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1924 (MCMXXIV) was a leap year beginning on a Tuesday according to the Gregorian calendar.



  • January 3: in the civil pantheon of Merida (Mexico), he is shot after taking away the public power Felipe Carrillo Puerto, socialist governor of Yucatan, along with his brothers: Edesio, Benjamin and Wilfrido and 9 other collaborators.
  • January 6: In Estella (Spain) the Izarra Sports Club is founded.
  • 7 January: a large fire is unleashed in the London harbour warehouses (United Kingdom).
  • 8 January: in Spain, a decree of the king suspends parliamentary immunity.
  • January 18: In Spain, the assassins of former President Eduardo Dato, Pedro Mateu and Luis Nicolau, who were sentenced to death, are finally pardoned.
  • January 24: In the Soviet Union, the city of Petrograd is renamed Leningrad in honour of Lenin, who died three days earlier.
  • 25 January: In the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc (France), the first Olympic winter games of history, the Olympic Games of Chamonix 1924, begin.
  • 27 January: in Rome, Italy and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians sign the Treaty of Rome, by which the city of Fiume is distributed.
  • The BCG vaccine (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) is discovered, which proves to be effective against tuberculosis.


  • 1 February: The United Kingdom recognizes the Soviet Union.
  • February 2nd: The Second Civil War of Honduras begins.
  • 4 February: In India, the British invaders released the Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi, whom they had imprisoned.
  • 4 February: In the Canary Islands, a hydroplane crewed by Commander Delgado and Captain Franco made a flight over the Teide.
  • 7 February: the hollow dresses are fashioned, with a long skirt adorned with strips of gallons and wide leaflets.
  • 7 February: Uruguay adopts a bill imposing compulsory collective work.
  • February 9: In the United States, the maximum speed of cars is reduced by 24 km/h for transit through cities.
  • 14 February: In Berlin the film is released The NibelungosFritz Lang.
  • 16 February: the city of Fiume is occupied by the Italians.
  • 19 February: the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople excommunicates the founder of the Turkish Orthodox Church, Pope Eftim I, after having occupied the Greek-Orthodox church of Saint Mary of Kaffa (Panagia Kaphatiani), located in the Estambuli district of Galatian.
  • 21 February: in Spain, the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera closes the Ateneo de Madrid and distillates Miguel de Unamuno, after disposing him of his chair at the University of Salamanca.
  • February 24: In Spain, the Catholic priest Santiago Alberione, founder of the Paulinos, began the International Catholic Biblical Society, first in the Catholic Church.


  • March 1st: the Tablillas de Glozel are discovered.
  • March 1st: In China, Communists are admitted to the Kuomintang.
  • March 3: The caliphate is abolished in Turkey.
  • 23 March: In Berlin the Werner Siemens Institute for Radiological Research was inaugurated.
  • March 25: The Second Hellenic Republic is proclaimed in Athens.
  • March 28: The first broadcaster from Chile called Radio Chilena was founded


  • 1 April: Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in prison for high treason, trying to force the Bavarian Government on 8 November.

April 1: in Spain, the town halls of the entire country are constituted according to the new statute of local government based on an organic concept of social life.

  • April 6: General elections are held in Italy, resulting in the National List of Benito Mussolini as a clear winner, adjudicating two thirds of the cameras.
  • April 9: The Committees of Experts, chaired by General Charles Gates Dawes and Reginald McKenna, charged with finding a solution to the problem of reparations for the First World War, present their plan for Germany to deal with payments, the Dawes Plan.
  • April 14: The political party of the regime of Miguel Primo de Rivera, the Patriotic Union, was founded in Spain.
  • April 19: The Spanish National Telefónica Company (CTNE) is constituted in Madrid, current Telefónica.
  • April 24: Grave train accident in Bellinzona (Switzerland) with 15 dead and dozens of wounded. Among the dead was the former vice chancellor of the German Empire and important member of the nationalist party DNVP Karl Helfferich.


