
1938 (MCMXXXVIII) was a common year beginning on a Saturday according to the Gregorian calendar. He was designated as:

  • The tiger year according to the Chinese Horoscope.



  • January 1st: In Brazil, President Getúlio Vargas begins State NovoFascist tendency.
  • January 8: In the Spanish civil war, Colonel Domingo Rey d'Harcourt, at the head of the Francoist forces besieged in Teruel, surrenders to the Republican troops.
  • January 12: In Berlin, Germany, Field Marshal Werner von Blomberg, Hitler's War Minister, married Eva Gruhn; his godfather is Hermann Göring.
  • 16 January:
    • in Vienna (Austria)—two months before the beginning of the invasion of Germany (1938-1945)—a major live recording is made: the first record of the Ninth Symphony of Gustav Mahler by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Bruno Walter
    • In New York there is an important live recording: Benny Goodman and his orchestra become the first jazz musicians to play at Carnegie Hall.
  • 25 January: At night, a more intense boreal aurora from the ordinary is appreciated throughout the north of the planet (which can be seen as south as Gibraltar).
  • 27 January:
    • Niagara Bridge, on Niagara Falls collapses due to ice.
    • German War Minister Werner von Blomberg resigns after the revelation that his wife had previously postponed for a pornographic photo shoot.
  • 30 January: training in Burgos, Spain, of the First National Government of Spain (1938-1939), in which Francisco Franco officially assumes the positions of Head of State and Government.


  • 1 February: in Salamanca (Spain) the radio proclamations of General Queipo de Llano are finished.
  • 2nd of February: In Spain, the rebel military adopts as emblems the shield and the imperial crown of the Catholic Kings.
    • In the Sea of Banda there is a strong earthquake of 8.6 that causes a destructive tsunami.
  • 4 February:
    • in Germany, Hitler is the supreme commander of the armed forces.
  • 5 February: in Zacatepec de Hidalgo (Mexico), President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río inaugurates the municipality Emiliano Zapata.
    • in Germany, Adolf Hitler abhors the War Ministry and creates the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (high command of the defense forces), which gave him direct control of the German army. He also throws out all the political and military leaders that he considered were not communicating with his philosophy. General Werner von Fritsch is forced to resign as commander of the German army on charges of homosexuality, and was replaced by General Walther von Brauchitsch. Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath is replaced by Joachim von Ribbentrop.
    • in the United States Snow White and the Seven EnanitosWalt Disney, the first animated feature film.
  • February 6: On the Bondi Beach (/bóndai bích/) Sydney (Australia), 300 swimmers are dragged into the ocean by three waves. Between 80 lifeguards manage to save and revive all except 5.
  • 7 February: in Barcelona the film is released The caste SusanaOne of the few films premiered at the time of war.
  • February 10: King Carol II began a dictatorship in Romania.
  • 14 February: The British naval base is opened in Singapore.
  • 16 February:
    • Kurt Schuschnigg, Federal Chancellor, reformes the Austrian government and appoints Nazi Minister of the Interior Arthur Seyß-Inquart.
    • in Iran, a government order prescribes the use of the Iranian language in all areas of public life, both oral and written.
  • 20 February:
    • In the United Kingdom, Anthony Eden (Minister of Foreign Affairs) is resigned; Edward Halifax will succeed.
    • In Argentina Dr. Roberto Marcelino Ortiz is elected new president.
  • 22 February: Germany and Italy accept the British proposal for the withdrawal of volunteers in the Spanish civil war. On the other hand, the nationalist forces of Juan Yagüe and José Enrique Varela take the city of Teruel, after two days of struggle, and make 14,500 Republicans prisoners.
  • February 23: In New York, U.S. Boxer Joe Louis proclaims himself again world champion of heavyweights by defeating Nathan Mann in the third round.
  • February 24: In Arlington, New Jersey, the DuPont factory began manufacturing the first nylon product for sale: a toothbrush.


  • March 1st: In California (United States), the Santa Ana River floods Orange County. 58 people die.
  • March 3: oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia.
  • 12 March: Germany invades Austria and proclaims the Anschluss or annexation by Foreign Minister Adolf Hitler.
  • March 16: Three days of bombings begin on the civilian population of Barcelona by the uprisings in the Civil War causing more than a thousand deaths.
  • March 18: in Mexico, President Lázaro Cárdenas of the Rio declares the oil expropriation.
  • 27 March:
    • In Uruguay, the female suffrage is first implemented in the general elections, which are won by Alfredo Baldomir.
    • in Italy, Italian mathematician Ettore Majorana disappears in mysterious circumstances on a sea trip between Palermo (Sicilia) and Naples.
  • March 30: In Mexico, the Mexican Revolution Party (PRM) is created from the PNR.


