
1930 (MCMXXX) was a common year beginning on a Wednesday according to the Gregorian calendar.



  • 1 January: in the Soviet Union, the government orders the expropriation and deportation of the kulaks, thus pretending to impose forced collectivization in agriculture.
  • January 2: in China, Jiang Jieshi assumes the head of civil power.
  • January 11: In Quito, Ecuador will consolidate the team of Universidad de Quito Sports League. Previously known as 'Club Universitario'.
  • January 13: Mickey Mouse debuts in comic strips.
  • January 13: In the Lowell Observatory (Flagstaff, Arizona), a group of researchers announced the discovery of the ninth planet of the solar system. On May 26, he received the name Pluto in the United States.
  • 15 January: the International Exhibition of Barcelona is closed.
  • January 24: In Libya, the Italian brigades of the Sahara conquer the oasis of Kufra in Cirenaica.
  • January 26: In India, the Indian National Congress—illegally— declares this day as Pūrna Swarash (complete independence).
  • January 27: In Spain, the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera presents his resignation.


  • 1 February: in Spain the dictablandaafter the appointment in Madrid of General Berenguer as head of the Council of Ministers, with the order of the king to prepare the return to the constitutional regime prior to 1923.
  • 2 February: in Chile, President Carlos Ibáñez del Campo promulgates a new Civil Registry Law.
  • February 3: The Spanish Football Federation agrees not to participate in the international tournament in Montevideo.
  • February 5: In Mexico, Pascual Ortiz Rubio took office as president of Mexico as his fortieth president.
  • February 7: Gandhi begins the March of Salt.
  • 9 February: In Yen Bay (Indochina) the French colonial troops are harshly repressing the nationalist riot.
  • February 9: In Colombia's presidential elections, Enrique Olaya Herrera, the first liberal after almost half a century of conservative hegemony, was elected.
  • February 9: German motorist Hans Stuck wins with an Austro-Daimler the first race of the World Championship.
  • February 10: General Miguel Primo de Rivera leaves Spain.
  • February 10: In the Vatican City, the new Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, assumes his post.
  • February 10: At the Metropolitan Theatre of Madrid, the American cabaret actress Joséphine Baker acts.
  • 11 February: In Mexico, the police register the delegation of the soviets.
  • February 15: General Berenguer's government dissolves the National Assembly established by General Miguel Primo de Rivera.
  • February 18: studying photographs taken in January, Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto.
  • February 18: In Milan the comedy is released Eat your vuoiLuigi Pirandello.
  • February 18: The cow Elm Farm Ollie is the first to travel in an airplane and also the first to be milked in the air.
  • February 23: The graphic transcription of sound waves, put to the point by the French Lauste, Laudet and the American Lee de Forest, represents a new progress in the cinema spoken.


  • March 9: The work is being staged at the Leipzig Opera (Germany) Rise and decadence of the city of MagonnyBertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill.
  • March 14: In the United States Anna Christie the first sound film by actress Greta Garbo, based on the play of the homonymous theatre by Eugene O'Neill.
  • 21 March: Chile creates the first Chilean Air Force.
  • March 29: in Turkey, the old city of Constantinople officially and definitively changes its name to the current name of Istanbul.


  • April 1st: in Germany the film is released The blue angelled by Joseph von Sternberg. In her, actress Marlene Dietrich debuts.
  • 2 April: Haile Selassie is appointed emperor of Ethiopia. It would be crowned on November 2 of the same year.
  • April 3: Radiotelefonic communications between the United States and Chile begin.
  • April 6: In India, the leader of the independent movement Mahatma Gandhi, after the March of Salt (which on the previous day broke the British imperial monopoly laws upon reaching the sea and producing salt), began a new campaign in his policy of peaceful resistance against British colonial power.
  • April 7: Madrid opens the Press Palace.
  • April 16: In Venezuela, a fire destroys the population of Lagunillas.
  • April 17: In the United States the neoprene is invented.
  • April 21: at the Ohio Prison—near Columbus (Ohio)—a fire burns 320 prisoners alive.


