
1931 (MCMXXXI) was a common year beginning on a Thursday according to the Gregorian calendar.


From January to June

  • 2 January: in Panama, President Florencio Harmodio Arosemena is dismissed by the nationalist movement Acción Comunal Patriótica.
  • January 3: in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, repatriated from the United States began to enter due to the crisis in that country. Until December 38,688 Mexicans will return.
  • January 14: In the Mexican state of Oaxaca there is a strong earthquake of 8.0.
  • January 22: Between the Canary Islands and the Iberian peninsula the telephone service begins to operate.
  • January 24: in Cirenaica (Sahara) the Italian invading brigades conquer the oasis of Kufra.
  • January 27: In France, Pierre Laval became prime minister.
  • January 28: In Burma there is a strong earthquake of 7.6 that causes numerous fissures and cracks.
  • February 3: In New Zealand, an earthquake destroys several cities and causes the death of 256 people.
  • 5 February: in Spain the National Literature Award is awarded to Mauricio Bacarisse.
  • February 6: In the United States the film is released City lightsCharles Chaplin.
  • 7 February: constitutional guarantees are restored in Spain and legislative elections are convened.
  • 11 February: In the Soviet Union, the Government orders the mobilization of agricultural specialists to work free of charge for two months in the collective farms.
  • February 12: In Tokyo, Japan, the transmission of a cable baseball game to the Waseda University lab, is the world's first sport broadcast on television.
  • 13 February: In India invaded by Great Britain, the capital passed from Calcutta to New Delhi (it had already been named capital on 12 December 1911).
  • 14 February: In Spain, General Dámaso Berenguer resigns as president of the government six days after the official call for elections was issued.
  • February 15: in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, a civilian finds 25 bombs in a land near the municipal pantheon. Once collected, the police carried out their destruction. The Government stated that the bombs belonged to the “renovators”, who would have buried them in their flight from the city in April 1929.
  • 17 February: the viceroy of India, Lord Edward W. Irving, met Mahatma Gandhi, the leading independence leader.
  • February 18: in Spain, Admiral Aznar is a new government commissioned by King Alfonso XIII.
  • 21 February: in Spain, the number of workers standing is about 150,000.
  • 21 February: in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, the council in extraordinary meeting declares the definitive cessation of Arturo N. Flores as municipal president, because he separated from his post without the corresponding permission.
  • February 22: In Peru, the governing board headed by Sánchez Cerro, calls for elections to form a Constituent Assembly.
  • 22 February: Francesc Macià returns to Barcelona from Belgium from his exile since 1923.
  • February 25: In Mexico, the US telephone company Ericsson opens the new phone line between Ciudad Juárez and Chihuahua.
  • February 28: In Bolivia, the National Chamber of Industries of the country was founded.
  • March 2: in the United States, the song The Star Spangled Banner officially becomes the national anthem of that country.
  • March 3: In Spain the Constitutional Center party, formed by Cambó and the Duke of Maura, is constituted, among others.
  • March 15: Buenos Aires founded the Club Atlético Correos y Telégrafos, predecessor of the current Club Comunicaciones.
  • March 23: In Spain, parole is granted to the signatories of the revolutionary manifesto.
  • March 31: Managua – the capital of Nicaragua – is destroyed by an earthquake. It will be destroyed again by another earthquake in 1972.
  • 5 April: in Spain, the candidates for the 81,099 councillors are presented in the 8,943 districts for the municipal elections of 12 April, and they are automatically proclaimed, according to article 29 of the electoral law, 14,018 monarchical councillors and 1,832 republicans.
  • April 12: In Spain, municipal elections are held that represent the republican victory in 41 provincial capitals. Although the partial results favored the monarchists, the republican victory in the cities led to the government crisis that gave way to the Second Republic.
  • 14 April: In Spain, the Second Republic is proclaimed after the victory of the Republican forces in the main cities in the 12th municipal elections. King Alfonso XIII leaves the country in fear of civil confrontation.
  • April 15: In the United States the Castellammarese War ends with the murder of Joe Masseria, briefly leaving Salvatore Maranzano as capo di tutti i capi (chief) undisputed in the U.S. mafia government.
  • 22 April: Madrid, Spain, opens the Madrid-Barajas Airport.
  • April 27: An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 leaves nearly 3,000 dead on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
  • May 1st: in New York, President Herbert Hoover opened the Empire State Building.
  • 4 May: in Turkey, Kemal Ataturk is reelected president.
  • 6 May: at the Teatro Colón (Mexico City) it is premiered The eagle and the nopal, the first film spoken, sung and danced in that country.
  • May 13: In France he is elected President Paul Doumer.
  • May 14: In Italy, the orchestra director Arturo Toscanini is beaten by a group of fascists for refusing to execute the fascist anthem Giovinezza (juventud).
  • May 15: A papal Encyclical is published that opposes the inclusion of socialist principles in education.
  • 28 May: in Spain the Canary Islands Cruise of the Spanish Navy.
  • June 17: in Madrid the bullring of Las Ventas is inaugurated, also called La Monumental.
  • June 24: in Santa Fe (Argentina) the Santafess League of Football is created.
  • June 28: First general elections in the Second Spanish Republic winning the PSOE.