  • April 1st: In Switzerland, the Nescafé Instant Coffee Factory is created.
  • April 3: the forces of General Francisco Franco reach the border of Catalonia.
  • April 6: In a laboratory of the DuPont company in Texas (United States), the chemical Roy J. Plunkett (1910-1994) discovers the teflon.
  • 10 April: In Austria, a national referendum approved the Anschluss (annexation) for 99.73 %. The result amazes even Adolf Hitler.
  • April 14: in Spain, the republican zone is cut in two by the coup military.
  • April 16: the film El barbero de Sevilla, directed by Benito Perojo, is premiered in Spain.
  • April 18: In the United States, the Superman character appears for the first time.
  • April 19: in Turkey an earthquake of 6.7 leaves more than 200 dead.
  • April 20: Uckermark (53°23′37.2′N 13°44′37.8′′E / 53.393667, 13.743833), at the northern end of the state of Brandenburg (Germany) a Nazi businessman creates the Forest Swastika as a gift for Adolf Hitler on his 49th birthday.
  • April 24: Carlsbad's congress calls for the autonomy of the Sudetes.
  • April 24: In Estonia, Konstantin Päts became president.
  • April 28: France and England seek a negotiated solution to the problem of the Sudetes.


  • May 5: The Holy See recognizes as legal the dictatorship of Francisco Franco in Spain.
  • May 10: Maksim Shostakóvich, conductor and pianist.
  • 13 May: During the Spanish civil war, the First National Government established the Labour Magistracy in order to ensure that labour relations were the subject of a specialized and independent judicial administration of any kind of policy.
  • 14 May: Chile withdraws from the League of Nations.
  • 20 May: the Nazi party reaches the majority in the elections of the Sudetes.
  • 21 May: on the outskirts of the city of Tsuyama, in Okayama, Japan, a Mutsuo Toi (21) kills 30 people. The Tsuyama massacre was considered the worst massacre carried out by an individual until 1982.
  • 22nd of May: Fugue of the San Cristobal Fort during the Spanish civil war, one of the most massive in prison history.
  • May 25: In the framework of the Spanish civil war, the fascist rebels bombard the city of Alicante, killing 313 civilians.
  • 25 May: in Buenos Aires, the Club Atlético River Plate inaugurates the famous Monumental Stadium by winning a friendly match to Peñarol (from Uruguay) for 3 to 1. At the time it was the largest sports scene in Argentina, with capacity for 130 000 people.
  • May 30: German troops prepare the occupation of Czechoslovakia.


  • June 4: in France The third edition of the 1938 World Cup of Football begins.
  • June 15: in Budapest, Hungary, the Hungarian inventor Ladislao Biró – later nationalized Argentinean – patents the pen.
  • June 19: In San José (Uruguay) the Club Atlético San Lorenzo is founded.
  • June 19: in Paris (France) – in the framework of the World Football Championship – Italy wins its second Football World Cup by defeating in the end Hungary for 4 to 2.
  • June 20: Argentina declares itself as the Banner Day on June 20 in memory of Manuel Belgrano, his creator.
  • 20 June: the first issue of the magazine is published in the United States Action Comics. In her first appearance is the Superman character, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, a pioneer of the superhero genre.
  • June 24: 20 km above the American city of Chicora (Pensilvania) explodes a meteorite of 450 tons.
  • June 25: in Ireland, Dr. Douglas Hyde is elected Ireland's first president.


  • July 9: In Mexico City, 12 students from the UNAM Medical School founded the University Military Military Sports Pentathlon.
  • July 14: U.S. millionaire Howard Hughes strikes a new record by completing the return to the world on aeroplane in 91 flight hours.
  • July 17: In New York, aviator Douglas Corrigan—who was repeatedly denied permission to take an intercontinental journey—releases to California at 5:15. The day after the morning – about 28 hours later – will land in Ireland, so you will receive the name of Wrong Way Corrigan (‘Round Corrigan’).
  • 18-23 July: in Spain, the republican army stops the advance on Sagunto and Valencia of the Francoist troops in Viver (Ofensive of the Levante).
  • July 22: In Germany, the Third Reich issues special identity cards for the German-Jews.
  • July 23: The 112 Queipo de Llano Division conquers Castuera during the Spanish civil war.
  • July 24: In Spain, the People's Army of the Republic launches the Ebro Offensive.
  • July 24: In Switzerland, Nestlé patents instant coffee. (He already had a factory in Nescafé since April 1st).


  • 1 August: Vitamin K is first produced.
  • August 6, 400 years of the foundation of Bogotá
  • August 3: Walter Runciman's mediation in the Sudeten problem fails.
  • August 7: At the University of Innsbruck, the Nazis close the Department of Theology.
  • August 27: Spanish civil war, the Supreme Court was again established under the chairmanship of Felipe Clemente de Diego: of the twenty judges who composed it, thirteen again occupied their position.