  • 4 May: The 1924 Paris Olympic Games, officially known as the 8th Olympic Games, were held in Paris from 4 May to 27 July. The headquarters hosted 3089 athletes, 2956 men and 136 women.
  • 4 May: The elections in Germany result in a very fragmented and polarized parliament, making the formation of a stable government impossible and finally compelling the call for new elections in December.
  • 7 May: In Mexico City, Peruvian Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre founded the Apra.
  • May 11: The victory of the Left Cartel in the French elections put in a very difficult situation the president of the government Raymond Poincaré and the president of the republic Alexandre Millerand, who will be forced to resign within a few weeks.
  • May 17: In the United States the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer was founded, the result of the merger of Metro Pictures, Goldwyn Pictures and Louis B. Mayer.
  • May 21: U.S. students Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb murder their fellow Bobby Franks with the aim of committing a "perfect crime." The press will consider it the crime of the century.
  • May 25: The United States restricts the immigration of Asians in its territory, according to the Immigration Act of 1924, causing a serious diplomatic conflict with Japan.
  • May 29: In Madrid (Spain) the Sports Group was founded The Rayo Vallecano of Madrid.


  • June 1st: Intento de asesinato del Chancellor de Austria Ignaz Seipel, que es graves víctimas de dos disparos, pero logradosur.
  • 6 June: the second council of the Turkish Orthodox Church is held in the church of Santa Maria de Kaffa (Panagia Kaphatiani) of the Estambulí district of Galata, and it is decided to establish in it the headquarters of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Turco.
  • June 9: Uruguay's football team surprises the 1924 Paris Olympic Games and is made with the Gold medal. His main player was José Leandro Andrade.
  • June 10: Italian socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti is kidnapped and murdered by fascist militants.
  • 9 June: in Loja (Ecuador) vote Matilde Hidalgo de Procel, being the first woman to formally exercise that right in South America.
  • 20 June: in San Salvador (El Salvador) there is a serious flood.
  • June 27: In Italy, 123 deputies, belonging to the PPI, the PSU, the PSI, the PCI, the PDSI, the PRI and the PRD and the Sardo Action Party decide to leave the parliament and form the Aventino Secession.
  • June 30: In Jerusalem, the Jewish poet Jacob Israël of Haan is shot dead by the radical Zionist Avraham Tehomi.


  • July 1st: In Japan, the village of Kawasaki officially becomes a city.
  • July 1: In the United States, the Ku Klux Klan triggers a wave of racial violence.
  • 1 July: A popular republic is proclaimed in Mongolia.
  • 4 July: in Spain, the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera declares a general amnesty for a large number of crimes. Among them, all those implicated in the Picasso Expediente will be amnestied, mainly the pointed Dammaso Berenguer, giving this folder to the file. The amnesty also includes exiles such as Miguel de Unamuno and Rodrigo Soriano, who decide not to receive it and to exile in France.
  • July 5: São Paulo begins the São Paulo Revolution, which will last about 1 month and will cause more than 500 deaths, nearly 5,000 injured and about 250,000 displaced persons.
  • July 15: The UK agrees with Italy to hand over a part of Kenya as a reward for Italian aid in the First World War, which will be annexed by Italian Somalia east of the Juba River, the area will be called Jubaland.
  • 19 July: in the Napalpi Aboriginal colony, 120 km from Resistance (capital of the province of Chaco, Argentina) a group of stancipals and 130 police murders some 200 Tobas and Mocovíes natives (Masacre de Napalpí). In the following days, at the Quitilipi police station they exhibit cut penises and ears.
  • July 27: 17 Bulgarian peasants are killed by Greek soldiers on the border between the two countries, causing a serious diplomatic conflict.


  • August 1st: in Moscow (Soviet Union) the remains of Vladimir Lenin are deposited in his mausoleum in the Red Square.
  • 2 August: In London, allied countries agree on the implementation of the Dawes Plan on German repairs and the evacuation of the Rhur basin.
  • August 7: In Peru the University Federation of Football was founded, which would then be changed to the Club Universitario de Deportes.
  • August 7: In Colombia the Youth Club was founded, which later became known as the Junior of Barranquilla.
  • August 16: In London, the French government and Belga agree with the German government to abandon the Ruhr River basin within one year of their acceptance of the Dawes Plan.
  • August 16: On the outskirts of Rome, the body appears in advanced state of decomposition of the Italian deputy Giacomo Matteotti.
  • August 20: in Bogotá, Colombia, the Victoria-Vélez Treaty is signed, which recognizes the limits between Colombia and Panama.
  • August 28: The film is released The Iron Horsedirected by John Ford.
  • August 28: the inhabitants of Georgia begin the August Rebellion against the communist government.
  • August 29: in Berlin, after a noisy and controversial vote, the Reichstag finally approved the Dawes Plan after the last-minute support of 46 monarchical deputies of the DNVP.


