherhood in Lima, whose first president was Dr. Carlos Arias Sherieber.
  • September 29: In Kiev the Germans execute more than 30,000 Jews.
  • September 30: On the east front, General Heinz Guderian's 2nd Panzer Group moves north to form the right flank of the planned German attack against Moscow, begin with a advance towards Orell and Briansk, in the south the 1st Panzer Group of General Ewald von Kleist attacks Dnipropetrovsk, Soviet resistance is minimal.


  • 1 October: on the east front, Finnish forces stationed near Leningrad attack and capture Petrozavodsk.
  • October 1st: In Moscow the Allied Conference ends.
  • 1 October: Russia is seeking UK assistance in compensation for raw materials sent to the United Kingdom.
  • October 1st: The House of Commons vote the third war budget of the year, worth £1 billion.
  • 2 October: the Option Tifón officially begins, for the occupation of Moscow, the third Panzer Group of General Hermann Hoth, the fourth Panzer Group of General Hoeppner, the armies such as the 2nd Army, the 4th Army and the 9th Army join the 2nd Panzer Group of General Heinz Guderian, the operation also includes a substantial air coverage of the Luftwaffe.
  • 2 October: in Australia the Labour Party led by John Curtin wins the elections.
  • 2 October: the Central Army Group launches a major offensive on Moscow.
  • 2 October: Adolf Hitler says in his speech to the troops "Today is the beginning of the last great battle of the year."
  • October 3: in Berlin Adolf Hitler proclaims in a speech that "this enemy [the Soviet Union] is broken and will never rise again", Goebbels announces that they have evacuated 1,500,000 children and 150,000 mothers from the big cities to safer areas.
  • October 3: In the occupied Czechoslovakia, Mayor Klapka of Prague is executed accused of activities against the Nazis.
  • October 3: Accidental deaths on British roads during the second year of war are 65% higher than in times of peace.
  • 4 October: on the east front, the 4th Panzer Group of Hoeppner strikes near Vyazma of the south.
  • 4 October: Hoth forces in the north are still fighting in the Soviet line between Vyazma and Rzhev.
  • 4 October: On the right flank of the attack, General Guderian forces approach Orell and Briansk.
  • 4 October: a large number of Soviet troops are at risk of being surrounded.
  • October 5: North Africa, British air raid in Tripoli during the night.
  • October 5: In occupied France, the German authorities destroy 6 Jewish synagogues in Paris.
  • October 5: in Vichy, France, Marshal Petain conmutes the death penalty of Paul Collette, who attempted to murder Laval and Deat.
  • 5 October: the 2nd Panzer Group is disintegrated.
  • October 6: In Washington, D.C., representatives of the governments of Japan and the United States meet at a time when tension between the two countries increases dangerously.
  • 6 October: on the east front the right flank of General Kleist reaches Berdyansk, in the sea of Azoz that catches over 100,000 Soviet soldiers.
  • October 6: The 11th German Army is trying to join Kleist by attacking along the coast.
  • 6 October: the Soviet position near Vyazma and Briansk deteriorates quickly, closes the bag and begins to decline.
  • 7 October: The Moscow Government orders the evacuation of the city of Orell in the face of the German attack.
  • 7 October: the German advance on Moscow continues.
  • 7 October: Stalin decrees religious freedom in order to raise the morals of the people.
  • October 8: In front of the east German forces take Mariúpol in the sea of Azov.
  • 8 October: the German advances in the northeast are now heading towards Rzhev and Kalinin and in the south towards Tula and Kaluga.
  • October 8: Fall rains begin and strong rains begin to slow down the fast German mobile advance.
  • October 9: In Washington, D.C., President Roosevelt calls for Congress to allow US merchant ships to arm themselves and to repeal the parts of the neutrality record.
  • October 9: In the United States, President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorizes the development of the atomic bomb.
  • October 10: In the Soviet Union General Zhúkov is called to Moscow from Leningrad to assume the command of the defense of capital.
  • October 11: In the Soviet Union, the total evacuation of women and children from Moscow begins, employing thousands of workers and students in digging anti-tank ditches near the city.
  • October 12: On the east front the German advance towards Moscow continues despite the heavy rains.
  • October 12: Kaluga is captured after forcibly fighting with the Soviets.
  • October 12: Briansk city is evacuated, but fighting continues in the area.
  • 12 October: Women and children are evacuated from Moscow.
  • October 12: In North Africa, the relay operations continue in the British advanced post besieged in Tobruk.
  • October 12: The Latona miner is sunk by a Stuka attack and a destroyer is damaged in operations.
  • October 12: The Germans take Briansk.
  • 13 October: In front of the east, German units force the Soviet army to withdraw from Vyazma and the resistance in the area is falling.
  • October 14: In front of the east, northwest, the German attack on Moscow reaches Kalinin.
  • 14 October: Soviet resistance is minimal, while the Battle of Vyazma concludes.
  • 14 October: In southern Ukraine, Soviet troops retreat as the Germans approach the port of Rostov.
  • 14 October: the dismemberment of Russian troops is announced.
  • 14 October: rain and mud begin to hinder the German advance.
  • October 15: Occupied Poland, the German authorities announce that any Jewish person found outside the ghettos will be publicly executed.
  • October 15: In front of the east, the Soviet evacuates Odessa in the Black Sea, through a bag that has been held out behind the German lines for several weeks, draws approximately 35 000 men from three divisions to Sebastopol.
  • 15 October: two cruises, four destroyers and several smaller vessels are used for evacuation.