  • September 1st: In Oruro (Bolivia) the celebrated Typical Sajama Set is founded, one of the oldest folk music groups in that country, still in force.
  • 3 September: The Fourth International was founded at a conference of delegates in Paris and the Transition Programme developed by Leon Trotski was approved.
  • September 5: In Chile, after attempting a coup, 60 young people from the Chilean National-Socialist Movement are brutally murdered in what is known as the Workers Insurance Matanza.
  • September 9: In Washington, United States, President Franklin D. Roosevelt states that it is 100% wrong that the United States will join any block to stop Hitler, and in case the German Nazis tried to invade Czechoslovakia, the United States will remain neutral.
  • September 10: In Nuremberg (Germany), Hermann Göring says in a speech that the Czechs are a “miserable pygmie race” that “threat the human race.” That same evening, Edvard Beneš, president of Czechoslovakia, said in a speech that we must remain calm.
  • September 12: Adolf Hitler promises to help the Nazi party in the Sudetes.
  • September 15: In Berchtesgarden, Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain conduct an interview.
  • September 21: The Great Hurricane of New England of 1938 plays land on Long Island, New York with category 3 in the hurricane scale of Saffir-Simpson, sweeping the northeast of the United States.
  • 22 September: second interview between Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain.
  • September 29: the Munich conference agrees to the transfer of the Sudetes to Germany.


  • 2 October: in Tiberíades (Palestinian)—in the framework of the Palestinian revolt (1936-1939)—70 armed “Arabs” (Palestinians) stabbed 19 Jewish civilian immigrants, 11 of whom were children (Masac of Tiberias).
  • October 17: The Fidencio Child, famous Mexican curandero, died.
  • October 18: Adolf Hitler expelled 12 000 Polish Jews living in Germany. The Polish Government accepts 4000 and rejects the remaining 8000, who will be forced to live in a "nobody's land" on the German-Palestinian border.
  • October 24: The United States Government decrees a minimum wage.
  • 27 October: in Tiberíades (Palestine), 25 days after the massacre of Tiberias, Palestinian Muslims murder the Jewish mayor, Isaac Zaki Alhadif.
  • 30 October: United States transmission The War of the WorldsH.G. Wells causes panic in several cities.


  • 7 November in Paris (France), Herschel Grynszpan murders Ernst vom Rath, consul at the German embassy in that city.
  • 9 November: In Germany (during the night of 9-10 November), the Nazis perpetuated the "Night of the broken crystals": they killed 91 Jews, burned 267 synagogues, destroyed 7500 establishments and arrested 25 000 male Jews.
  • 16 November: in the Sandoz laboratories of Basel (Switzerland), the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann (1906-2008), while studying the alkaloids produced by the cornezuelo of the rye, synthesizes the lysergic acid diethylamid (LSD). It will unintentionally discover its psychotropic effects four years later (April 16, 1943).
  • 26 November: In Spain – in the framework of the Spanish civil war – the battle of the Ebro ends with the total withdrawal of the republican army.
  • 27 November: In Peru, the Club Alianza Lima descends for the first time in its history to the Second Division of Peruvian football.


  • December 3: in Santiago, Chile the National Stadium of Chile is inaugurated.
  • December 13: the Burgos government signed the founding decree of the ONCE.
  • December 14th: the historian, a journalist, and Colombian polymata Gustavo Arboleda Restrepo, a century-old intellectual, tireless writer, his six published volumes of Contemporary History and his enormous historical work are an invaluable documentary resource.
  • December 22: in Berlin, Otto Hahn, chemical director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, and his team get the first nuclear fission of history.
  • 22 or 23 December: A Clique, a fish that was believed to be extinct, is captured off the coast of South Africa, near the Chalumna River.
  • Italian-British Agreement, where the United Kingdom recognizes Italian sovereignty over the invaded Ethiopia, and Italy is committed to withdrawing its troops from Spain at the end of the civil war.
  • In Italy, a law limits women to occupy only 10% of the best jobs in industry and government.
  • Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral (the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1945) publishes her book Tala.



  • January 1st: Frank Langella, American actor.
  • 2 January:
    • Ian Brady, British serial killer (f. 2017).
    • Goh Kun, South Korean politician, mayor of Seoul.
    • Norman Briski, actor, playwright, director of Argentine theater and cinema.
  • January 3: Francis Smith, Argentine composer, producer and musician (f. 2009).
  • January 4: Nilda Raggi, actress and director of Argentina.
Juan Carlos I
  • 5 January:
    • Juan Carlos I, Spanish king between 1975 and 2014.
    • Lucia Guilmáin, Mexican actress (f. 2021).
    • Ngugi wa Thiongo, Kenyan writer.
  • 6 January:
    • Adriano Celentano, singer and Italian actor.
    • Mario Rodríguez (“Silo”), an Argentine writer (f. 2010).
  • 7 January: Roland Topor, French writer (f. 1997).
  • January 9: Chidambaran Padmanabhan Ramanuyám, Indian mathematician (f. 1974).
  • 10 January:
    • Donald Knuth, American mathematician and programmer.
    • Willie McCovey, American baseball player (f. 2018).
  • January 11: Josep María Flets, actor and Spanish theatre director.
  • 13 January:
    • William B. Davis, Canadian actor.
    • Cabu, French drawer (f. 2015).
    • Paavo Heininen, Finnish composer.
    • Shivkumar Sharma, Indian musician.
  • January 14: Allen Toussaint, American musician and composer (f. 2015).
  • January 16: Betty Missiego, Peruvian singer.
  • January 18: Anthony Giddens, British sociologist.
  • January 23: Georg Baselitz, German sculptor and painter.
  • 25 January:
    • Etta James, American singer (f. 2012).
    • Shotaro Ishinomori, Japanese writer (f. 1998).
    • Vladimir Vysotski, singer, poet and Russian actor (f. 1980).
  • January 30: Islam Karimov, Uzbek politician, President of Uzbekistan (f. 2016).
  • January 31: Beatrice of the Netherlands, aristocrat and former Dutch.


