
1935 (MCMXXXV) was a common year beginning on a Tuesday according to the Gregorian calendar.


  • 1935, the Gran Hotel Pocitos is demolished in Uruguay.
  • January 1st: In Japan, Mokichi Okada (after called Meishu-Sama) creator of the Johrei (a kind of reiki), founded the Sekai kyusei kyo movement.
  • 4 January: in Turkey an earthquake of 6.4 leaves 5 dead and 30 wounded.
  • January 6: In Peru, the 13th edition of Copa América begins.
  • January 11: in Madrid, Juan de la Cierva's autogiro performs impressive tests, reaching vertically high.
  • January 13: the state of Sarre, in referendum, decides to re-enter Germany.
  • 14 January: Madrid opens Diario YaCatholic tendency.
  • January 27: in Lima (Peru) Ends the American Cup and Uruguay wins for Seventh Vez the Cup.
  • February 1st: in Bogotá, Colombia, Gerda Westendorp joined in studying medicine. She's the first Colombian woman to access a university.
  • February 6: In the USSR, Mijailovich Skriabin Molotov is confirmed head of the Government by the Congress of Commissioners.
  • February 7: Malcolm Campbell sets a new speed record at 445,486 km/h.
  • 13 February: In the vicinity of San Francisco (California), the last airship of the U.S. Navy falls to the sea and 81 crew members perish.
  • 14 February: in Barcelona the film is very successful The painful, starring Rosita Díaz Gimeno and Agustín Godoy.
  • 14 February: In the caves of Casares and Hoz (near Guadalajara, Spain) there are important archaeological discoveries.
  • 15 February: Europe extends the treaty on the moratorium on payments for war debts following the negotiations of bank representatives of nine countries.
  • 17 February: in Portugal, General Carmona is re-elected president.
  • 17 February: In Germany the 8-hour working day is established.
  • February 18: Italy communicates the shipment of troops to Somalia.
  • February 21: In Spain, claims for damage caused by the Revolution of Asturias, planned by the Workers' Alliance, amount to more than 3000.
  • February 23: Peru founded the Sanmartinian Institute of Peru, the second in the world.
  • March 1st: On behalf of the League of Nations, the Baron of Aloisi officially transfers the territory of Sarre to Germany. The anti-Jewish campaign begins.
  • 1 March: In Greece, the former President of the Council, Eleftherios Venizelos, made a coup attempt.
  • March 3: Mexico founded the first private university: the Autonomous University of Guadalajara.
  • March 21: The Iranian government issues an international communiqué calling on the Foreign Ministry to replace the Western Persia denomination by Iran.
  • March 22: The television station "Paul Nipkow" began its service from the Berlin radio tower.
Dust storm approaching Spearman (Texas).
  • 1 April: in Germany, health departments with special sections for hereditary and racial assistance begin their work.
  • April 2: British physicist Sir Watson Watt patents the radar.
  • April 14: Dust Bowl: The big dust storm, famous for Woody Guthrie's bullets called "dust bowl ballads," affects eastern New Mexico and Colorado, and western Oklahoma with more intensity.
  • April 15: The Roerich Pact is signed in Washington D.C.
  • 21 April: In Taiwan a strong earthquake of 7.0 is charged the lives of 3,200 people and causes numerous damages.
  • April 28: in Paris (France) the section of the line 11 of the Paris metro is opened between Châtelet and Porte des Lilas.
  • April 29: the first round is celebrated in Spain and becomes one of the three major road cyclists.
  • April 29: in Aznalcóllar in the province of Seville (Spain), the events of Aznalcóllar occur.
  • May 1st: founding of the municipality of Puerto López (Meta).
    • in Turkey an earthquake of 6.1 leaves 540 dead.
  • 2nd of May: Argentina founded the first normalization agency in Latin America, the IRAM.