  • 16 October: In front of the east, the rapid German advance towards Moscow leads to an exodus of diplomats and foreign government personnel to Kuibyshev.
  • 16 October: Marshal Philippe Pétain ordered the arrest of Léon Blum, Maurice Gamelin, Ernest Mandel and Paul Reynaud.
  • 16 October: the discomfort between the French population increases.
  • October 16: In Japan, Prime Minister Konoye resigns. Hideki Tōjō (war minister) is replaced by the Ministry of Interior and War, Shigenori Tōgō is appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and Admiral Shimada, Minister of the War Navy. This cabinet becomes favorable to war.
  • October 16: In the North Atlantic the German U-568 submarine attacks the destroyer Kearny of the United States with a torpedo, perish 11 sailors in the Kearny.
  • 16 October: Moscow is in grave danger.
  • October 16: The government and the diplomatic corps leave the city, while Stalin remains in it.
  • October 16: Odessa in the Black Sea, falls in power of the Romanian troops, after the Russian maritime evacuation.
  • October 16: crisis in the Japanese government, Tojo replaces Konoye.
  • October 17: Front of the east, in the south, German troops capture Taganrog in the sea of Azov.
  • 17 October: preparations for transporting Muslim pilgrims to Mecca are completed in India, despite the shortage of transport in time of war.
  • October 17: The American Destroyer USS Kearny is reached by a German torpedo in the waters of Iceland, Congress authorizes merchant ships to go armed.
  • October 18: Front of the East, Mozhaysk is taken by the units of the 4th Panzer Group, the Germans continue their advance to Moscow.
  • October 18: The Germans are 65 miles from Moscow.
  • October 19: In Moscow, Stalin announced his intention to remain in Moscow despite the threat of advance by German forces.
  • October 19: Stalin declares the capital in a state of siege to defend it until the end.
  • October 19: 673,000 Russian prisoners, fall before the Germans, is the record number since September 30.
  • 19 October: martial law is declared in the city and three defensive lines are set around the city of Moscow.
  • October 20: In front of the east, fighting continues around Moscow and in the vicinity of Mozhaysk and Malayroslavets.
  • October 20: The Government of Afghanistan provides for the expulsion of Italian and German subjects and citizens.
  • October 20: in Nantes (France), the members of the French resistance shoot at a German commander. In retaliation, the Germans execute fifty prisoners.
  • October 20: beginning of the Kragujevac Massacre in Serbia of Nedić. More than 5000 civilians (women, children) (Serbs, Roma) were killed by Nazis in reprisal for a partisan attack on German soldiers.
  • 21 October: German forces occupy the Donetz Basin, the region of the Soviet Union on the plain of the same name and the Dnieper River.
  • 21 October: In the Baltic Sea, German naval forces occupy the island of Dago.
  • October 21: Zhúkov takes command of the Moscow garrison.
  • 22 October: the German army's advanced forces arrived in the vicinity of Moscow.
  • October 22: 50 hostages are shot in Nantes, France as reprisal for the murder of the German military commander, 50 others will be shot if the killer is not taken.
  • 22 October: in Bordeaux, France, the German Nazis carry out an important raid: 100 people are arrested, of which 50 are immediately shot.
  • October 22: Charles de Gaulle recommends to the French resistance «astucia y prudencia».
  • 23 October: Stalin reorganizes the command system of the Soviet army by giving Zhukov the command of the north half of the front to General Timoshenko the southern zone.
  • October 24: In front of the east, the Ukrainian city of Járkov falls due to the attack coordinated by the 6th German Army and the 17th Army, both of which are grouped in the south.
  • October 24: the Germans take Járkov, north of Rostov.
  • 25 October: United Kingdom, the British Prince of Wales, takes Admiral Phillips to the east where he must take command of the British fleet of the east which will have the Prince of Wales as a flagship.
  • October 26: Front of the East, on the Crimean Peninsula, German forces break the Soviet defenses through the isthmus of Perekop.
  • October 27: Front of the East, in Ukraine, the German advances continue with the capture of the city of Kramatorsk.
  • 27 October: the Russians counterattack around Moscow.
  • 27 October: new German victories in the South Army Group.
  • October 27: in his radio talk of Navy Day, Roosevelt says, "The United States has been attacked: the battle has begun."
  • October 28: In front of the east, bad weather and long supply lines begin to slow the German advances towards Moscow, muddy conditions and cold weather prevail.
  • October 28: In the north, German forces take Volokolamsk.
  • 29 October: Front of the East, the first of the reserve lines in the prevention of an attack in the Siberian area, is directed to the western part of Moscow.
  • 29 October: German advance continues in Crimea.
  • October 30: In front of the east, Operation Typhoon stops until the arrival of the winter.
  • October 30: the fall rains fan has immobilized the German vehicles.
  • October 31: In the North Atlantic, the USS Reuben James, an American destroyer is sunk from the coast of Iceland by a German submarine with the loss of 100 of the sailors on board, is the first American warship sunk in the war without declaring the Germans in the Atlantic.
  • 31 October: British civilian casualties during the month of October have been reduced to 262 deaths.
  • October 31: RAF has continued its attacks on occupied Europe, Hamburg and Cologne were bombarded three times.
  • October 31: Dover has been the only British city that suffered air strikes.
  • 31 October: the raids on the Mediterranean continue.
  • October 31: Bengasi has been bombed 14 times and Tripoli 10 times.