  • 1 February:
    • Sherman Hemsley, American comedian and actor (f. 2012).
    • Américo Martín, Venezuelan politician.
  • February 7: Enrique Colavizza, Colombian actor and humorist (f. 2018).
  • 11 February:
    • Simone de Oliveira, Portuguese actress and singer.
    • Manuel Noriega, general and Panamanian dictator (f. 2017).
  • 12 February:
    • Judy Blume, American writer.
Pilar Pellicer
    • Pilar Pellicer, Mexican actress (f 2020).
  • 13 February: Oliver Reed, British actor (f. 1999).
  • February 14: Antonio Dal Masetto, Argentine nationalized Italian writer and journalist (f. 2015).
  • February 16: John Corigliano, American composer.
  • February 18: István Szabó, Hungarian filmmaker.
  • February 19: René Muñoz, actor and writer of Cuban telenovelas (f. 2000).
  • February 22: Manuel Martínez Carril, film critic, journalist and Uruguayan professor (f. 2014).
  • 24 February:
    • James Farentino, American actor (f. 2012).
    • Phil Knight, American sportswear businessman.


Lynn Margulis
  • 2 March: Ricardo Lagos Escobar, Chilean President between 2000 and 2006.
  • 4 March:
    • Angus MacLise, American drummer, Velvet Underground (f. 1979).
    • Paula Prentiss, American actress.
  • 5 March:
    • Jordi Dauder, Spanish actor (f. 2011).
    • Lynn Margulis, American scientist (f. 2011).
  • March 7: David Baltimore, American biologist, nobel prize for physiology or medicine.
Quemil Yambay
  • March 10: Quemil Yambay, musician, composer and Paraguayan imitator.
  • 13 March: Erma Franklin, American singer c (f. 2002).
  • March 14: Eleanor Bron, British actress.
  • 17 March:
    • Rudolf Nuréyev, Russian dancer and choreographer (f. 1993).
    • Keith O'Brien, Catholic priest, Archbishop of Edinburgh (f. 2018).
  • March 18: Shashi Kapoor, actor, director, and Indian producer (f. 2017).
  • 24 March:
    • Holger Czukay, German musician, from the Can band (f. 2017).
    • David Irving, British historian.
    • Atilio Pozzobón, Argentine actor.
  • March 26: Anthony J. Leggett, American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics.


  • April 7: Freddie Hubbard, American jazz trompetist (f. 2008).
  • April 8: Kofi Annan, Ghanaian politician, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Nobel Peace Prize (f. 2018).
  • April 9: Viktor Chernomyrdin, Russian politician (f. 2010).
  • April 11: Kurt Moll, under German (f. 2017).
  • 13 April: Frederic Rzewski, American composer and pianist.
  • April 15: Claudia Cardinale, an Italian actress born in Tunisia.
  • April 19: Stanley Fish, American literary theorist.
  • April 20th Betty Cuthbert, Australian athlete and speeder (f. 2017)
  • April 22: Issey Miyake, Japanese fashion designer.
  • April 26: Duane Eddy, American musician.
  • April 29: Bernard Madoff, American financial offender.
  • April 30: Larry Niven, American writer of science fiction (Woman Ring).


  • 1 May: Gianni Lunadei, an Argentine actor of Italian origin (f. 1998).
  • May 3: Lindsay Kemp, dancer, actor, mimo and British choreographer (f. 2018).
  • May 4: Carlos Monsivéis, Mexican writer (f. 2010).
  • 8 May:
    • Jean Giraud, historietist and French illustrator (f. 2012).
    • Corine Rottschäfer, Dutch model, Miss Mundo 1959.
Marco Aurelio Denegri
  • May 9: Carroll Cole, American serial killer. (f. 1985)
  • May 10: Manolo Santana, a Spanish former winner of four Grand Slam.
  • May 15: Tommy Olivencia, Puerto Rican musician (f. 2006).
  • May 16: Marco Aurelio Denegri, Peruvian essayist (f. 2018).
  • May 21: Ana Diosdado, writer and Spanish actress (f. 2015).
  • May 22: Susan Strasberg, American actress (f. 1999).
  • May 24: Prince Buster, Jamaican musician (f. 2016).
  • 25 May:
    • Franco Bonisolli, Italian tenor (f. 2003).
    • Raymond Carver, American writer (f. 1988).
  • 26 May:
    • William Bolcom, American composer and arranger.
    • Teresa Stratas, Canadian soprano.
  • May 27: Christian Von Wernich, Catholic priest and Argentine torturer, sentenced to imprisonment.
  • 28 May:
    • Jerry West, American basketball player.
    • Leonardo Favio, an Argentine actor and singer (f. 2012).