  • 1 May: In New York (United States) the anti-belicist film is released No novelty on the frontbased on the novel by Erich Maria Remarque and directed by Lewis Milestone.
  • 5 May: In the Bago region of Burma there is an earthquake of 7.4 and a tsunami that leaves a balance of between 550 and 7,000 dead.
  • 7 May: An earthquake of 7.1 in the Iranian province of West Azerbaijan leaves a balance of 3,000 dead.
  • May 12: Juan Muñoz, South Atlantic in a hydroplane.
  • May 15: In the United States, Ellen Church becomes the first steward, on board a Boeing moped, on a flight between Oakland (California) and Chicago (Illinois).
  • May 16: President Rafael Leónidas Trujillo is elected in the Dominican Republic.
  • May 24: Amy Johnson lands in Darwin, Australia, and becomes the first woman travelling alone between England and Australia (she had left on May 5.


  • June 18: The Bears Football Club team was founded in Miami.
  • 30 June: in Renania, Germany, the last French troops leave the region after ten years of occupation.


  • 3 July: the Indian town of Dhubri is shaken by a strong earthquake of 7.1.
  • July 12: A tram fell from the Bosch Bridge to Riachuelo in Buenos Aires, Argentina, leaving 56 dead and only 4 survivors.
  • July 13: The first Football World Cup in Uruguay begins.
  • July 24: between the cities of Treviso and Údine (Italy), a violent F5 tornado devastated 80 km. 23 people die.
  • 30 July: in Montevideo (Uruguay), the team of Uruguay beat Argentina in the first final of the World Cup of Football for 4 to 2.


  • August 9: In the United States, the Betty Boop cabaretera first appears in the cartoon Dizzy Dishes.
  • 12 August: Turkish troops enter Persia to fight the Kurdish insurgents.
  • 17 August: in Spain the San Sebastian Pact is signed.
  • August 22 (according to others, 27): in Peru, commander Luis Sánchez Cerro leads the coup against Augusto B. Leguía.


  • September 3: In the Dominican Republic, a hurricane devastates the capital (Santo Domingo) and causes the death of more than 800 people.
  • September 3: French pilots Diudonné Costes and Maurice Bellonte land near New York, after crossing the Atlantic on a 37-hour flight.
  • September 6: In Argentina, General José Félix Uriburu carried out the first successful military coup in the history of that country, overthrowing the radical president Hipólito Yrigoyen, and inaugurating a period of corruption, called Decade Infame.
  • September 8: In the United States, the 3M brand puts on sale the transparent adhesive tape Scotch.
  • 9 September: in Rosario (Argentina) the dictatorship of Uriburu shot without trial before the anarchist mason Joaquín Penina.
  • September 11: In Italy the Estrómboli volcano erupted, "the lighthouse of the Mediterranean" (named by Julio Verne as the exhaust pipe of the expeditionaries of the Mediterranean Travel to the center of the Earth).
  • September 18: The XEW-AM radio station is opened in Mexico.


  • October 3: in Klausenburg (Romania), in the last race of the European Championship, Rudolf Caracciola gets the title in the mode of sports cars.
  • October 3: in Porto Alegre, Brazil, the Revolution of 1930 explodes, a national armed movement that ended the Velha Republic.
  • October 5: in Paris (France), the athlete Jules Ladoumegue sets a new world record when running 1500 meters in 3 minutes 49 seconds.
  • October 17: In Argentina the second line of the underground porteño la Línea B (Subte de Buenos Aires) is opened.
  • October 23: In Egypt, King Fuad I named himself a dictator and then disclaimed the Wafd Nationalist Party.