Events (from July to December)

  • 7 July: in Kebili (Tunisia) the highest temperature is recorded in the history of that country (and of the whole African continent): 50.0 °C (131 °F).
  • 8 July: in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, the Department of Salubridad rotates a circular to all food items vendors, prohibiting them from using printed papers as a wrapping of their products, because they are effective skin disease drivers.
  • July 16: In Ethiopia, Emperor Haile Selassie signed the first constitution of that country.
  • July 27: In Chile, El dictator Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, leaves power after massive protests against him.
  • July-November: In China, the floods of the Yangzi, Amarillo and the Great China Canal will leave a balance of about 4 million dead and 23 million injured.
  • August 11: An earthquake of 8.0 shakes the north of Sinkiang in China leaving a balance of 10,000 dead.
  • August 16: A 6.5 earthquake is recorded in the city of Valentine (Texas), the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Texas history.
  • August 19: in Hankou, China, during the floods from July to November, the waters reach their peak (16 m).
  • August 19: in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, the municipal authority orders all signs and announcements to be written in Spanish. In case the interested parties want to do so in English, they can do it but with smaller characters. Those who do not comply with these provisions shall be fined.
  • 22 August: In Tolima, Colombia, the official record of the trace of the population of Herrera is signed.
  • August 24: The Labour Government of Ramsay MacDonald resigns in Britain. Being replaced by a coalition of all parties, including the Labour Party, known as the National Government.
  • August 25: In the east of China, the water of the Great China Canal drags several dikes at night near Lake Gaoyou. Some 200,000 people are drowned (who were sleeping). In the following months, about 4 million people will die (from floods and related diseases).
  • August 31: Mexico begins to publish the newspaper North Voicedirected by Rodolfo Uranga.
  • August 31: In Chile, the marines of the Navy ships anchored in Coquimbo are mutinied in the last hours of the night, taking control of almost the entire ship of the squad and taking prisoners to their officers starting the Uprising of the Squad.
  • September 1st: Squad of Chile. There is a riot on the ships of the Chilean squad that spread to other naval divisions and even affected units of the Army and the Air Force. Coquimbo.
  • September 4: Uprising of the Chilean Squad. There is a shooting in the Maipo Regiment between the members of the regiment and the carabineros because of their support for the uprising, generating a strong fracture in the army, After the exchange of fire the Maipo surrendered. Valparaiso.
  • September 5: Squad of Chile. In the entrance area of the " Talcahuano Naval Apostadero", known as " Leonean Door" there is a fight between the sailors and workers of the apostoadero upheld against the Army forces, lasting about 8 hours of hard combat, after that the siege reported their surrender, leaving 20 dead and 35 wounded. Fighting the lions door.Talcahuano.
  • September 6: Squad of Chile. The Chilean Air Force bombards the squad to demoralize the rebels, leaves at least 2 dead and several wounded, as well as 1 shot plane and 1 damaged submarine. Coquimbo.
  • September 7: Squad of Chile. The uprisings gradually surrender to the authorities, at the end of the day the uprising delivered the Squad to the government. Coquimbo.
  • September 10: Belize's worst hurricane in history leaves a balance of at least 1500 victims.
  • September 10: In the United States, Salvatore Maranzano was murdered, leading to the formation of the five main families of the American Mafia.
  • 12 September: in British Honduras (Belize) cyclone causes the death of more than 700 people and hundreds of wounded.
  • September 18: in the apartment of Adolf Hitler (in some city of Germany) Geli Raubal is found shot dead.
  • September 18: In China, Japanese invaders occupy Manchuria.
  • September 23: Mexico joins the League of Nations.
  • September 25: The Indonesian island of Sumatra is shaken by an earthquake of 7.3 and a subsequent tsunami.
  • October 1st: In Spain, Clara Campoamor defends the right to vote of women later recognized by the Constitution by establishing universal suffrage, for the first time in the history of this country.
  • October 9: In Andalusia, Spain, the events of Gilena, one of the first violent episodes in the Andalusian countryside, take place.
  • October 12: In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the statue of Christ Redeemer (or Christ of Corcovado) was inaugurated.
  • October 17: In the United States, the gangster Al Capone is sentenced to 11 years in prison for evading taxes.
  • October 23: In Paraguay, the liberal government of José Patricio Guggiari unleashes a bloody repression against the student movement that called for concrete measures to defend Paraguayan territory, in the face of the imminent war of the chaco.
  • 2 November: the cement factory La Cruz Azul was put into the hands of its workers
  • 7 November: Mao Tsé Tung proclaims the Soviet Republic of China.
  • 2 December: coup d'etat in El Salvador. The Civic Directory overthrows and replaces Arturo Araujo, starting a succession of military governments that will continue until 1979.
  • December 4th: in El Salvador, the civic board gives the presidency to Maximiliano Hernández Martínez, whose government will continue until 1944.
  • December 5: the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour of Moscow was destroyed by a request from Iosif Stalin.
  • December 7: New York premiere of the film Arrowsmith, directed by John Ford and starring Ronald Colman.
  • December 10: Niceto Alcalá Zamora is elected president of the Second Spanish Republic.