  • 7 May: at the Vienna Culture Association, Edmund Husserl pronounces the conference Philosophy in the Crisis of European Humanity.
  • May 14: Filipinos ratify an independence agreement.
  • May 14: In the United States, Carl Magee invents the parchment.
  • May 17: General Francisco Franco is appointed head of the Central General Staff. A year later he will betray his command and begin the Spanish civil war.
  • 31 May: In the Indian province of Baluchistan, there is a devastating earthquake of 7.7 that leaves between 30,000 and 60,000 dead.
  • June 9: He-Umezu Agreement: the Kuomintang government in China leaves the military control of the northeast of China to the Japanese forces.
  • June 9: Consecration of the Parish of Christ the King in Panama and the first Mass of Blessing of the Parish, initiating his active life as a Catholic Church.
  • June 10: in Akron (Ohio) William Griffith and Dr. Robert Smith founded Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • 12 June: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, representatives of Paraguay and Bolivia sign the Protocol of Peace that suspends the Chaco War (1932-1935).
  • June 18: Anglo-German Naval Agreement: The UK is in line with a German navy that equals 35% of its own naval tonnage.
  • June 24: in Medellín (Colombia) the singer of tangos Carlos Gardel dies in the fire of the plane that carried him.
  • July 16: In Costa Rica, the Deportivo Saprissa was founded.
  • July 27: in Lima (Peru) the Club Centro Deportivo Municipal is founded.
  • August 14: In the United States, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act.
  • August 31: In the United States, President Roosevelt promulgated the first Neutrality Act (neutrality law), which prohibits the Government from supporting or censoring any country in a belligerent situation.
  • 2 September: in the Florida Cayos (United States) there is the strongest documented hurricane in that country, with winds of almost 300 km/h; leaving a balance of 423 dead (Huracán del Día de Trabajo de 1935).
  • September 13: Howard Hughes, flying at Hughes H-1 Racer, sets a speed record in the air of 566 km/h.
  • September 15: The Nuremberg Laws in Germany enter into force.
  • September 30: In the United States, President Roosevelt opened the Hoover Dam.
Page of October 22 of the Soviet revolutionary calendar with weeks of six days.
  • October 2–3: the Second Italo-Ethiopic War begins when General Emilio de Bono of Italy invades Ethiopia.
  • 10 October: in Langenberg, Germany, a tornado destroys a 160-metre-high radio tower. As a result of this catastrophe, the wooden radio towers are gradually removed.
  • October 12th: the lyric tenor Luciano Pavarotti was born in Modena, Italy.
  • October 18: In the city of Helena, Montana has a 6.2 earthquake that leaves two dead.
  • 1 November: A 6.1 earthquake shakes Canada.
  • November 5: Parker Brothers Launch Table Game Monopoly.
  • 6 November: In New York (United States) engineer Edwin Armstrong presents his work Method to reduce interference in radio signals through a frequency modulation system (see: Modulated frequency).
  • December 12: In Germany, the Nazi Heinrich Himmler founded the Lebensborn project, a Nazi reproduction program.
  • 17 December: in Maracay (Venezuela), Juan Vicente Gómez died, after 27 years in power.
  • December 18: In London (England), Samuel Hoare resigns as Minister of Foreign Affairs, replacing it with Anthony Eden.
  • December 27: Mao Tse-Tung issues the Wayaopao manifesto, About tactics against Japanese imperialismcalling a national united front against the Japanese invasion.
  • 28 December: Pravda publishes a letter from Pavel Postyshev, who revives the tradition of the New Year tree in the Soviet Union.
    • In the Indonesian island of Sumatra there is an earthquake of 7.7 that causes a small tsunami.