  • 2 November: In Ethiopia, King Tafari Makkonen, who was crowned emperor with the name of Haile Selassie I, intends to carry out the modernization of his empire.
  • November 3: In Brazil, after the military coup of the Liberal Alliance, Getúlio Vargas is appointed president.
  • 11 November: in Germany, he made his inaugural flight the Ju 52, which would obtain a legendary fame as a commercial plane.
  • 26 November: on the Izu Peninsula, Japan, an earthquake kills 223 people and destroys 650 buildings.


  • 4 December: an earthquake of 7.3 shakes Burma.
  • December 10: In Sweden, the American writer Sinclair Lewis is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
  • December 10: France prohibits the screening of the film The Golden Age, from the Spanish Luis Buñuel. The story of a couple who transgresses social conventionalisms scandalizes the French public.
  • 11 December: in Caracas, Venezuela is inaugurated the YV1BC station (currently Radio Caracas Radio) by William H. Phelps Jr. with the support of Ricardo Espina, Edgar Anzola and Alberto López, which both were constituted the company One Broadcasting Caracas (current Companies 1BC).
  • December 12: In Germany, the pioneer of Manfred von Ardenne television, presents the first completely electronic television image.
  • December: in Turkey, women get the right to vote.
  • December: in New York, after three years of construction, the Chrysler building, an art deco building, the work of the architect William van Alen is completed.
  • December: in Spain, the Revolutionary Manifesto by the Republic is published



  • 6 January:
    • Vic Tayback, American actor (f. 1990).
    • Oscar Camilión, lawyer and Argentine diplomat (f. 2016).
  • January 9: Antoñita Moreno, singer and Spanish actress.
  • January 10: Roy E. Disney, American Executive (f. 2009).
  • January 11: Rod Taylor, Australian actor (f. 2015).
  • January 13: Teresa March, a Spanish writer (f. 2001).
  • January 19: Tippi Hedren, American actress.
  • 20 January:
    • Buzz Aldrin, U.S. astronaut, second person to step on the Moon.
    • Chela del Rio, Colombian actress (f. 2010).
Mariví Bilbao.
  • January 22: Mariví Bilbao, Spanish actress (f. 2013).
  • January 23: Derek Walcott, a Santaluciano writer, nobel Prize for Literature.(f. 2017).
  • January 25: Karina Laverde, actress colombo-chilena (f. 2012).
  • January 27: Bobby Bland, American singer (f. 2013).
  • 28 January:
    • Ramón Abrantes, Spanish sculptor (f. 2006).
    • Kurt Biedenkopf, German politician (f. 2021).
  • January 29: Derek Bailey, a leading British guitarist (f. 2005).
  • January 30: Gene Hackman, American film actor.


Maria Elena Walsh.
  • 1 February:
    • Maria Elena Walsh, Argentine writer, singer, poet (f. 2011).
    • Jorge Lindell Díaz, painter, engraver, Spanish artist (f. 2015).
  • February 3: Antonio Martínez Cobos “El Cobijado”, Spanish napkin (f. 2009).
  • February 8: Miguel Covián Pérez, politician, intellectual and Mexican journalist (f. 2009).
  • 10 February:
    • Sergio Villarruel, Argentine journalist (f. 1997).
    • Robert Wagner, American actor.
  • 17 February:
    • Daniel Gil, Spanish graphic designer (f. 2004).
    • Ruth Rendell, British writer (f. 2015).
  • February 19: John Frankenheimer, American filmmaker (f. 2002).
  • February 21: María Angeles Arazo, writer, journalist and art critic, valenciana.
  • 22 February: Giuliano Montaldo, Italian filmmaker.
  • February 25: Francisco Rubio Llorente, Spanish jurist (f. 2016).
  • February 27: Joanne Woodward, American actress.
  • February 28: Leon Neil Cooper, American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics.