No known date

  • Mexico enters the League of Nations.
  • Spain: in one of the hills of the capital of Palencia (Castilla and Leon) the image of Jesus highest in Europe, the Christ of the Otero is erected.
  • Japan establishes Manchukuo puppet status until 1932.

Science and technology

  • April 25: the NIC Film is patented.



  • January 2: Toshiki Kaifu, Japanese politician.(f.2022)
  • January 5: Alvin Ailey, American dancer and choreographer (f. 1989).
  • January 5: Alfred Brendel, Austrian pianist.
  • January 5: Robert Duvall, American actor.
  • January 5: Juan Goytisolo, Spanish writer (f. 2017).
  • January 10: Gonzalo Payo Subiza, geographer, topographer and Spanish mathematician (f. 2002).
  • January 16: Johannes Rau, German president (f. 2006).
  • January 17: James Earl Jones, American actor.
  • January 20: Birgit Finnilä, Swedish contralto.
  • January 28: Lucia Bosé, Italian actress (f. 2020).
  • January 28: Roxana Darín, an Argentine actress (f. 2018).
  • January 29: Manuel "El Loco" Valdés, Mexican actor (f. 2020).


  • 1 February: Boris Yeltsin, Russian politician (f. 2007).
  • 1 February: Isabel Osca, Spanish actress (f. 2011).
  • 4 February: María Estela Martínez de Perón, president of Argentina.
  • 5 February: Vicente Parra, Spanish actor (f. 1997).
  • February 6: Rip Torn, American actor (f. 2019).
  • February 8: James Dean, American actor (f. 1955).
  • 14 February: Rene Abeliuk, a Chilean lawyer and politician (f. 2014).
  • 14 February: Margarita Lozano, Spanish actress.(f.2022)
  • 14 February: Laura Valenzuela, TV presenter, model and Spanish actress.
  • February 24: Francisco Barón, Spanish sculptor (f. 2006).
  • February 26: Robert Novak, American journalist (f. 2009).
  • February 28: Gavin MacLeod, American actor, activist and Christian author (f. 2021).


  • March 2: Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the Soviet Union. (f.2022)
  • March 2: Emma Penella, Spanish actress (f. 2007).
  • March 5: Fred, author of French comics, creator of Philémon (f. 2013).
  • March 9: Gilles Perrault, French writer and journalist.
  • March 9: Leon Febres Cordero, politician and Ecuadorian president (f. 2008).
  • March 11: Rupert Murdoch, an Australian American entrepreneur.
  • March 13: Aurora Molina, Spanish actress (f. 2004).
  • March 21: Alda Merini, Italian poet (f. 2009).
  • March 21: Richard Ratsimandrava, politician and president of Madagascar (f. 1975).
  • March 22: William Shatner, Canadian actor.
  • March 23: Viktor Korchnói, a Soviet chessist (f. 2016).
  • March 25: Encarna Paso, a Spanish actress (f. 2019).
  • March 25: Julio César Trujillo, Ecuadorian lawyer and politician (f. 2019).
  • March 26: Leonard Nimoy, American actor (f. 2015).