  • 1 November: Mozhaisk, Chapochnikov, head of the General Staff.
  • 2 November: 8 November: occupation of Kursk, Feodosiya, Yalta.
  • 7 November: the Finnish advance stops on all fronts.
  • 9 November: The Germans occupy the terminal station of Tijvin.
  • 13 November: near Gibraltar, the German U-81 submarine led by Captain Friedrich Guggenberger, torpedo to the aircraft carrier HMS Ark RoyalHe'll sink the next day.
  • 16 November: conquest of Crimea.
  • 17 November: Fedor von Bock arrives 80 km from Moscow.
  • November 18: Operation Crusader begins.
    • In Japan, an earthquake of 8.0 and a tsunami leave several dead and dozens of damaged houses.
  • 18-19 November: general offensive Cunningham, and take Sidi-Rézegh in Libya.
  • 21 November: the Germans enter Rostov.
  • November 24: Erwin Rommel begins the attack on the border.
  • 24 November: the German authorities establish the ghetto of Terezin, in the protectorates of Bohemia-Moravia.
  • November 26: Cunningham replaces Ritchie.
  • 26 November: the German SS authorities establish a new Auschwitz-Birkenau or Auschwitz II camp with the intention of imprisoning Soviet war prisons, but it was subsequently used as massacre.
  • 27 November: the British re-establish their links with Tobruk.
  • 27 November: mobilization in the Philippines.
  • 27 November: German advanced units are 30 km from Moscow.
  • 28 November: the South Army Group withdrew from Rostov, Russian counterattacks begin.
  • November 28: Rundstedt resigns from command.