  • 2 March:
    • Fernando Quiñones, a Spanish writer (f. 1998).
    • Tom Wolfe, American novelist and writer (f. 2018).
  • March 3: Heiner Geissler, German politician (f. 2017).
  • 6 March: Lorin Maazel, director of orchestra and French musician (f. 2014).
  • 10 March:
    • Claude Bolling, pianist and French jazz composer (f. 2020).
    • Hugo Patiño, humorist, comedian and Colombian actor.
Jorge Barreiro.
  • 14 March: Jorge Barreiro, Argentine actor (f. 2009).
  • 15 March:
    • Zhorés Alfiórov, Russian physicist, nobel physics award (f. 2019).
    • Martin Karplus, American auster scientist.
  • 17 March:
    • James Irwin, American astronaut (f. 1991).
    • José Migliore, Argentine car pilot.(f.2022)
  • March 19: Ornette Coleman, American musician (f. 2015).
  • March 20: Clara Passafari, ethnologist, anthropologist, writer and Argentine poet (f. 1994).
  • 22 March:
    • Pat Robertson, American televangelist.
    • Stephen Sondheim, American composer and litrist.(f.2021)
  • 24 March:
    • Agustín González, a Spanish actor (f. 2005).
    • David Dacko, Central African politician, first president of the Central African Republic (f. 2003).
    • Cristóbal Halffter, director of orchestra and classical Spanish composer.(f.2021)
    • Steve McQueen, actor, filmmaker and American producer (f. 1980).
  • 26 March:
    • Sandra Day O'Connor, U.S. Supreme Court Judge between 1981 and 2006.
    • Vilma Delinda Sesarego de Gutiérrez, Argentine human rights activist (f. 2008).
David Janssen.
  • March 27: David Janssen, American actor (f. 1980).
  • March 28: Jerome Isaac Friedman, American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics.
  • 29 March:
    • Francisco de Moxó and Montoliu, Spanish historian (f. 2007).
    • Lima Duarte, Brazilian acotr.
  • March 30: John Astin, American actor.
  • March 31: Vicente Nebreda, Venezuelan dancer and winemaker (f. 2002).


  • April 1: Victoria Sau (alias Vicky Lorca), writer, psychologist and Spanish feminist (f. 2013).
  • April 2: María Wérnicke, Argentine poet and writer (f. 2013).
  • 3 April:
    • Helmut Kohl, German chancellor (f. 2017).
    • Salvador Távora, actor and Spanish theatre director (f. 2019).
  • April 7: Gabriella Morreale de Castro, chemistry italoespañola (f. 2017).
  • April 11: Anton Szarr LaVey, American character, founder of the Church of Satan (f. 1997).
  • April 15: Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, Icelandic president.
  • April 16: Herbie Mann, American jazz flautist (f. 2003).
Roberto Sosa.
  • April 18: Roberto Sosa, a Honduran poet (f. 2011).
  • April 21: Silvana Mangano, Italian actress (f. 1989).
  • April 24: Richard Donner, American producer and filmmaker.(f.2021)
  • April 25: Paul Mazursky, a filmmaker and an American actor (f. 2014).
  • 28 April:
    • James Baker, American politician.
    • Carolyn Jones, American actress (f. 1983).
  • 29 April:
    • Jean Rochefort, French actor (f. 2017).
    • Claus Ogerman, German composer and arranger (f. 2016).
    • Henri Coppens, Belgian footballer (f. 2015).