  • April 5: Héctor Olivera, director and Argentine writer.
  • April 6: Ram Dass, American writer (f. 2019).
  • April 6: John Gavin, American actor (f. 2018).
  • April 8: Jaime Ostos, Spanish bullfighter. (f. 2022).
  • April 12: Chico Anysio, Brazilian actor and humorist (f. 2012).
  • April 12: Ricardo Romero, Argentine musician and singer, from the group Los Cinco Latinos.
  • April 15: Tomas Tranströmer, Swedish poet (f. 2015).
  • April 27: Igor Óistraj, Ukrainian violinist.(f.2021)


  • 4 May: Gennadi Rozhdéstvenski, director of Russian orchestra and musician (f. 2018).
  • May 7: Ricardo Legorreta, Mexican architect (f. 2011).
  • 7 May: Ingvar Wixell, Swedish baritone (f. 2001).
  • May 10: Ichirō Nagai, Japanese seiyū (f. 2014).
  • May 16: Magda Guzmán, Mexican actress (f. 2015).
  • May 23: José Luis Coll, writer, humorist and Spanish actor (f. 2007).
  • May 28: Carroll Baker, an American actress of Polish origin.
  • May 30: Antonio Gamoneda, Spanish poet, Cervantes Award 2006.


  • June 17: John Baldessari, American conceptual artist(f.2020)
  • June 24: Irma Palmieri, Venezuelan actress and humorist (f. 2015).
  • June 27: Martinus J. G. Veltman, American physicist (f.2021)
  • June 29: Pedro Miguel Barreda Marcos, writer and Spanish historian (f. 2016).
  • June 30: Pompeyo Davalillo, baseball player and Venezuelan coach (f. 2013).


  • 1 July: Leslie Caron, French actress.
  • July 3: Elia Espen, an Argentine human rights activist.
  • July 7: Mario Barrientos, Chilean dramatic tenor.(2023)
  • July 10: Jerry Herman, American composer and litrist (f. 2019).
  • July 14: Helga Liné, a German actress in Spain.
  • July 18: Walter Vidarte, Uruguayan actor (f. 2011).
  • July 18: Héctor Schmucler, a sociologist and an Argentine semiologist (f. 2018).
  • June 19: Juan Carlos Moreno, guitarist and Argentine folk singer, Los Fronterizos.
  • July 22: Guido de Marco, a Maltese politician (f. 2010).
  • July 23: Arata Isozaki, Japanese architect.(f 2022).
  • July 24: Ermanno Olmi, Italian filmmaker (f. 2018).
  • July 29: Jorge Edwards, Chilean writer, journalist and diplomat.


  • August 9: Mário Zagallo, ex-futbolist and Brazilian coach.
  • August 11: William Niehous, American businessman (f. 2013).
  • August 30: Jōji Yanami, Japanese seiyū.(f.2021)


  • September 1: Raúl Araiza, actor, director and producer of Mexican film and television (f. 2013).
  • September 3: José de Torres Wilson, Uruguayan historian (f. 1999).
Javier Solís
  • September 4: Javier Solís, Mexican singer and actor (f. 1966).
  • September 7: José Luis Núñez, Spanish entrepreneur (f. 2018).
  • September 11: Francisco Merino, Spanish actor.(f.2022)
  • September 16: Silvia Pinal, Mexican actress and politics.
  • September 17: Anne Bancroft, American actress (f. 2005).
  • September 17: Anabel Gutiérrez, Mexican actress.(f 2022)
  • September 24: Alberto Anchart, Argentine actor (f. 2011).
  • September 29: Anita Ekberg, Swedish actress (f. 2015).
  • September 30: Angie Dickinson, American actress.