  • 1 December: Japan: Emperor Hirohito officially approves the beginning of the war against the United States and the Commonwealth countries.
  • December 6: On the east front, the Soviet army began the counterattack to relieve pressure on Moscow.
  • December 7: in Pearl Harbor (Hawái), Japan performs a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base.
  • December 8: The United States declares war on Japan, Costa Rica declares war on Germany.
  • December 11: Germany and Italy declare war on the United States, four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • 13 December: in Peru, a large avalanche of mud burys the town of Huaraz. 5000 people die.
  • December 13: Hungary and Romania declare war against the United States.
  • December 14: the Football National Club defeats the Atlético Peñarol Club 6 so many against 0, in what is, the largest historical score among these two rival classics.
  • 17 December: In Taiwan, an earthquake of 7.1 is recorded, leaving a balance of 358 dead.
  • 20 December: the Japanese land on the island of Mindanao (Philippines).
  • December 20th: the Flying Tigers enter into combat, knocking down Nippon Mitsubishi Ki-21 bombers.
  • Iberian Covenant of Spain with Portugal.
  • The Spanish dictator Francisco Franco sends to Russia the Blue Division to fight alongside the Wehrmacht.



  • January 1: Simon Andreu, Spanish actor.
  • 1 January: Dardo Cabo, journalist and Argentine politician, murdered (f. 1977).
  • January 1st: Martin Evans, British geneticist and biochemical.
  • January 5: Federico García Vigil, director of orchestra and Uruguayan composer.
  • January 5: Hayao Miyazaki, Japanese animator.
  • January 8: Graham Chapman, British actor (f. 1989).
  • January 9: Joan Baez, American singer and actress.
  • January 9: Susannah York, British actress (f. 2011).
  • January 11: Barry Flanagan,

British sculptor (d. 2009).

  • January 11: Gérson de Oliveira Nunes, Brazilian footballer.
  • January 13: Pasqual Maragall i Mira, president of the government of Catalonia.
  • January 13: Walid Mualem, Syrian politician.
  • January 14: Faye Dunaway, American actress.
  • January 15: Captain Beefheart, American singer (f. 2010).
  • January 21: Plácido Domingo, Spanish tenor.
  • January 21: Richie Havens, American singer (f. 2013).
  • January 21: Margarita Percovich, Uruguayan policy.
  • January 24: Neil Diamond, American singer and musician.
  • January 24: Dan Shechtman, an Israeli chemical.
  • January 24: Luis Ángel Pinasco, presenter, locutor and Peruvian actor.
  • January 27: Carlos Benjumea, Colombian actor (f. 2021).
  • January 30: Dick Cheney, U.S. Vice President.
  • January 30: Francisco Arias Solís, Spanish politician.
  • January 31: Eugene Terre'Blanche, a South African politician (f. 2010).


  • February 5: Stephen J. Cannell, American television producer (f. 2010).
  • 10 February: Michael Apted, British filmmaker.(f.2021)
  • February 13: Sigmar Polke, German artist (f. 2010).
  • February 18: Pajarito Zaguri, guitarist and Argentine singer (f. 2013).
  • February 19: Ana María Cué, pianist, university professor and Argentine poet.
  • February 23: Alla Tarán, violinist and Ukrainian-Cuban pedagogue (f. 2017).
  • February 25: Sandy Bull, American folk musician (f. 2001).
  • February 26: Sandy Brown Wyeth, American actress.
  • February 26: Guillermina Motta, Spanish singer.