  • September 4th: in Chile the Sables Ruido occurs.
  • 9 September: in Chile President Arturo Alessandri resigns and temporarily exiles in Europe.
  • September 10: Leopold and Loeb's sentence for the murder of his partner Bobby Franks takes place. The defense attorney Clarence Darrow achieves his goal of avoiding the death penalty, both being sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • September 10: Colombia founded the Foot-ball Club, which would later be known as Sports Cúcuta.
  • September 12: In Rome the fascist deputy Armando Casalini is shot dead by a communist worker, in revenge for the murder of Giacomo Matteotti.
  • 13 September: In Pasinler (Turkey) there is an earthquake of 6.8 that leaves 60 dead.
  • September 15: In China the Second Zhili-Fengtian War begins, which will be the most important conflict in the Age of the Lords of War.
  • September 15: A communist uprising takes place in Besarabia, repressed by the Romanian government after 3 days of struggle.


  • 2 October: in a match between Argentina and Uruguay, Cesáreo Onzari marks the first Olympic goal in the history of football.
  • 2 October: the member countries of the League of Nations sign the Geneva Protocol, which regulates arbitration between conflicts between member countries.
  • October 3: As a result of the attacks of the Wahabitas tribes loyal to the Sultanate of Néyed, the king of the Hiyaz Husayn ibn Ali, previously proclaimed caliph, resigns from both counts and flees the country, appointing his son Ali bin Hussein as successor king (but not as caliph).
  • October 8: In London, a Motion of Censorship against the Labour Government Ramsay MacDonald triumphs as a protest against its relations with the Soviet Union and the acquittal of communist journalist John Ross Campbell condemned for inciting the revolution.
  • October 9: The Spanish infant Luis Fernando de Orleans and Borbon is involved in a case of drug trafficking and expelled from France. As a result, his cousin, King Alfonso XIII of Spain withdrew the title of infant and his privileges.
  • October 12: The Colombian Federation of Football is founded.
  • October 12: In Uruguay, the Americas Cup begins at Octave Vez.
  • 15 October: in Spain the broadcasts of Radio Barcelona (currently Cadena SER) begin. The first Manifesto of Surrealism published by André Bretón
  • October 18 and 19: Hurricane Diez arrives in Cuba, category 5. It runs the poorest area in the country, the province of Pinar del Río, where it kills some 90 people. The meteorologist José Carlos Millás Hernández (1889-1965) described him as the most powerful hurricane in Cuba's history.
  • October 23: During the Second Zhili-Fengtian War, the band general Zhili Feng Yuxiang betrays his side and occupies Beijing, destituting President Cao Kun and driving at the end of the war shortly thereafter.
  • October 24: The leader of the UGT Francisco Largo Caballero is appointed member of the Council of State by the Military Board of Primo de Rivera, causing the break between the socialists who collaborated with the Board and those who did not.
  • October 25: The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom makes public a letter sent by the Soviet leader Grigori Zinoviev inciting the proletarian masses to rebellion. This letter would have a great impact on the upcoming elections, although the representatives of the Soviet Union always defended that the letter was false.
  • 29 October: The General Elections of the United Kingdom of 1924 take place. The Conservative Party gets the absolute majority, and its leader Stanley Baldwin will become prime minister. For its part, the Liberal Party sinks and loses more than 70% of seats, becoming a minority party.