  • January 4th: Floyd Patterson, American boxer (f. 2006).
  • January 5: David Ryall, British actor (f. 2014).
  • January 8: Elvis Presley, American singer and actor (f. 1977).
  • January 14: Juan de Ribera Berenguer, a Spanish painter (f. 2016).
  • January 16: Inger Christensen, Danish poet (f. 2009).
  • January 28: David Lodge, British writer.
  • January 31: Kenzaburō Japanese writer, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1994.
  • January 31: Tulio Duque Gutiérrez, SDS Religious Salvatoriano and Colombian Catholic Bishop.


  • 1 February: Lélia González, an anthropologist and Brazilian politics (f. 1994).
  • February 3: Estanislao Zuleta, writer and Colombian pedagogue (f. 1990).
  • 4 February: Julio Ramos, Argentine journalist (f. 2006).
  • February 5: Amando Blanquer Ponsoda, Spanish musician and composer (f. 2005).
  • February 8: Luis María Anson, a Spanish journalist and writer.
  • 13 February: Marcelino Oreja Aguirre, politician, jurist and Spanish diplomat.
  • February 15: Eken Mine, Japanese voice actor (f. 2002).
  • February 17: Xavier López Rodríguez “Chabelo”, Mexican actor and comedian.
  • February 18: Nicolás Castellanos spanish religious, Prince of Asturias Award of Concordia.
  • February 22: Hisako Kyōda, Japanese seiyū.


  • March 2: Fabio Camero, Colombian film, theatre and television actor (f. 2019).
  • March 3: Zheliu Zhelev, Bulgarian President (f. 2015).
  • March 7: José del Patrocinio Romero Jiménez, Spanish painter and poet (f. 2006).
  • March 10: José Antonio Labordeta, singer, writer and Spanish politician (f. 2010).
  • March 10: Milorad Milutinović, footballer and Serbian coach (f. 2015).
  • March 11: Nancy Kovack, American classic film actress.
  • March 14: Mitsuo Ikeda, Japanese Olympic fighter (f. 2002).
  • March 16: Pepe Cáceres, Colombian bullfighter (f. 1987).
  • March 17: Valerio Adami, Italian painter, designer and engraver.
  • March 20: Lolita Sevilla, Spanish singer and actress (f. 2013)
  • March 21: Brian Clough, British football coach (f. 2004).
  • March 24: Mary Berry, British presenter and writer.
  • March 24: Peret, singer, guitarist and Spanish composer of Gypsy ethnicity (f. 2014).
  • March 25: Johnny Pacheco, Dominican composer and singer of Fania All-Stars (f. 2021).
  • March 26: Luz María Aguilar, Mexican actress.
  • March 26: Mahmud Abás, president and Palestinian politician.
  • March 30: Eusebio Rios, footballer and Spanish coach (f. 2008).


  • April 10: Alvaro de Luna, Spanish actor (f. 2018).
  • April 11: Richard Berry, American singer and composer (f. 1997).
  • April 13: Julio Nieto Bernal, journalist and Colombian radio announcer (f. 2008).
  • April 17: Rosa Rios, Bolivian actress and theatre director (f. 2018).
  • April 21: Charles Grodin, American actor (f. 2021).
  • April 22: Fiorenza Cossotto, Italian mezzosoprano.


  • May 2: Alicia Rodriguez, Mexican actress born in Spain.
  • May 4: José Sanfilippo, Argentine soccer player.
  • May 10: Humberto Rubin, journalist and Paraguayan locutor.
  • May 12: Roque Dalton, Salvadoran poet and revolutionary (f. 1975).
  • May 15: Akihiro Miwa, singer, actor, director, composer and Japanese author.
  • May 20: José Mujica, politician and Uruguayan president from 2010 to 2015.
  • May 21: Hisako Matsubara, Japanese novelist.
  • May 31: María Galiana, Spanish actress.
  • May 31: Jim Bolger, Prime Minister of New Zealand.