Humberto Antonio Lagiglia
  • June 4: Carlos Sahagún, Spanish poet, National Poetry Prize (f. 2015).
  • June 12: Tom Oliver, Australian actor.
  • June 13: Humberto Antonio Lagiglia, archaeologist, anthropologist and Argentine naturalist (f. 2009).
  • 19 June:
    • Wahoo McDaniel, professional fighter and American Amerian football player (f. 2002).
    • Ian Smith, Australian actor.
  • June 21: Ron Ely, American actor (Tarzan).
  • 22 June:
    • Raúl Barboza, Argentine accordionist.
    • Norberto Luis La Porta, an Argentine politician (f. 2007).
  • June 24: Edoardo Vianello, singer, composer and Italian actor.
  • June 26: Arnulfo Briceño, composer and Colombian interpreter of Andean and Plain Music (f. 1989).
  • June 30: Pedro Olea, Spanish filmmaker.


  • 3 July:
    • Bolo Yeung, a Dutch actor.
    • Sjaak Swart, Dutch footballer.
  • July 4: Bill Withers, American singer and songwriter (f 2020).
  • 6 July:
    • Luana Patten, American actress (f. 1996).
    • Takuma Nakahira, Japanese photographer. (f. 2015).
  • July 7: Juan Carlos Calderón, composer, arranger and Spanish musical producer (f. 2012).
  • July 9: Brian Dennehy, American actor (f 2020).
  • July 10: Tura Satana, Japanese American actress (f. 2011).
  • 18 July:
    • Paul Verhoeven, Dutch filmmaker.
    • Santiago Martín "El Viti", Spanish bullfighter.
  • July 19: Jayant Narlikar, Indian astrophysicist.
  • 20 July:
    • Roger Hunt, British footballer.
    • Diana Rigg, British actress.
    • Natalie Wood, Russian-American actress (f. 1981).
  • 22 July: Thamarak Isarangura, Thai military and political.
  • July 23: Ronny Cox, American actor.
  • 24 July:
    • Eugene J. Martin, American painter (f. 2005).
    • José Altafini, Italian-Brazilian footballer.
  • July 27: Gary Gygax, Game Designer and American Writer (f. 2008).
  • 28 July:
    • Luis Aragonés, football player and Spanish manager (f. 2014).
    • Alberto Fujimori, Peruvian-Japanese businessman and politician, president of Peru between 1990 and 2000.
    • Chuan Leekpai, Thai politician.
  • July 29: Peter Jennings, Canadian television reporter (f. 2005).


  • 3 August:
    • Sir Terry Wogan, Irish radio and television journalist.(f 2016).
    • Emilia Carranza, Mexican actress.
  • August 8: Connie Stevens, American actress, singer and businesswoman.
  • 9 August:
    • Leonid Kuchma, Ukrainian politician, president between 1994 and 2005.
    • Rod Laver, Australian tennis player.
    • Otto Rehhagel, German footballer.
  • August 10: Nana Yamaguchi, Japanese seiyū.
  • August 19: Diana Muldaur, American actress.
Jacqueline Andere
  • August 20: Jacqueline Andere, Mexican actress.
  • August 21st: Kenny Rogers, American country music singer (f.2020).
  • August 24: David Freiberg, American musician, of the Quicksilver Messenger Service and Jefferson Starship bands.
  • August 25: Frederick Forsyth, British writer.
  • August 28: Maurizio Costanzo, Italian television reporter.
  • 29 August:
    • Elliott Gould, American actor.
    • Robert Rubin, American politician and banker.
    • Carlos Moreno, Argentine actor and director of film, theatre and television (f. 2014).


  • September 1: Per Kirkeby, Danish artist (f. 2018).
  • 2 September: Giuliano Gemma, Italian actor (f. 2013).
  • September 3: Ryōji Noyori, Japanese chemist, nobel chemistry award.
  • 5 September:
    • Irma Flaquer, a Guatemalan journalist murdered by the Government (f. 1980).
    • Omar Moreno Palacios, singer and Argentine folk guitarist (f. 2021).
  • September 6: Dennis Oppenheim, American artist (f. 2011).
  • September 7: Lourdes Guerrero, Mexican journalist (f. 1997).
  • September 8: Reinbert de Leeuw, pianist, orchestra director and Dutch composer. (f 2020).
  • September 10: Karl Lagerfeld, fashion designer and German photographer (f. 2019).
  • September 22: Lilia Aragón, Mexican actress (f. 2021).
Romy Schneider
  • 23 September:
    • Romy Schneider, Austrian actress (f. 1982).
    • Tom Lester, American actor.
  • 25 September:
    • Santiago Chalar, traumatologist, poet, composer, musician and Uruguayan singer (f. 1994).
    • Jonathan Motzfeldt, Dutch politician, Prime Minister of Greenland (f. 2010).
  • September 28: Ben E. King, American singer (f. 2015).
  • September 29: Wim Kok, Dutch politician, Prime Minister of the Netherlands between 1994 and 2002.(f. 2018).