  • 2nd of November: In Montevideo (Uruguay) The Americas Cup ends and Uruguay repeats title of champion for the Fourth Vez.
  • 4 November: In the United States, Republican President Calvin Coolidge is re-elected and beats Democrat John W. Dawis with a lead of 332 electoral votes compared to the 200 won by the Democrats. (United States presidential elections of 1924).
  • 5 November: In Beijing, war commander Feng Yuxiang ordered former Puyi to leave the Forbidden City.
  • 7 November: CNT members cross the border from France with money and weapons to overthrow Primo de Rivera, are detained by the civilian guard in Vera de Bidasoa. At the same time in Barcelona, members of the same organization try to raid the Atarazanas barracks. Both attempts are aborted after long shootings with the authorities.
  • 15 November: the Spanish army begins the evacuation of the Marroquí city of Xauen
  • 19 November: during the evacuation operation of Xauen, the Spanish columns are strongly harassed by the rebel troops led by Abd el-Krim, having to take refuge in the position of Zoco el Arbaa, where they are besieged.
  • 19 November: in Cairo, the British governor of the Sudan Sir Lee Stack is shot dead, causing a serious diplomatic conflict between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Egypt, leading to the resignation of the Egyptian government of Saad Zaghloul four days later.


  • December 1st: in Mexico, Plutarco Elías Calles assumes as president of that country.
  • December 1st: communist coup failed in Estonia.
  • 7 December: New elections take place in Germany, as in the previous May parliament remains very fragmented and difficult to govern, although with the most weakened extremist parties.
  • 14 December: in the city of Córdoba (Argentina) the Racing Club of Córdoba is founded.
  • 10 December: the Spanish army that had evacuated Xauen and was in Zoco the Arbaa escaped this last position to Tetuan. During the retreat the Spanish troops are severely attacked by the creeks producing about 2000 dead and more than 10000 wounded. The magnitude of the disaster, the second largest of the entire Rif War (only overtaken by the famous Annual Disaster), will be hidden from public opinion by the dictatorship.
  • December 15: In Paris, the Spanish writer Vicente Blasco Ibáñez published the booklet "A kidnapped nation", where he harshly criticized the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and the monarchy of Alfonso XIII. This will cause the Spanish government to denounce him before the French courts, causing a brief diplomatic conflict between the two countries.
  • December 15: the German Foreign Minister, Wilhelm Marx, refuses to form a government with the nationalists and presents the resignation, although he will continue one more month as president in office until the final formation of a new government.
  • 19 December: the League of Nations rejects for the moment that British troops evacuate the city of Cologne (Germany) as planned, in view of the partial non-compliance with arms reduction by Germany.
  • December 25: In Albania, revolutionaries led by Ahmed Zogu occupy the capital of Tirana. President Fan S. Noli resigns and flees the country.
  • December 27: The Italian newspaper Il Mondo publishes an article by fascist politician Cesare Rossi in which he accuses Benito Mussolini of ordering the murder of the socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti.
  • December 29: In Costa Rica the National Stadium, with the Central American Olympics, was inaugurated.
  • December 31: Barcelona opens the metro.



  • January 3: André Franquin, a Belgian historietist (f. 1997).
  • January 8: Julián Adem, Mexican civil engineer and academic (f. 2015).
  • January 10: Eduardo Chillida, Spanish sculptor (f. 2002).
  • January 11: Roger Guillemin, French doctor.
  • 13 January: Paul Feyerabend, philosopher of Austrian science and essayist (f. 1994).
  • January 14: Guy Williams, American actor (f. 1989).
  • January 16: Eugenio Giner, author of Spanish comics (f. 1994).
  • January 16: Francisco Panchito Hernández, Mexican footballer (f. 2011).
Katy Jury.
  • January 16: Katy Jurado, Mexican actress (f. 2002).
  • January 19: Jean-François Revel, a French philosopher, writer and journalist (f. 2006).
  • January 21: Benny Hill, British comic (f. 1992).
  • January 24: John Spencer, 8th Earl of Spencer, British aristocrat, father of Diana of Wales (f. 1992).
  • January 26: Alice Babs, Swedish singer (f. 2014).
  • January 29: Bianca Maria Piccinino, journalist and Italian commentator.