  • May 1st: Little Walter, harmonicist and American blues singer (f. 1968).
  • 3 May:
    • Juan Gelman, writer and Argentine poet (f. 2014).
    • Luce Irigaray, French feminist philosopher.
  • May 5: Eugenio Montero Ríos, a Spanish jurist and politician (f. 1990).
  • May 6: Willie Rosario, director of orchestra, percussionist and Puerto Rican composer.
  • May 8: Doug Atkins, American football player (f. 2015).
    • Heather Harper, Northern Irish soprano (f. 2019).
    • René Maltête, photographer and French poet (f. 2000).
    • Gary Snyder, American poet and educator.
  • May 10: George E. Smith, American physicist.
  • 11 May: Edsger Dijkstra, Dutch computer (f. 2002).
  • May 13: Emilio Laguna, Spanish actor.
    • José Jiménez Lozano, Spanish writer, Cervantes Award 2002 (f. 2020).
  • May 14: Juan Carlos Saravia, Argentine folk singer, from the group Los Chalchaleros (f. 2020).
    • Raquel Radio de Marizcurrena, Argentine human rights activist (f. 2017).
  • May 15: Jasper Johns, American painter.
  • 16 May: Friedrich Gulda, Austrian pianist (f. 2000).
  • 21 May: Malcolm Fraser, Australian politician (f. 2015).
  • 22 May:
    • John Barth, American writer.
    • Harvey Milk, American rights activist gais (f. 1978).
    • Agustín Tosco, Argentine trade union leader (f. 1975).
    • Orlando Contreras, Cuban singer of Bolero (f. 1994).
  • May 23: Jordi Solé Tura, Spanish politician and constitutionalist (f. 2009).
Clint Eastwood.
  • 31 May:
    • Clint Eastwood, actor, filmmaker and American producer.
    • Elaine Stewart, actress, model and U.S. television driver (f. 2011).


  • June 1st: Edward Woodward, British actor (f. 2009).
  • June 4: Noé Murayama, Mexican actor (f. 1997).
  • June 19: Gena Rowlands, American actress.
  • June 20: Magdalena Abakanowicz, Polish sculptor (f. 2017).
  • June 24: Claude Chabrol, French filmmaker (f. 2010).
  • 25 June:
    • George Murdock, American actor (f. 2012).
    • Ricardo Pérez Muro, Argentine soccer player.
  • June 26: Kenneth Kennedy, American anthropologist (f. 2014).
Taty Almeida.
  • June 27: Ross Perot, American politician and businessman (f. 2019).
  • 28 June:
    • Itamar Franco, Brazilian president (f. 2011).
    • Taty Almeida, Argentine writer and human rights activist.
    • Horacio Gómez Bolaños, Mexican actor and screenwriter. (f. 1999).
Ariadna Welter.
  • June 29: Ariadna Welter, Mexican actress (f. 1998).
  • 30 June:
    • Joaquín Sanz Gadea, Spanish doctor (f. 2019).
    • Thomas Sowell, American libertarian conservative thinker and economist.


  • 1 July: Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, Bolivian politician and businessman; president between 1993-1997 and 2002-2003.
  • 2 July: Carlos Menem, Argentine politician, president between 1989 and 1999 (f. 2021).
  • July 4: Carlos Ardila Lülle, civil engineer, businessman and Colombian industrialist (f. 2021).
  • 7 July:
    • Michel Odent, French obstetrician.
    • Biljana Plavšić, politics and university professor Serb.
  • July 8: Gerardo Olivares James, Spanish architect.
  • 10 July:
    • Josephine Veasey, English lyric mezzosoprano (f.2022)
    • Charles Villarroel, Chilean footballer (f. 2020).
  • July 11: Harold Bloom, American literary critic and theorist (f. 2019).
  • July 13: Samuel Shapiro, a statistician and an American engineer.
  • 15 July:
    • Stephen Smale, American mathematician.
    • Jacques Derrida, French philosopher (f. 2004).
  • July 18: Carmen Campoy, Spanish actress-argentina.
  • July 19: Julio Sánchez Vanegas, entrepreneur, actor, producer, locutor and radio presenter, television and Colombian cinema.
  • July 23: Pierre Vidal-Naquet, French historian (f. 2006).
  • July 28: Horacio Gómez Bolaños, actor, producer and Mexican screenwriter (f. 1999).
  • July 30: Tony Lip, American actor (f. 2013).