  • March 5: Alain Boublil, Tunisian libretist.
  • March 5: José María Merino, Spanish writer.
  • March 8: Palito Ortega, Argentinean singer, actor and politician.
  • March 13: Charo, Spanish guitarist.
  • March 15: Mike Love, American musician, from The Beach Boys band.
  • March 16: Bernardo Bertolucci, Italian filmmaker.
  • March 19: Bruno Gelber, Argentine pianist.
  • March 26: Richard Dawkins, British Ethologist and Scientific Dissemination.
  • March 29: Julius Cesar Cortés, ex-futbolist and Uruguayan coach.
  • March 31: Mirla Castellanos, Venezuelan singer.


  • April 5: Michael Moriarty, American-Canadian actor and musician.
  • April 6: Walter Martínez, Uruguayan journalist nationalized Venezuela.
  • April 6: Carmen Victoria Pérez, Venezuelan radio and television presenter (f. 2019).
  • April 6: Gheorghe Zamfir, flautist and Romanian composer.
  • April 8: Alfredo Amestoy, journalist, writer, publicist, communicator, television presenter and Spanish social animator.
  • April 12: Bobby Moore, British footballer (f. 1993).
  • April 13: Margaret Price, galesa singer (f. 2011).
  • April 13: Kepa Amuchastegui, Colombian actor and director.
  • April 14: Julie Christie, British actress.
  • April 16: Rosangela Balbó, Italian-Mexican actress (f. 2011).
  • April 18: Michael D. Higgins, Irish President.
  • April 19: Roberto Carlos, Brazilian singer and composer.
  • April 20: Ryan O'Neal, American actor.
  • April 20: Juan Claudio Cifuentes, Francoespañol musical critic (f. 2015).
  • April 23: Paavo Lipponen, Prime Minister of Finland.
  • April 23: Ray Tomlinson, American programmer, implemented the email (f. 2016).
  • April 24: Richard Holbrooke, American politician and diplomat (f. 2010).
  • April 25: Bertrand Tavernier, French filmmaker.
  • April 28: Ivà, a Spanish artist (f. 1993).


  • 2 May: Marcela López Rey, an Argentine actress.
  • May 5: Joaquín Leguina, Spanish politician, 1.o president of the Community of Madrid.
  • May 8: Betty Faria, Brazilian actress.
  • May 10: Eric Barney, Argentine athlete specializing in jumping with claw.
  • May 11: Eric Burdon, British blues singer.
  • 13 May: Ritchie Valens, American singer-songwriter (f. 1959).
  • May 14: Lito Cruz, Argentine actor and director.
  • May 17: Grace Zabriskie, American actress.
  • May 18: Miriam Margolyes, British actress.
  • May 24: Bob Dylan, American singer and poet, Nobel Prize in Literature.
  • May 24: Andrés García, Mexican actor.

La ciudad alberga una histórica estación de ferrocarril B&O, que se incluyó en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos en 1973 y se restauró en la década de 2000. Los trenes todavía circulan por las vías del tren detrás de la estación, pero en la actualidad se utilizan principalmente para organizaciones o reuniones especiales. Una tienda de regalos se encuentra dentro de la estación. Frente a la estación, hay una gran cantidad de festividades, principalmente actividades de temporada, como colocar el árbol de Navidad de la ciudad, decorar la plaza para un día festivo y, a veces, fiestas.

  • June 2: Charlie Watts, British musician and drummer of the Rolling Stones (f. 2021).
  • June 5: Martha Argerich, Argentine pianist.
  • June 7: Jaime Laredo, American violinist.
  • June 9: Tony Patrioli, Italian photographer.
  • June 9: Jon Lord, U.S. Keyman, of the Deep Purple band (f. 2012).
  • June 12: Chick Korea, American jazz pianist.
  • June 18: María Teresa Campos, a Spanish journalist.
  • June 18: Roger Lemerre, footballer and French coach.
  • June 21: Cecil Gordon, American racing pilot (f. 2012).
  • June 27: Krzysztof Kieślowski, screenwriter and Polish filmmaker (f. 1996).
  • June 28: David Lloyd Johnston, general governor of Canada.
  • June 30: Otto Sander, German actor (f. 2013).