  • 1 February: Felipe Boso, Spanish poet (f. 1983).
  • February 8: Khamtai Siphandon, a Laosian politician.
  • February 10: Guillermo Zuluaga, humorist and Colombian actor (f. 1997).
  • February 13: Francisco Alonso-Fernández, psychiatrist and Spanish teacher (f. 2020).
  • February 13: Raimundo Ongaro, Argentinean grouper (f. 2016).
  • 13 February: Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, a French journalist (f. 2006).
  • February 17: Guevork Vartanián, a spy and hero of the Soviet Union during the Second World War (f. 2012).
  • February 18: Humberto Fernández Morán, a Venezuelan scientist (f. 1999).
  • February 19: David Bronstein, a Ukrainian chess player (f. 2006).
  • February 19: Lee Marvin, American actor (f. 1987).
  • February 20: Gloria Vanderbilt, writer, artist, actress, businesswoman and lady of American society (f. 2019).
  • February 21: Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwean politician (f. 2019).
  • 23 February: Claude Sautet, French filmmaker and screenwriter (f. 2000).
  • February 29: Angel Pardo, Spanish hysterist (f. 1995).


  • March 3: Tomiichi Murayama, Japanese politician.
  • 6 March: Ottmar Walter, German footballer (f. 2013).
  • March 10: Ludwig Adamec, American professor and historian of Austrian origin (f. 2019).
  • March 29: Poty Lazzarotto, engraver, designer, ceramist, lithograph and Brazilian muralist (f. 1998).


Marlon Brando
  • April 3: Marlon Brando, American actor (f. 2004).
  • April 7: Daniel Emilfork, a French actor of Chilean origin (f. 2006).
  • April 8: Humberto Costantini, writer and Argentine poet (f. 1987).
  • April 12: Raymond Barre, French politician (f. 2007).
  • 13 April: Jorge Eielson, Peruvian poet (f. 2006).
  • April 13: Stanley Donen, American choreographer and filmmaker (f. 2019).
  • April 16: Henry Mancini, American composer of film music (f. 1994).
  • April 24: Nahuel Moreno, an Argentine political leader (f. 1987).
  • April 26: Gyula Kosice, Czech-Argentine sculptor (f. 2016).
  • April 28: Kenneth Kaunda, a Zambian professor and politician (f. 2021).


  • May 3: Virgilio Expósito, composer of tango and Argentine pianist (f. 1997).
  • May 9: Bulat Okudzhava, singer, Russian poet and novelist (f. 1997).
  • May 13: Giovanni Sartori, Italian polytologist (f 2017).
  • May 16: Dawda Jawara, a Gambian politician (f. 2019).
  • May 22: Charles Aznavour, French singer (f. 2018).
  • May 23: Seymour Jonathan Singer, American cell biologist (f. 2017).
  • May 29: Lars Bo, Danish artist and author (f. 1999).


  • June 1: Ward de Ravet, Belgian actor (f. 2013).
  • June 3: Olga Lamas, tango singer, humorous repertoire (f. 1988).
  • June 3: Jimmy Rogers, American blues musician (f 1997).
  • June 3: Torsten Wiesel, Swedish researcher, nobel prize for medicine and physiology in 1981.
  • June 4: Antoni Ramallets, Spanish football goalkeeper (f. 2013).
  • 6 June: Serge Nigg, French composer (f. 2008).
  • June 11: Fernando Miguel Lorenzo, Argentine writer and playwright (f. 1997).
George H. W. Bush
  • June 12: George H. W. Bush, American President from 1989 to 1993 (f. 2018).
  • June 14: James Whyte Black, Scottish physician and pharmacologist, 1988 nobel medical prize (f. 2010).
  • 21 June: Marga López, Argentine-Mexican actress (f. 2005).
  • June 23: Andrés Fernández-Albalat Lois, Spanish architect (f. 2019).
  • June 25: Sidney Lumet, American filmmaker (f. 2011).
  • June 25: Luis Suárez Fernández, professor, historian and Spanish academic.
  • June 25 (most likely born in 1925): Raúl Rossi, an Argentine actor (f. 1993).
  • June 26: Julio Martialay De la Fuente, ex-futbolist and Spanish ex-trainer.
  • June 28: Manuel López-Villaseñor, Spanish painter (f. 1996).