  • 1 August: Pierre Bourdieu, a French sociologist (f. 2002).
  • August 5: Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut, the first person to step on the Moon (f. 2012).
  • 6 August:
    • Fernando Karadima, Chilean paedophile priest.(,f.2021)
    • Ana María Pedroni, Argentine-guatemalteca writer (f. 2010).
  • August 8: Terry Nation, Welsh Producer (f. 1997).
  • August 9: Carmen Balcells, Argentine writer (f. 2015).
  • August 10: Marta Portal Nicolás, writer, critic, journalist and Spanish teacher (f. 2016).
  • August 13: Rosa Gil Bosque, first guitar professor at the Conservatory of Valencia.
  • 16 August:
    • Simha Arom, Francoisraelí ethnomusicologist.
    • Leslie Manigat, Haitian president (f. 2014).
    • Flor Silvestre, Mexican singer and actress (f. 2020).
  • August 18: Rafael Pineda Ponce, a Honduran professor and politician (f. 2014).
  • 21 August: United Kingdom Margarita, British Princess (f. 2002).
  • August 22: Gylmar dos Santos Neves, Brazilian footballer (f. 2013).
  • 23 August:
    • Michel Rocard, French politician (f. 2016).
    • Cabeção, Brazilian footballer (f.2020).
Sean Connery.
  • August 25: Sean Connery, Scottish actor (f. 2020).
  • August 28: Ben Gazzara, American actor (f. 2012).
  • August 30: Warren Buffett, American businessman.


  • September 1: Michel Serres, French philosopher (f. 2019).
  • September 6: Emilio Azcárraga Milmo, Mexican businessman (f. 1997).
  • 7 September:
    • Julio César Abbadie, Uruguayan footballer (f. 2014).
    • Sonny Rollins, American saxophoneist and jazz composer.
    • Balduino I, aristocrat Belgian, king between 1951 and 1993 (f. 1993).
  • September 8: Mario Adorf, German actor.
  • September 12: Akira Suzuki, Japanese physicist.
  • September 17: David Huddleston, American actor (f. 2016).
  • September 19: Muhal Richard Abrams, American composer and pianist of jazz (f. 2017).
  • 22 September: Antonio Saura, a Spanish painter (f. 1998).
  • 23 September:
    • Ray Charles, American singer and pianist (f. 2004).
    • Irene Reid, American jazz singer (f. 2008).
  • September 25: Elsa Aguirre, Mexican actress.
  • 26 September:
    • Fritz Wunderlich, German tenor (f. 1966).
    • Ramón Fernández, director of Spanish cinema (f. 2006).
  • September 29: Montserrat Tresserras i Dou, Spanish swimmer (f. 2018).


  • 1 October:
    • Richard Harris, an Irish actor (f. 2002).
    • Philippe Noiret, French actor (f. 2006).
  • October 2: Eduardo Arozamena Pasaón, Mexican actor (f. 1973).
  • October 3: María del Pilar Rodríguez, an Argentine actress (f. 2015).
  • 5 October:
    • Cristina Berys, an Argentine actress (f. 1994).
    • Reinhard Selten, German economist.(f. 2016).
  • 6 October: Hafez al-Assad, Syrian politician, president between 1970 and 2000 (f. 2000).
  • 10 October:
    • Harold Pinter, British writer (f. 2008).
    • Yves Chauvin, a French chemist (f. 2015).
  • 14 October:
    • Mobutu Sese Seko, Zairian politician, president between 1965 and 1997 (f. 1997).
    • Schafik Handal, Salvadoran politician (f. 2006).
Carmen Sevilla.
  • 16 October:
    • Carmen Sevilla, actress, singer, dancer and presenter of Spanish TV.
    • Elsa Marval, actress, pianist and Argentine singer (f. 2010).
  • October 16: Francisco José Madero González, Mexican politician (f. 2012).
  • October 22: Estela de Carlotto, an Argentine human rights activist and president of the association Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo.
  • October 23: José Castillo Farreras, Mexican philosopher (f. 2008).
  • October 24: María del Carmen Goñi, Spanish actress.
  • 27 October:
    • Jorge Grau, director of Spanish cinema (f. 2018).
    • Adolfo Suárez Perret, champion of Peruvian billiards (f. 2001).
    • Wilfredo Peláez, Uruguayan basketball player (f. 2019).
    • Francisca Aguirre, Spanish writer (f. 2019).
  • October 28: Bernie Ecclestone, British businessman.
  • 29 October:
    • Basilio Martin Patino, Spanish film director (f. 2017).
    • Niki de Saint Phalle, French artist (f. 2002).
  • October 31: Michael Collins, American astronaut.(f.2021)