  • October 1st: Stella Stevens, American actress and model.
  • 3 October:
    • Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, Peruvian economist and politician, president of Peru between 2016 and 2018.
    • Eddie Cochran, American rock and roll singer (f. 1960).
  • October 4th: Kurt Wüthrich, Swiss chemist, nobel chemistry award.
  • October 8: Roberto Luti, Italian-Venezuelan composer.
  • October 9: Heinz Fischer, Austrian politician.
  • October 14: Farah Diba, an Iranian aristocrat.
  • October 15: Fela Kuti, a Nigerian musician and activist (f. 1997).
  • 16 October: Nico (Christa Päffgen), German singer, model and actress (f. 1988).
  • October 17: Evel Knievel, American motorcyclist (f. 2007).
  • October 20: Iain Macmillan, British photographer, from the album Abbey Road (f. 2006).
  • October 21: Héctor Suárez, Mexican actor and comedian. (f. 2020)
  • 22 October:
    • Derek Jacobi, British actor.
    • Christopher Lloyd, American actor.
  • October 28: Anne Perry, British novelist.
  • 29 October:
    • Ralph Bakshi, Israeli filmmaker and hysterist.
    • Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Liberian politics, president since 2005.
  • October 31: Luz Marina Zuluaga, Colombian model, Miss Universe 1958 (f. 2015).


  • 4 November: Jorge Manicera, Uruguayan footballer (f. 2012).
  • 5 November:
    • Enéas Carneiro, a Brazilian politician (f. 2007).
    • Joe Dassin, French singer (f. 1980).
    • Alci Acosta, Colombian Boleros singer.
  • November 8: Omar Caetano, Uruguayan footballer. (f. 2008)
Oscar Robertson
  • 13 November: Jean Seberg American actress (f. 1979).
  • November 16: Robert Nozick, American philosopher (f. 2002).
  • November 17: Gordon Lightfoot, Canadian folk music singer.
  • November 19: Ted Turner, U.S. media entrepreneur and billionaire.
  • 24 November:
    • Oscar Robertson, American basketball player.
    • Charles Starkweather, American murderer (f. 1959).
  • November 25: Severino Reija, Spanish footballer.
Margarita Salas
  • 30 November: Margarita Salas, Spanish biochemistry (f.2019).


  • 2 December: Luis Artime, Argentine soccer player.
  • December 4: Yvonne Minton, Australian soprano.
  • December 5: J. J. Cale, American musician and composer (f. 2013).
  • December 8: John Kufuor, Ghanaian politician, President of Ghana from 2001 to 2009.
  • December 12: Connie Francis, American singer and actress.
  • December 14: Leonardo Boff, Brazilian theologian.
  • 16 December:
    • Liv Ullmann, Norwegian actress.
    • Lucio Cabañas, Guerrillero Mexicano. (f.1974)
  • December 17: Peter Snell, a New Zealand athlete. (f. 2019).
  • 18 December:
    • Chas Chandler, U.S. bassist and musical producer, from the band The Animals (f. 1996).
    • Lucia Baquedano, Spanish novelist.
  • December 21: Rómulo Méndez Molina, a Guatemalan football referee.
  • December 22: Brian Locking, British bassist, The Shadows band.
  • December 23: Bob Kahn, American Internet pioneer.
  • December 29: Jon Voight, American actor.
  • 31 December: Marien Ngouabi, Congolese politician, president between 1969 and 1977 (f. 1977).

Unknown date

  • Bill Bailey, American actor and writer.
  • Fanta Damba, Malian singer.



  • January 5: Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel (24), Spanish poet and translator in Catalan (n. 1913).
  • January 16: Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay (61), Indian novelist (n. 1876).
  • 20 January: Émile Cohl (80), French cartoonist and animator (n. 1857).
  • 21 January: Georges Méliès (76), French filmmaker (n. 1861).
  • January 28: Bernd Rosemeyer (28), German racing pilot (n. 1909).
  • January 29: Armando Palacio Valdés (84), Spanish writer (n. 1853).


  • February 6: Néstor Martín Fernández de la Torre (70), Spanish painter and artist (n. 1887).
  • February 7: Harvey Firestone (69), American manufacturer of tyres (n. 1868).
  • 11 February: Rafael Calleja Gómez (67), Spanish composer (n. 1870).
  • 17 February: Juan Soldado (23), Soldier (n. 1914).
  • February 19: Edmund Landau (60), German mathematician (n. 1877).
  • 21 February: Carlos de Haya González (35), Spanish aviator (n. 1902).


  • 1 March: Gabriele D'Annunzio (74), writer, war hero and Italian politician (n. 1863).
  • 6 March: Pachín de Melás (60), Spanish writer (n. 1877).
  • 11 March: Christen Christiansen Raunkiær (77), Danish botanist (n. 1860).
  • March 12: Lyda Roberti (31), Polish actress (n. 1906).
  • 13 March:
    • Nikolái Ivánovich Bujarin (49), a Soviet politician (n. 1888).
    • Clarence Darrow (80), American lawyer (n. 1857).
  • March 15: Alexei Rykov (56), Prime Minister of Russia and the Soviet Union (n. 1881).
  • March 21: Oscar Apfel (60), American actor and director (n. 1878).
  • March 30: Agustín Víctor Casasola(63), Mexican photographer (f. 1874).