  • 1 July: Alfred G. Gilman, American scientist, nobel prize for medicine or physiology in 1994.
  • July 19: Vikki Carr, American singer and actress.
  • July 21: Freitas do Amaral, Portuguese politician.
  • July 21: Fernando Jiménez del Oso, psychiatrist and Spanish journalist, specialized in mystery and parapsychology.
  • July 22: George Clinton, American musician.
  • July 23: Sergio Mattarella, Italian president.
  • July 25: Margarita Isabel, Mexican actress (f. 2017).
  • 26 July: Gian Franco Pagliaro, Italian singer (f. 2012).
  • July 30: Paul Anka, Canadian singer.
  • July 31: Aldo Antognazzi, pianist and Argentine teacher.


  • August 1st: Katsunosuke Hori, Japanese voice actor.
  • 2 August: Jules Hoffmann, a French immunologist of Luxembourg origin.
  • August 3: Martha Stewart, American TV character.
  • August 13: César Costa singer, actor, producer member of the advisory board and ambassador of Mexican UNICEF
  • August 13: Dante Grela, Argentine composer of contemporary academic music.
  • 20 August: Slobodan Milošević, Serbian President between 1989 and 1997 and Yugoslav between 1997 and 2000 (f. 2006).
  • 17 August: Lothar Bisky, German politician (f. 2013).
  • August 26: Barbet Schroeder, French filmmaker.
  • August 27: Pedro Pablo Rosso, Chilean pediatrician doctor.


  • September 2: David Bale, a South African activist, father of Christian Bale and husband of activist Gloria Steinem (f. 2003).
  • 2 September: Érika Wallner, Argentine actress (f. 2016).
  • September 10: Stephen Jay Gould, American paleontologist (f. 2002).
  • September 13: Tadao Ando, Japanese architect.
  • September 18: Michael Hartnett, Irish poet (f. 1999).
  • September 19: Mama Cass, American singer, of the band The Mamas & the Papas (f. 1974).
  • September 23: Luis Durnwalder, Italian politician.
  • September 23: Nuria Feliú, Spanish singer and actress.
  • September 25: Raymundo Gleyzer, filmmaker and Argentine journalist (f. 1976).
  • September 28: Edmund Stoiber, German politician.
  • September 30: Paul Bremer, American politician.


  • October 3: Alfonso de Borbón and Borbón-Dos Sicilias, aristocrat Spaniard (f. 1956).
  • October 3: Carlos Duplat, actor and Colombian television director.
  • October 4: Anne Rice, American novelist.
  • October 5: Orlando Barone, journalist and Argentine writer.
  • October 5: Eduardo Duhalde, an Argentine Peronist politician, president between 2002 and 2003.
  • October 8: Iñigo de Arteaga y Martín, aristocrat española (f. 2018).
  • October 11: Charles Shyer, filmmaker, screenwriter and American film producer.
  • 11 October: Eugenio Jofra Bafalluy, a Spanish humorist known as Eugenio (f. 2001).
  • October 12: Frank Alamo, French singer (f. 2012).
  • October 13: Paul Simon, American musician.
  • October 14: Fuyumi Shiraishi, Japanese voice actress.
  • October 28: Hank Marvin, British guitarist, The Shadows band.
  • October 28: Pacho O’Donnell, Argentine historian, writer and politician.
  • October 28: Doris Wells, actress, writer and filmmaker from Venezuela (f. 1988).
  • October 30: Leonor Benedetto, Argentine actress.
  • October 31: Abel Matutes Juan, Spanish politician.