  • October 1st: Sylvano Bussotti, Italian composer.(f.2021)
  • 13 October: Raymond Kopa, Polish-French footballer (f. 2017).
  • October 14: Rafael Puyana, a Colombian keynapper (f. 2013).
  • October 15: Freddy Cole, American jazz musician (f. 2020).
  • October 19: Manolo Escobar, Spanish singer and actor (f. 2013).
  • October 25: Annie Girardot, French actress (f. 2011).
  • October 25: Fernando García de la Vega, espresario y realizador de TV.
  • October 28: Analía Gadé, Spanish actress, Argentina (f. 2019).
  • October 29: Vaali (T. S. Rangarayan), litrist, poet and Indian writer in Tamil language (f. 2013).
  • October 31: Sergio Obeso Rivera, Mexican cardinal (f. 2019).


  • 1 November: Shunsuke Kikuchi, Japanese musician and composer.(f.2021)
  • 1 November: Manuel Ocampo, dancer, choreographer and Guatemalan teacher (f. 2009).
  • 2 November: Mariano Gambier, Argentinian archaeologist (f. 2006).
  • 2nd of November: Maria Fernanda D'Ocón, Spanish actress (f. 2022).
  • 5 November: Alberto Rosales, a Venezuelan philosopher.
  • November 10: Hugo García Robles, writer, gastronome and Uruguayan art critic (f. 2014).
  • 13 November: Inés Fernández, an Argentine actress and singer (f. 2009).
  • 16 November: Luciano Bottaro, Italian comical hysterist (f. 2006).
  • November 23: Héctor Jaramillo, Ecuadorian singer.
  • November 26: Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, architect, artist and pacifist of Argentina, Nobel Peace Prize.
  • 28 November: Joan Guinjoan, Spanish composer (f. 2019).


  • December 1st: George Maxwell Richards, President of Trinidad and Tobago (f. 2018).
  • 4 December: Rodolfo Cholo Montironi, bandoneonist, orchestra director, arranger and Argentine tango composer.
  • December 5: Julia Martínez, Spanish actress.
  • 10 December: Gonzalo Anes Álvarez, economist and Spanish historian (f. 2014).
  • December 18: Esperanza Vera, a Venezuelan printer (f. 2018).
  • December 24: Mauricio Kagel, Argentine composer (f. 2008).

Unknown dates

  • Ricardo Irarrázaval, Chilean painter and ceramist.
  • Luisín Landáez, Venezuelan singer (f. 2008).



  • 13 January: Jesus Mary Semprúm, poet, narrator, chronicler, essayist and father of literary criticism in Venezuela (n. 1882).


  • 1 February: Severino Di Giovanni, anarchist ílo-argentino (n. 1901).
  • 3 February: Joseph Joffre, French military (n. 1852).
  • February 18: Archibald Stirling, Scottish military and former member of the British Parliament (n. 1867)
  • February 23: Nellie Melba, Australian opera singer (n. 1861).
  • February 26: Otto Wallach, German chemical, nobel chemistry award in 1910 (n. 1847).


  • March 7: Theo Does Vanburg, a Dutch artist (n. 1883).
  • March 11: F. W. Murnau, German filmmaker.
  • March 25: Ida B. Wells, American activist (n. 1862).


  • April 8: Erik Axel Karlfeldt, Swedish poet, nobel literature award in 1931 (n. 1864).
  • April 10: Lisandro Alvarado, doctor, naturalist, historian, ethnologist and Venezuelan linguist (f. 1858).
  • April 10: Khalil Gibrán, poet, painter, novelist and Lebanese essayist (n. 1883).
  • April 26: George H. Mead, American philosopher.


  • 9 May: Albert Michelson, American physicist, 1907 nobel physics award (n. 1852).


  • June 4th: Husayn ibn Ali (La Mecca branch), Emir and Jerife of Mecca and King of Hiyaz (n. 1853/4)


  • July 12: Nathan Söderblom, Swedish ecclesiastical, Nobel Peace Prize in 1930 (n. 1866).
  • July 21: Jimmy Blythe, pianist and blues composer (n. 1901).
  • July 22: Jorge Tamayo Gavilán, Chilean anarchist (n. 1902).
  • July 25: Angel Darío Acosta Zurita, Mexican priest (n. 1908).
  • July 27: Jacques Herbrand, French mathematician.


  • August 14: Francisco Vega de los Reyes (26), Spanish bullfighter (n. 1904).


  • September 5: John Thompson, Scottish footballer (n. 1909).
  • September 18: Geli Raubal, niece of Adolf Hitler (n. 1908).