Alfonso Calderón.
  • 15 November: J. G. Ballard, British writer (f. 2009).
  • 16 November:
    • Chinua Achebe, a Nigerian writer (f. 2013).
    • Salvatore Riina, Italian mafioso (f. 2017).
  • 21 November: Alfonso Calderón, poet, novelist, essayist and Chilean critic (f. 2009).


  • December 3: Jean-Luc Godard, French and Swiss filmmaker.(f.2022)
  • 8 December:
    • Maximilian Schell, Austrian actor (f. 2014).
    • José María Carrascal, Spanish writer and journalist.
  • December 9: Edoardo Sanguineti, Italian writer (f. 2014).
  • 11 December:
    • Chus Lampreave, Spanish actress (f. 2016).
    • Jean-Louis Trintignant, French actor.(f.2022)
  • December 17: Armin Mueller-Stahl, German actor.
  • 28 December:
    • Jorge Di Pascuale, Argentine trade unionist assassinated (f. 1977).
    • Franzl Lang, German folklore artist (f. 2015).



  • January 28: Manuel Antonio Pérez Sánchez, Galician poet (n. 1900).
  • January 30: Manuel Zeno Gandía, Puerto Rican writer and politician (n. 1855).


  • 13 February: Conrad Ansorge, pianist, composer and German teacher (n. 1862).


  • 2 March: D. H. Lawrence, a British novelist and poet (n. 1885).
  • March 8: William Howard Taft, American politician, 27th president between 1909 and 1913 (n. 1857).
  • 16 March: Miguel Primo de Rivera, a Spanish military and dictator between 1923 and 1930 (n. 1870).
  • March 19: Wilfrid Voynich, Lithuanian Bible, discoverer of the Manuscript Voynich (n. 1865).
  • March 28: Félicien Menu de Ménil, propagandist of the French Esperanto (n. 1860).


  • 16 April: José Carlos Mariátegui (35 years old), founder of the Peruvian Socialist Party (n. 1894).


  • 1 May: Ricardo Pampuri, a saint and an Italian doctor (n. 1897).
  • May 10: Julio Romero de Torres, a Spanish painter (n. 1874).
  • 13 May: Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian explorer and politician, Nobel Peace Prize in 1922 (n. 1861).
  • May 20: Alfredo Placencia, Mexican poet and priest (n. 1875).
  • May 27: Gabriel Miró, a Spanish writer (n. 1879).


  • June 30: Cecilia Arizti, pianist, musical educator and Cuban composer (n. 1856.


  • 7 July: Arthur Conan Doyle, British writer (n. 1859).
  • July 28: Allvar Gullstrand, Swedish ophthalmologist, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1911 (n. 1862).
  • July 30: Hans Gamper, Spanish entrepreneur, founder of the Barcelona Club Football Club (n. 1877).


  • 21 August: Aston Webb, British architect (n. 1849).


  • September 4th: Vladimir Arséniev, Russian explorer and writer (n. 1872).
  • 9 September: Joaquín Penina (29 years old), anarchist Catalan, executed in Argentina (n. 1901).


  • October 2: Gordon Stewart Northcott, American serial killer (n. 1906).
  • 14 October: Irene Alba, Spanish actress (n. 1873).
  • October 20: Valeriano Weyler, a Spanish military and politician (n. 1838).