  • June 1st: Norman Foster, British architect.
  • 7 June: Euler Granda, poet and Ecuadorian psychiatrist (f. 2018).
  • 13 June: Christo, Bulgarian artist (f. 2020).
  • June 13: Ugné Karvelis, writer, literary criticism, translator and Lithuanian diplomat (f. 2002).
  • June 18: Omar Ostuni, playwright, teacher, actor and Uruguayan theatre director (f. 2012).
  • June 21: Wilfredo Camacho, footballer and Bolivian coach.
  • June 21: Francisco Torres Oliver, Spanish literary translator.
  • June 22: Zulu Sofola, Nigerian writer and playwright (f. 1995).
  • June 23: Thomas Brandis, German violinist.
  • June 23: Imre Farkas, Hungarian sportsman.
  • June 23: Maurice Ferré, American politician (f. 2019).
  • June 24: Manuel Hermoso, Spanish politician.
  • June 24: Juan Agüero, Paraguayan footballer (f. 2018).
  • June 26: Dwight York, racist religious and African American pedophile.
  • June 30: Lola Herrera, Spanish actress.
  • June 30: Stanley Norman Cohen, American geneticist.


  • July 1st: James Cotton, American blues harmonicist (f. 2017).
  • 1 July: Josefina Castellví, oceanographer, biologist and Spanish writer.
  • July 4: Leonid Potapov, Russian politician.
  • 4 July: Narcissus Ibáñez Serrador, film and television director, theatrical director, actor and Spanish screenwriter (f. 2019).
  • July 6: Tenzin Gyatso, dalái lama tibetano n.o14.
  • July 6: Patricio Bañados, journalist, radio announcer and Chilean television presenter.
  • July 9: Wim Duisenberg, Dutch economist and politician (f. 2005).
  • July 9: Isabel Coca Sarli, Argentine actress (f. 2019).
  • July 9: Mercedes Sosa, Argentinean singer (f. 2009).
  • July 12: Satoshi ⋅mura, Japanese biochemical
  • July 15: Víctor Mares, Mexican actor (f. 2000).
  • July 18: Ben Vautier, Italian artist.
  • July 29: Morella Muñoz, mezzosoprano venezolana (f. 1995).
  • July 29: Peter Schreier, German tenor (f. 2019).


  • August 2: Betty Brosmer, American model.
  • August 3: Omero Antonutti, Italian actor (f. 2019).
  • August 16: Leopoldo Azancot, novelist, literary critic and Spanish journalist (f. 2015).
  • August 20: Paco Valladares, Spanish actor (f. 2012)
  • August 22: Annie Proulx, American writer.
  • August 29: Juan Ernesto López (Pepeto), actor and humorist, Venezuelan.
  • August 29: William Friedkin, American filmmaker.


  • September 1: Seiji Ozawa, director of Japanese orchestra and musician.
  • September 2: Horacio Molina, singer and Argentinean tango singer (f. 2018).
  • September 16: Jaime Eyzaguirre Philippi, Chilean scientist.
  • September 19: Encarna Sánchez, a Spanish journalist (f. 1996).
  • September 27: Joyce Johnson, American writer.
  • September 27: Sergio Ramos Gutiérrez, Mexican actor (f. 2004).
  • 27 September: José María Vilches, a Spanish actor (f. 1984).
  • September 29: Jerry Lee Lewis, American rock and roll singer.


  • October 1st: Julie Andrews, British actress.
  • October 1st: Julio Jaramillo, Ecuadorian singer (f. 1978).
  • October 5: Tarcísio Meira, Brazilian actor (f. 2021).
  • October 12: Luciano Pavarotti, Italian tenor (f. 2007).
  • October 20: Jerry Orbach, American actor (f. 2004).
  • October 28: Luis Bayardo, Mexican actor.


  • November 1st: Gary Player, South African golfer.
  • 4 November: Elgar Howarth, British orchestra director and composer.
  • November 15: Kaneta Kimotsuki, Japanese seiyū (f. 2016).
  • 16 November: Sara Joffré, actress, author, theatre director and Peruvian editor (f. 2014).
  • November 18: Patricio Castillo, actor and Chilean comedian (f. 2021).
  • November 22: Esperanza Roy, Spanish actress and vedette.
  • 25 November: José Esteban Lasala, director and Spanish screenwriter (f. 2007).
  • November 28: Jorge Lafforgue, writer, literary critic, university professor and Argentine editor.