  • April 7: Edmundo González-Blanco (60), philosopher, translator and Spanish novelist (n. 1877).
  • April 8: Joe King Oliver (53), American jazz musician (n. 1885).
  • 12 April: Feodor Chaliapin (64), under Russian (n. 1873).
  • April 14: Gillis Grafstrom (44), Swedish skater (n. 1893).
  • April 15: César Vallejo (45), Peruvian poet (n. 1892).
  • April 16: Steve Bloomer (63), British footballer (n. 1874).
  • April 21: Allama Iqbal (61), Indian philosopher and poet (n. 1877).
  • April 26: Edmund Husserl (78), Austrian philosopher (n. 1859).
  • April 30: Gloria Melgar Sáez (78), Spanish composer and painter (n. 1859).


  • 4 May:
    • Jigorō Kanō (77), Japanese martial artist (n. 1860).
    • Carl von Ossietzky (48), German pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize (n. 1889).
  • May 10: Benjamin Abrahão Botto (48), a Brazilian nationalized Lebanese photographer (n. 1890).
  • 13 May: Charles Edouard Guillaume (77), Swiss physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1920 (n. 1861).
  • 21 May: Einar Hjörleifsson Kvaran (79), Icelandic writer (n. 1859).
  • May 22: William Glackens (68), American painter (n. 1870).
  • May 26: John Jacob Abel (81), American pharmacologist (n. 1857).


  • 6 June: Rafael Guízar and Valencia (60), Mexican Catholic bishop (n. 1878).
  • June 15: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (57), German painter (n. 1880).
  • June 25: Nikolai S. Trubetzkoy (48), Russian linguist (n. 1890).
  • June 26: James Weldon Johnson (66), American writer, politician, and diplomat (n. 1871).


  • 4 July:
    • Otto Bauer (57), Austrian politician (n. 1881).
    • Suzanne Lenglen (39), French tennis player (n. 1899).
  • July 9: Benjamin N. Cardozo (68), American judge (n. 1870).
  • 17 July: Robert Wiene (65), German director (n. 1873).
  • July 21: Owen Wister (78), American writer (n. 1860).
  • July 24: Pedro Figari (78), painter, lawyer, writer and Uruguayan journalist (n. 1878).
  • 25 July: Franz I (83), Prince of Liechtenstein (n. 1854).
  • July 28: Yakov Alksnis (41), Soviet aviator, commander of the Red Army Air Force; executed (n. 1897).
  • July 28: María Bonita, María Gomes de Oliveira, Brazilian outlaw (n.1911).


  • 4 August: Pearl White (49), American actress (n. 1889).
  • August 6: Warner Oland (59), Swedish actor (n. 1879).
  • 7 August: Constantin Stanislavski (75), Russian actor, theatre teacher (n. 1863).
  • August 16: Robert Johnson (27), American singer (n. 1911).
  • August 29: Béla Kun (52), Hungarian communist leader (n. 1886).


  • 8 September: Augustine Magaldi (40), Argentinean singer (n. 1898).
  • September 15: Thomas Wolfe (38), American writer (n. 1900).


  • 2 October: Alexandru Averescu (79), a Romanian soldier and politician (n. 1859).
  • 5 October: Maria Faustina Kowalska (33), nun and Holy Polish Catholic (n. 1905).
  • 13 October: E. C. Segar (44), American hysterist, creator of Popeye the Marine (n. 1894).
  • 17 October: Karl Kautsky (84), Austrian Marxist theorist (n. 1854).
  • October 19: Fidencio Child (39), Mexican curator (n. 1898).
  • October 24: Ernst Barlach (68), German sculptor and poet (n. 1870).
  • 25 October: Alfonsina Storni (46), Argentine poet (n. 1892).
  • October 27: Alma Gluck (54), American soprano (n. 1884).
  • October 20: Robert Woolsey (50), American comedian (n. 1888).


  • 9 November:
    • Vasily Blyukher (49), Soviet military (n. 1889).
    • Ernst vom Rath (29), German diplomat (n. 1909).
  • 10 November: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (57), a politician and Turkish president between 1923 and 1938 (n. 1881).
  • 11 November: María Tifoidea (69), a cook of typhoid fever (n. 1869).
  • November 30: Corneliu Zelea Codreanu (38), a Romanian fascist, leader of the Iron Guard; executed (n. 1899).


  • 11 December: Christian Lous Lange (69), Norwegian historian and pacifist, the Nobel Peace Prize in 1921 (n. 1869).
  • December 24: Bruno Taut (58), German architect (n. 1880).
  • 25 December: Karel Čapek (48), Czech writer (n. 1890).
  • December 28: Florence Lawrence (52), inventor and Canadian actress (n. 1886).

Art and literature

  • Agatha Christie: Tragic Christmas, Quote with death.
  • Daphne du Maurier: Rebeca.
  • William Faulkner: The undefeated.
  • Graham Greene: Brighton rock.
  • Henry Miller: Tropic of Capricorn.
  • Ayn Rand: Hymn.
  • Jean-Paul Sartre: Nausea.
  • Evelyn Waugh: Nice bomb!.
  • Georges Simenon: The Krull House.