  • 1 July: Georges Rivière, French actor (f. 2011).
  • 2 July: Ora Kedem, Israeli Chemistry.
  • July 3: Amalia Aguilar, Cuban actress. (f. 2021).
  • July 3: Angelo La Barbera, Italian mafioso (f. 1975).
  • 4 July: Delia Fiallo, writer and writer of the Cuban radio and telenovelas (f. 2021).
  • 4 July: Eva Marie Saint, American actress.
  • July 5: János Starker, American violonchelist of Hungarian origin (f. 2013).
  • July 5: Edward Cassidy, Australian cardinal (f. 2021).
  • July 8: Anton Schwarzkopf, German engineer (f. 2001).
Angelines Fernández
  • 9 July: Angelines Fernández, Mexican nationalized Spanish actress and comedian (f. 1994).
  • July 13: Fermin Chávez, Argentine historian (f. 2006).
  • July 13: Carlo Bergonzi, Italian tenor (f. 2014).
  • July 15: David Cox, English statistician.(f.2022)
  • 17 July: Adolfo Córdova, Peruvian architect.(f.2022).
  • July 19: Guillermo Vázquez Franco, professor of history and Uruguayan researcher.
  • July 19: Pat Hingle, American actor (f. 2009).
  • July 21: Don Knotts, American comic actor (f. 2006).
  • July 22: Yela Loffredo, Ecuadorian sculptor (f. 2020).


  • August 2nd: Javier Arias Stella, Peruvian scientist and politician (f. 2020).
  • August 2: James Baldwin, American writer (f. 1987).
  • August 2: Carroll O'Connor, American actor (f. 2001).
  • August 8: Gene Deitch, American illustrator, animator and director (f. 2020).
  • August 13: Antonio Alegre, Argentine sports leader (f. 2010).
  • August 14: Eduardo Fajardo, Spanish actor (f. 2019).
  • August 21st: Consuelo Velázquez, pianist and Mexican composer (f. 2005).
  • August 22: Orlando Ramón Agosti, a military and Argentine dictator, by the Air Force during the dictatorship (f. 1997).
  • August 25: Sam Bowers, founder and leader of the White Knights of the Klu Klux Klan de Mississippi in 1963 (f. 2006).
  • August 28: Janet Frame, New Zealand writer (f. 2004).
  • August 29: María Dolores Pradera, actress and Spanish singer (f. 2018).


  • September 1st: Gustavo Bueno, Spanish philosopher.(f. 2016).
Ramón Valdés
  • 2 September: Ramón Valdés, Mexican actor and humorist (f. 1988).
  • 2 September: Daniel arap Moi, Kenyan politician (f. 2020).
  • September 3: Juan Pablo Terra Gallinal, Uruguayan architect and politician (f. 1991).
  • 4 September: Vicent Andrés i Estellés, journalist and Spanish poet (f. 1993).
  • September 4: Joan Aiken, British writer (f. 2004).
  • 7 September: Rafael Alvarado Ballester, Spanish scientist (f. 2001).
  • September 15: Lucebert, Dutch painter and poet (f. 1994).
  • September 16: Lauren Bacall, American actress (f. 2014).
  • September 24: Sergio Magaña, playwright and Mexican writer (f. 1990).
  • September 24: Héctor Fix Zamudio, jurist and Mexican writer (f. 2021).
  • 28 September: Marcello Mastroianni, Italian actor (f. 1996).
  • September 30: Truman Capote, American writer (f. 1984).


Jimmy Carter
  • October 1st: Jimmy Carter, U.S. President, 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.
  • October 5: José Donoso, a Chilean writer (f. 1996).
  • 14 October: Ramón Mongo Castro, Cuban agronomist and political engineer, Fidel's brother and Raul (f. 2016).
  • 14 October: Robert Webber, American actor (f. 1989).
  • October 16: Jorge Mobaied, Argentine filmmaker.
  • October 17: Rolando Panerai, Italian baritone (f. 2019).
  • October 22: Elcira Olivera Garcés, an Argentine actress (f. 2016).
  • October 27: Pompeyo Camps, composer, musicologist and Argentine musical critic (f. 1997).
  • 29 October: Zbigniew Herbert, Polish poet (f. 1998).