  • December 1st: Woody Allen, actor, filmmaker, screenwriter and American musician.
  • 1 December: Viktor Briujánov, Ukrainian architect (f. 2021)
  • December 7: Ellen Burstyn, American actress.
  • December 7: Armando Manzanero, singer and Mexican musician (f. 2020).
  • 13 December: Adélia Prado, Portuguese poet.
  • December 14: Lee Remick, American actress (f. 1991).
  • December 19: Luis Landriscina, humorist and Argentinean cuentist.
  • December 20: Valerio Lazarov, Romanian television director and producer (f. 2009).
  • December 21: Lorenzo Bandini, Italian driver of Formula 1 (f. 1967).
  • December 29: Patricio Castillo: Mexican actor.
  • December 30: Omar Bongo, president of Gabon (f. 2009).
  • December 30: Sandy Koufax, American baseball player.
  • 31 December: Salman bin Abdulaziz, Saudi king
  • December 31: Fernando Corredor, Colombian actor (f. 2016).

Unknown dates

  • Guillermo Zarba, pianist, Argentine composer and arranger.
  • Dolores Cabezudo, Spanish scientific researcher in the field of chemistry, UCLM Food Technology professor.



  • January 22: Zequinha de Abreu, Brazilian composer (n. 1880).


  • February 21: Luis Pardo Villalón, Marino Chileno (n. 1882).


  • March 2: Fabio Camero, Colombian actor (f. 2019).
  • March 8: Hachiko, famous Japanese dog who waited for almost ten years at a train station to his dead owner (n. 1923).
  • March 16: John James Richard Macleod, British doctor, nobel medical prize in 1923 (n. 1876).


  • April 5: Juan Picasso González, Spanish military (n. 1857).


  • 11 or 12 May: Juan Antonio Morán, anarchist Argentine expropriator, executed.
  • May 14: Magnus Hirschfeld, German doctor (n. 1868).
  • May 15: Kasimir Malevich, Russian painter (n. 1878).
  • May 19: Lawrence of Arabia (Thomas Edward Lawrence), military, archaeologist and British writer (n. 1888).
  • 21 May: Jane Addams, American sociologist, Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 (n. 1860).
  • May 29: Josef Suk, Czech composer (n. 1874).
  • May 31:José Jackson Veyan, playwright, writer, telegrapher (n. 1852).


  • June 24: Carlos Gardel, singer of Argentine tangos of French or Uruguayan origin (n. 1887 or 1890).


  • July 3: André Citroën, a French motor engineer and businessman (n. 1878).
  • 12 July: Alfred Dreyfus, French military (n. 1859).
  • 17 July: Nie Er (23), Chinese composer (n. 1912)


  • August 12: Gareth Jones, Welsh Journalist, killed in China allegedly for making known the holodomor (n. 1905).


  • September 19: Konstantin Tsiolkovski, a Soviet physicist known as the father of the cosmonautics (n. 1857).


  • 4 October: Jean Béraud, French Impressionist painter (n. 1849).
  • October 20: Arthur Henderson, a British politician and trade unionist, a Nobel Peace Prize in 1934 (n. 1863).


  • 16 November: Artemio Zeno (51), doctor and surgeon of Argentina (n. 1884).
  • November 30: Fernando Pessoa, Portuguese poet (n. 1888).


  • December 4th: Charles Robert Richet, French doctor, nobel medical prize in 1913 (n. 1850).
  • 13 December: Victor Grignard, French chemist, nobel chemistry award in 1912 (n. 1871).
  • December 17: Juan Vicente Gómez, militar, dictator and Venezuelan president between 1908 and 1935 (n. 1857).
  • 21 December: Eustoquio Gómez, politician and military Venezuelan (n. 1868).
  • December 28: Clarence Day, American writer (n. 1874).
  • Maurice Pignet, doctor, chemist and French surgeon (n. 1871).