  • October 2: Jaime de Borbón, Spanish aristocrat, a carlist aspirant to the throne of Spain.
  • October 16: Luis Linares Becerra, playwright and Spanish journalist (n. 1887).
  • October 17: Ovidio Rebaudi, Paraguayan chemist who died in Buenos Aires.
  • October 18: Thomas Alva Edison, American inventor and entrepreneur (n. 1847).
  • 21 October: Arthur Schnitzler, Austrian physician and writer (n. 1862).


  • 4 November: Buddy Bolden, American trompetist (n. 1877).


  • December 26: Melvil Dewey, American librarian, creator of the Dewey classification system (n. 1851).
  • December 27: José Figueroa Alcorta, an Argentine politician (n. 1860).

Art and literature

  • May 15: Pope Pius XI promulgates the Encyclical Quadragesimo Anno.
  • June 3: Spain: a historical-artistic monument is declared to the palace of the Marqueses of Yesterdaybe.
  • 13 August: Argentina: the Argentine Academy of Letters is established.
  • Spain: Federico García Lorca creates La Barraca, university theater group with which he represented classical works in many Spanish villages.
  • United States: Carl O. Sauer publishes the essay Cultural geography.
  • Paris: Jean Arp publishes the Manifesto of concrete art.
  • Venezuela: Arturo Uslar Pietri writes Las Lanzas Coloradas.
  • Spain: César Vallejo edits the work Tungsten.
  • Spain: aparece el primer número de A. C. Documents of Contemporary Activity, avant-garde architecture magazine.
  • Spain: Salvador Dalí painted The persistence of memory.
  • Pearl S. Buck: The Good Land.
  • Agatha Christie: The mystery of Sittaford.
  • William Faulkner: Sanctuary.
  • Ilf and Petrov: The golden calf.
  • Virginia Woolf: The waves.
  • Federico García Lorca: So spend five years.
  • Eugene O'Neill: Electra feels good about the mourning.



  • From July 24th to 26th, the 14th Spanish Championship is held in Madrid and Barcelona, the first in which women compete in Spain.


  • 14 April: Granada Club de Fútbol was founded in Granada (Spain).
  • May 31st: the first professional football championship in Argentina begins. The winner is Boca Juniors.
  • First Spanish division: triple tie between Athletic de Bilbao, Real Racing Club and Real Sociedad that is jumped with the victory of the bilbaínos. The Barcelona is 4th with a point less than these three teams.
  • Paris International Tournament


  • Anna Christie (Anna Christie)Jacques Feyder (with Greta Garbo).
  • Chantage (Hush Money)Sidney Lanfield.
  • Douro, Fluvial Faine (Douro, Faina Fluvial), by Manoel de Oliveira.
  • Dracula (film) (Dracula)Tod Browning (with Béla Lugosi).
  • The champion (Champ)King Vidor.
  • Wife of Doctors (Doctor's wives)Frank Borzage.
  • Frankenstein (FrankensteinJames Whale (with Boris Karloff).
  • Golden hampa (Little Caesar)Mervyn LeRoy.
  • Dirty game (The skin game)Alfred Hitchcock.
  • The Earth (film)Last silent film of the Soviet Union of Alexandr Dovzhenko.
  • The streets of the city (City streets)Rouben Mamoulian.
  • City lights (City lights)Charles Chaplin's first sound film.
  • M (M)Fritz Lang.
  • Many a Slip (Many a Slip)Vin Moore.
  • Mata Hari (Mata Hari)George Fitzmaurice (with Greta Garbo).
  • On Purge Bébé (On Purge Bébé)Jean Renoir.
  • Freshwater guns (Monkey business)Norman Z. McLeod.
  • Santa of Antonio Moreno.
  • Long live freedom (Nous la liberté)Rene Clair.

The I Hispano-American Congress of Cinematography is held.


  • Igor Stravinski: Symphony of Psalms.
  • Ferde Grofé: Grand Canyon Suite.


Nobel laureates

  • Physics: assigned to the Special Fund of this section of the award.
  • Chemistry: Carl Bosch, Friedrich Bergius.
  • Medicine: Otto Heinrich Warburg.
  • Literature: Erik Axel Karlfeldt.
  • Peace: Jane Addams, Nicholas Murray Butler.

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