At a very young age, Frank Sinatra finds a job as a singing waiter at a drive-through diner "The Rustic Cabin in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.


  • Alarm in the express (The Lady Vanishes)Alfred Hitchcock.
  • Alexandre Nevski (Alexander Nevsky)Sergei M. Eisenstein and Dmitri Vasilyev.
  • Amanda (Carefree)Mark Sandrich (with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers).
  • Angels with dirty faces (Angels with Dirty Faces)Michael Curtiz.
  • Female Ardid (Vivacious Lady)George Stevens.
  • The barber of Seville, Benito Perojo.
  • The human beast (La Bête humaine)Jean Renoir.
  • Carmen, the one in Triana (Carmen, Triana)from Florián Rey.
  • The citadel (The Citadel)King Vidor.
  • Der Blaufuchs (Der Blaufuchs)Viktor Tourjansky
  • Miss X's divorce (The divorce of Lady X)Tim Whelan.
  • The beast of my child (Bringing up baby)Howard Hawks.
  • Forge of men (Boys' town)Norman Taurog.
  • Horizons of glory (Lord Jeff)Sam Wood.
  • The hotel of trouble (Room Service)of William A. Seiter (with the Marx Brothers).
  • Jezebel (Jezebel)William Wyler's.
  • María Antonieta (Marie Antoinette), from W. S. Van Dyke.
  • Eight women and one crime (The Mad Miss Manton)Leigh Jason.
  • The eighth woman of Barba Azul (Bluebeard's Eighth Wife)Ernst Lubitsch.
  • Pygmalion (Pygmalion)Anthony Asquith and Leslie Howard.
  • Robin of Forests (The adventures of Robin Hood)Michael Curtiz and William Keighley.
  • The sensation of Paris (The Rage of Paris), by Henry Koster.
  • The amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (The Amazing Doctor Clitterhouse), by Anatole Litvak.
  • A Yankee at Oxford (A Yank at Oxford)Jack Conway.
  • Live as you like (You Can't Take It With You)Frank Capra.
  • Living to enjoy (Holiday)George Cukor.

Awards and Festivals

  • 10.a edition of the Oscar Awards.
    • Best Film: The Life of Emile Zola.
    • Best address: Leo McCarey for Puritan Pill.
    • Best actress: Luise Rainer for The Good Land.
    • Best actor: Spencer Tracy by Intrepid Captains.
  • 6th edition of the Venice International Film Festival.
    • Mussolini Cup to the best movie:
      • Of the same blood de Goffredo Alessandrini
      • Olympiad, part 1 and Olympiad, part 2 of Leni Riefenstahl
    • Volpi Cup:
      • Best Actor: Leslie Howard by Pygmalion
      • Best actress: Norma Shearer by Marie Antoinette


Central American and Caribbean Games

  • The Fourth Central American and Caribbean Games are held from 5 to 24 February.
    • The Mexican team wins the medallero.


  • From 3 to 5 September the Second European Championship of Male Athletics is held in Paris, France.
    • Germany wins the medallero.
  • On 17 and 18 September, the Second European Championship of Women ' s Athletics is held in Vienna, Austria.
    • Germany wins the medallero.


  • From May 7th to 29th the 26th edition of the Giro de Italia that wins the Italian Giovanni Valetti.
  • From the 5th to the 31st of July the 32nd edition of the Tour de France that wins the Italian Gino Bartali.


  • From 4 to 19 June the 3rd World Cup of Football is held in France.
    • Italy wins is proclaimed champion.

Artistic gymnastics

  • On 30 June and 1 July the XI World Championship of Artistic Gymnastics is held in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
    • Czechoslovakia wins the medallero.

Roller Hockey

  • From 26 to 30 May the XI European Male Championship is held in the city of Antwerp, Belgium. England gets the win through the razor system.


  • On March 19 and 27, the Fifth South American Swimming Championship is held in Lima, Peru.
  • The 5th European Swimming Championship is held on 6 and 15 August in London, UK.
    • Denmark wins the medallero.


  • From 2 to 5 September the 33rd edition of the Davis Cup. The United States proclaims itself a champion in the finals before Australia.
  • Open from Australia:
    • Individual winner: Dorothy Bundy for the United States.
    • Individual winner: Don Budge by United States.
  • Universidad de Estados Unidos:
    • Individual winner: Alice Marble by United States.
    • Individual winner: Don Budge by United States.
  • Wimbledon Championship:
    • Individual winner: Helen Wills Moody by the United States.
    • Individual winner: Don Budge by United States.
  • Roland Garros Tournament:
    • Individual winner: Simonne Mathieu for France.
    • Individual winner: Don Budge by United States.


Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Enrico Fermi.
  • Chemistry: Richard Kuhn.
  • Medicine: Corneille Jean François Heymans.
  • Literature: Pearl Buck.
  • Peace: Nansen International Office for Refugees.

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