  • 2 November: Alfred Wegener, German meteorologist and geologist (n. 1880).
  • 5 November: Christiaan Eijkman, Dutch physiologist, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1929 (n. 1858).


  • December 11: José Toribio Medina, a Chilean bibliographer and historian (n. 1852).
  • 13 December: Fritz Pregl, Austrian chemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1923 (n. 1869).
  • December 13 (according to some sources): George W. Thomas, pianist and blues composer.
  • December 14: Fermín Galán Rodríguez, a Spanish military officer (n. 1899).

Art and literature

  • Federico García Lorca: Poet in New York, The prodigious shoemaker, The public.
  • Agatha Christie: Death in the vicarry, The enigmatic Mr. Quin, A love without a name.
  • William Faulkner: While I'm dying.
  • Dashiell Hammett: The Maltese Falcon.
  • Hermann Hesse: Narcissus and Goldmundo.
  • D. H. Lawrence: The Virgin and the Gypsy.
  • Evelyn Waugh: Vile Bodies.
  • Leon Trotsky: My life (autobiography).
  • Teatro del Pueblo: Opening of the first independent theater in Latin America.
  • Ascense and fall of the city of Mahagonny.
  • Pearl S. Buck: East Wind, West Wind

Science and technology

  • Mathematics: Solomon Lefschetz uses for the first time the term "topology".
  • Physics: Paul Dirac publishes Principles of quantum mechanics.
  • Astronomy: discovery of the Pluto planet; however, in August 2006 it will be reclassified as a dwarf planet.
  • September 21: Johann Ostermeyer patents his invention: the first lamp or light bulb flash system, which replaced the magnesium powder.
  • Sigmund Freud: The discomfort of culture.
  • José Ortega y Gasset: The rebellion of the masses.


  • Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln)David W. Griffith.
  • Anna Christie (Anna Christie)Clarence Brown.
  • Murder (Murder!Alfred Hitchcock.
  • Under the roofs of Paris (Sous les toits de Paris)Rene Clair.
  • Crazy That Way (Crazy That Way)Hamilton MacFadden.
  • The blue angel (Der blaue Engel)Josef Von Sternberg.
  • The Conflict of the Marx Brothers (Animal Crackers)American film directed by Victor Heerman.
  • Prison (The Big House), American film directed by George W. Hill, and 2 Oscar winner in the 3rd edition of the Oscar Awards.
  • Golden hampa (Little Caesar)Mervyn LeRoy.
  • The Song of the Ritz (Puttin' on the Ritz)Edward Sloman.
  • The golden age (L'Âge d'or)Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí.
  • The general line or The old and the new (Staroye i novoye)Grigori Aleksandrov and Serguéi M. Eisenstein.
  • The Earth Soviet film directed by Aleksandr Dovzhenko
  • Morocco (Morocco)Josef Von Sternberg.
  • Scotland Yard (Scotland Yard)William K. Howard.
  • No novelty on the front (All Quiet on the Western Front), American film directed by Lewis Milestone, and 2 Oscar winner in the 3rd edition of the Oscar Awards, including the best film.




  • The first edition of the South American Basketball Championship is held in Montevideo (Uruguay).


  • From 13 to 30 July the first edition of the World Cup of Football is held in Uruguay.
  • January 11: In Quito, Ecuador gathered students from the Central University of Ecuador and athletes from the "University Club", to give way to the re-establishment of the club that would be called legally with the official name of the University Sports League of Quito.
  • February 9: The Club of Gimnasia and Esgrima La Plata wins its first official title.
  • July 13: In the World Cup of Football, the French Lucien Laurent, of the football team of France, notes the first goal of the world to the goal of the Mexican selection.
  • July 30: Uruguay’s football team is dedicated champion of the World Cup of Football by winning Argentina for 4 to 2.

Artistic Gymnastics

  • From July 12th to 14th, the 9th edition of the World Artistic Gymnastics Championship is held in Luxembourg.

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