  • 5 November: Art Garfunkel, American musician.
  • 7 November: Angelo Scola, Italian cardinal.
  • November 18: Monica Grey, an Argentine film actress, theatre and television. f. 2012.
  • November 20: Dino Armas, director of theatre and Uruguayan playwright.
  • November 20: Gary Karr, a classic counter bass player and an American teacher.
  • November 20: Haseena Moin, Pakistani writer.
  • 21 November: Julio Anguita González, Spanish politician.
  • 21 November: Idil Biret, Turkish pianist.
  • November 23: Oscar Alem, musician, pianist, counter- bass player and Argentine composer.
Franco Nero.
  • November 23: Franco Nero, Italian actor.
  • November 24: Horacio Altuna, Argentine hysterist.
  • 27 November: Aimé Jacquet, French football coach.


  • December 2: Yamid Amat, a Colombian journalist.
  • December 10: Fionnula Flanagan, Irish actress.
  • December 11: Damaso Blanco, baseball player and Venezuelan sports commentator.
  • 13 December: José Mijalchik, Argentine Catholic priest.
  • December 19: Lee Myung-bak, politician and former South Korean president.
  • December 21: Pedro Soto, Venezuelan actor and humorist (f. 2009).
  • December 24: Alfonso Espinosa de los Monteros, Ecuadorian news anchor.
  • December 28: Begoña Palacios, Mexican actress (f. 2000).
  • December 31: Alex Ferguson, player and British football coach.


  • January 4: Henri Bergson, a French philosopher and writer, a nobel prize of literature in 1927 (n. 1859).
  • January 5: Amy Johnson, British Aircraft (n. 1903).
  • January 8: Robert Baden-Powell, British military, founder of the sculptors (n. 1857).
  • January 10: Issai Schur, German mathematician (n. 1875).
  • January 11: Emanuel Lasker, German chess player (n. 1868).
  • January 13: James Joyce, Irish writer (n. 1882).
  • February 3: Jorge Ánckermann, pianist, director of Cuban orchestra and composer (n. 1877).
  • February 20: George Minne, Belgian sculptor (n. 1886).
  • February 21: Frederick Grant Banting, Canadian physician, nobel medical prize in 1923 (n. 1891).
  • February 28: Alfonso XIII, Spanish aristocrat, king between 1886 and 1931.
  • 4 March: Ludwig Quidde, German historian and pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize in 1927 (n. 1858).
  • March 8: José Serrano, Spanish composer of zarzuela.
  • March 15: Abigail Mejia, intellectual, photographer, educator and Dominican feminist (n. 1895)
  • March 19: José María Rodríguez Acosta, a Spanish painter (n. 1878).
  • March 28: Virginia Woolf, British writer (n. 1882).
  • April 27: Penelope Delta, Greek writer.
  • May 7: James George Frazer, British anthropologist (n. 1854).
  • June 1st: Hans Berger, German neurologist (n. 1873).
  • June 4th: William II, last German emperor.
  • June 26: Hans Ludendorff, German astronomer (n. 1873).
  • July 3: Guillermo Ascanio, a Spanish military and political communist, executed (n. 1907).
  • July 23: José Quiñones González, Peruvian military hero (n. 1914).
  • 26 July: Henri Léon Lebesgue, French mathematician (n. 1875).
  • August 7: Rabindranath Tagore, Indian writer, Nobel Literature Prize in 1913 (n. 1861).
  • August 14: Paul Sabatier, a French chemical, a nobel chemistry award in 1912 (n. 1854).
  • August 14: St Maximilian Kolbe (Martyr), Polish Franciscan friar.
  • September 11: Alipio Ponce Vásquez, Peruvian police, Hero of the Guardia Civil (n. 1906).
  • September 12: Hans Spemann, German embryologist, nobel medical prize in 1935 (n. 1869).
  • October 24: Rafael Álvarez Ovalle, Guatemalan composer, author of the National hymn.
  • October 24: Rafael Del Valle Curieses, Mexican researcher and academic (n. 1941).
  • 6 November: Maurice Leblanc, French writer (n. 1864).
  • November 18: Chris Watson, a Chilean-Australian politician (n. 1867).
  • November 18: Walther Hermann Nernst, German physicist and chemist, nobel chemistry award in 1920 (n. 1864).
  • 4 December: Amalia Guglielminetti, Italian poet (n. 1881).
  • December 30: The Lissitzky, Russian artist (n. 1890).