  • Meade Lux Lewis records the second version Honky tonk train bluesOne of the iconic boogie-woogie recordings.

Art and literature

  • February 1st: at the Teatro María Guerrero, Francisco Villaespesa is a poem The Sun of Ayacucho.
  • December 20: Enrique Jardiel Poncela estrena The Five Warnings of Satan.
  • Luis Cernuda: Where oblivion dwells.
  • Juan Ramón Jiménez: Song.
  • 30 November: poet Fernando Pessoa died in a hospital in Lisbon.
  • Jorge Luis Borges: Universal history of infamy.
  • Agatha Christie: Death in the clouds.
  • John Steinbeck: Tortilla Flat.
  • T. S. Eliot: Murder at the cathedral.
  • Federico García Lorca: Doña Rosita the single.


  • Ana Karenina (Ana Karenina)Clarence Brown.
  • Annie Oakley (Annie Oakley)George Stevens.
  • Generic tree (His family tree)Charles Vidor.
  • Song of love (I dream too much)John Cromwell.
  • Captain Blood (Captain Blood)Michael Curtiz.
  • The raven (The raven)Lew Landers.
  • The delator (The reporter)John Ford.
  • The devil was a woman (The devil is a woman)Josef Von Sternberg.
  • The ghost goes west (The ghost goes west)Rene Clair.
  • Janitzio de Carlos Navarro (cineasta) (Mexico). A tape that would mark the style of the protagonist of the film and future filmmaker Emilio Fernández who would make two versions of Janitzio as director despite denying it in both cases: María Candelaria and Maclovia.
  • The city without law (Barbary Coast)Howard Hawks.
  • Sylvia Scarlett (Sylvia Scarlett)George Cukor.
  • The daughter of John Simon (John Simon's daughter)Luis Buñuel.
  • The heroic kermesse (The heroic kermesse) Jacques Feyder.
  • Frankenstein's girlfriend. (The bride of Frankenstein)James Whale.
  • Liliom (Liliom), from Fritz Lang.
  • The 39 StepsAlfred Hitchcock.
  • Mutiny on the Bounty (Mutiny on the Bounty)Frank Lloyd.
  • Drink hat (Top hat)Mark Sandrich (with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers).
  • Dreams of youth (Alice Adams)George Stevens.
  • One night at the opera (A night at the opera)from Sam Wood (with the Marx brothers).
  • Let's go with Pancho Villa by Fernando de Fuentes (Mexico). In 1994, the magazine We are published a survey of 25 Mexican film critics and specialists, who considered Let's go with Pancho Villa the best Mexican movie ever.

Science and technology

French physicist and chemist Irène Joliot-Curie is awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.


  • Basketball: is played in Geneva (Switzerland) the first European championship of basketball selections. Latvia is proclaimed champion, ahead of Spain, second, and Czechoslovakia, third.
  • Cycling: the first Cycling Tour to Spain is disputed.
  • Football: Real Betis Balompié wins its first and until now unique title of Spanish league, surpassing just for a point to Real Madrid.
  • In Buenos Aires, Boca Juniors wins his third official title of the First Division of Argentina championship, surpassing in the last date the Independent of Avellaneda.
  • 16 July: the Deportivo Saprissa was founded in San José (Costa Rica).
  • Automobile: French drivers Lahaye and Quatresous win the Rally de Monte Carlo, with Renault.


Nobel laureates

  • Physics: James Chadwick.
  • Chemistry: Frédéric Joliot e Irène Joliot-Curie.
  • Medicine: Hans Spemann.
  • Literature: one third for the main fund and two thirds for the special fund of this section of the award.
  • Peace: Carl von Ossietzky.

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