Art and literature

  • Jan Valtin: The night was left behind (autobiographical novel).
  • Enrique Jardiel Poncela: Thieves are honest people.
  • Jorge Luis Borges: The garden of trails that fork.
  • Agatha Christie: Evilness under the sun, The Mystery of Sans Souci.
  • C. S. Lewis: Letters from the devil to his nephew.
  • William Somerset Maugham: Up at the Villa.
  • Virginia Woolf: Between acts (posthumously published).


  • In May, singer and actor Frank Sinatra heads the lists of Billboard and DownBeat.

Science and technology

  • Enrico Fermi builds the first atomic stack.


  • October 16: the Pontevedra Club of Football is founded.
  • October 22: Venezuela wins the Fourth World Baseball Series in Havana.
  • December 14: The National Club of Football beats its traditional adversary the Atlético Peñarol Club 6 so many against 0 in the largest historical battle between these teams.
  • Uruguay Football Championship: National is dedicated champion for the sixteenth time, winning all the games played in the tournament.
  • 9 February: José María Jáuregui (Argentina) founded the Flandria Social and Sports Club
  • February 28: In Bogotá, Colombia, the Independent Santa Fe football club was founded.
  • February 14: The Malacitano CD changes its name by calling Malaga CD. On the same day the stadium La Rosaleda, stadium of the current Málaga C. F.


  • Pantaneous water (Swamp water)Jean Renoir.
  • The golden ark (Pot or’ Gold)George Marshall.
  • Fireball (Ball of Fire)Howard Hawks.
  • Almost an angel (It started with Eve)Henry Koster.
  • Citizen Kane Orson Welles.
  • When the day dies (Sundown)Henry Hathaway.
  • From heart to heart (Blossoms in the dust)Mervyn LeRoy.
  • From that kiss (You’ll never get rich)Sidney Lanfield.
  • The late protest (Here comes Mr. Jordan)Alexander Hall.
  • Dumbo (Dumbo)Ben Sharpsteen.
  • The Shanghai Retreat (The Shanghai gesture)Josef Von Sternberg.
  • The strange case of Dr. Jekyll (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)Victor Fleming.
  • The unknown gendarme of Miguel M. Delgado (Mexico).
  • The Maltese FalconJohn Huston.
  • The man who came to dinner (The man who came to dinner)William Keighley.
  • The invaders (Forty ninth parallel)Michael Powell.
  • Juan No (Meet John Doe)Frank Capra.
  • Lady Hamilton (That Hamilton woman)Alexander Korda.
  • La loba (The little foxes)William Wyler's.
  • What Women Think (That uncertain feeling)Ernst Lubitsch.
  • An original marriage (Mr. and Mrs. Smith)Alfred Hitchcock.
  • They died with boots on (They died with their boots on)Raoul Walsh.
  • Because I saw you cryJohn of Orduña.
  • How green was my valley!John Ford.
  • Tobacco roadJohn Ford.
  • Blood and sand (Blood and sand)Rouben Mamoulian.
  • Sergeant York (Sergeant York)Howard Hawks.
  • (Johnny Eager)Mervyn LeRoy.
  • Serenata nostálgica (Penny Serenade)George Stevens.
  • If it did not dawn (Hold back the dawn)Mitchell Leisen.
  • Suspecha (Sweden)Alfred Hitchcock.
  • Tom, Dick and Harry (Tom, Dick and Harry)Garson Kanin.
  • The last refuge (High saw)Raoul Walsh.
  • The werewolf manGeorge Waggner.


Nobel laureates

  • Physics: one third destined to the main fund and two thirds to the special fund of this section of the prize.
  • Chemistry: one third for the main fund and two thirds for the special fund of this section of the award.
  • Medicine: one third destined to the main fund and two thirds to the special fund of this section of the prize.
  • Literature: one third for the main fund and two thirds for the special fund of this section of the award.
  • Peace: one third for the main fund and two thirds for the special fund of this section of the prize.

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