  • November 8: Ruy Pérez Tamayo, a pathologist and immunologist, a Mexican professor and essayist (f.2022).
  • 11 November: Luis Martín Santos, Spanish writer and psychiatrist (f. 1964).
  • 13 November: Moto Kimura, Japanese geneticist (f. 1994).
  • November 20: Benoit Mandelbrot, a Polish mathematician (f. 2010).
  • 21 November: Hermann Buhl, Austrian mountaineer (f. 1957).
  • 21 November: Víctor Martínez, Argentine lawyer and politician, vice president of his country between 1983 and 1989 (f. 2017).
  • November 24: Susana Cabrera, Mexican actress (f. 1996).
  • November 29: Domingo Liotta, Argentinian cardiologist, artificial heart co-ventor.(f.2022)


  • 2 December: Else Marie Pade, composer of electronic and concrete music (f. 2016).
  • December 3: Tito Cortés, singer and Colombian composer (f. 1998).
  • December 4: David Morales Bello, Venezuelan politician (f. 2004).
  • 7 December: Jovanka Broz, first lady of Yugoslavia (f. 2013).
  • December 9: Manlio Sgalambro, Italian philosopher and writer (f. 2014).
  • December 19: Michel Tournier, French writer.(f. 2016).
  • December 19: Alexandre O'Neill, Portuguese poet (f. 1986).
  • December 28: Milton Obote, Ugandan President (f. 2005).
  • December 29: Francisco Nieva, theatrical author, stage designer, stage director, narrator and Spanish artist.(f. 2016).


  • January 20: Jay Hambidge, American artist and mathematician of Canadian origin.
  • January 21: Lenin, Russian revolutionary leader.
  • February 3: Woodrow Wilson, politician and U.S. President, Nobel Peace Prize in 1919.
  • March 8: Mathilde von Rothschild, composer, patron and German baroness (n. 1832).
  • May 15: Paul d'Estournelles, French diplomat, Nobel Peace Prize in 1909.
  • May 22: Francisco Mora Méndez, Spanish politician, co-founder of the PSOE.
  • June 3: Franz Kafka, Czech writer (n. 1883).
  • June 11: Giacomo Matteotti, Italian socialist politician.
  • July 18: Angel Guimerá, poet and Catalan playwright.
  • August 3: Joseph Conrad, British writer of Polish origin.
  • October 12: Anatole France, a French writer, nobel literature award in 1921.
  • November 2: Kai Nielsen, Danish sculptor.
  • November 10: Lola Rodríguez de Tió, poetess, journalist and revolutionary Puerto Rican.
  • 29 November: Giacomo Puccini, Italian composer.
  • December 2: Carlos Greene, Mexican military.
  • December 19: Luis Emilio Recabarren, Chilean politician and founder of the Communist Party of that country.
  • December 28: Rafael Urbano, writer, journalist, Spanish humorist.
  • December 29: Carl Spitteler, Swiss writer, Nobel Literature Prize in 1919.
  • December: Alexander Parvus (n. 1867).
No known date
  • Felix Ramos and Duarte, Cuban educator and writer (n. 1848).

Art and literature

  • He looked: Arlequin.
  • Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain.
  • Louis-Ferdinand Céline: Trip at the end of the night.
  • Pablo Neruda: Twenty poems of love and a desperate song.
  • Alban Berg: Wozzeck
  • André Bretón: Manifesto of Surrealism.
  • Agatha Christie: The man in the brown suit, Poirot investigates.
  • E. M. Forster: Passage to India.
  • Eugene O'Neill: Wish under the olmos.
  • 25 November: José Eustasio Rivera publica The Vorágine
  • July 14: the San Pedro Tower, in Yesterdaybe, Spain, is declared an Archetectonic-Artistic Monument.
  • In San Salvador (El Salvador), the Salvadoran Liceus becomes a Marist congregation.
  • The occultist Rudolf Steiner presents his book Biodynamic agriculture, based on a series of conversations he has in a field farm, where he brought together several characters from the time, applying anthropophy to the agricultural production techniques existing at the time.
  • In German Historical Museum (Berlin), Otto Dix published his work "Stormtroopers Advancing Under a Gas Attack".

Science and technology

  • Heisenberg: Quantum mechanics.
  • Aleksandr Oparin: Primary heat.


  • April 26: The Juan Carmelo Zerillo Stadium, the Gimnasia and Esgrima La Plata Club Stadium, is opened in Argentina. This is his unique stadium, located on 60th and 118th Streets, in the heart of the Platense Forest, and the place where you should make the local times for the football games you dispute.
  • 7 August: Fundación de Federación Universitaria, Peruvian football team whose current name is University of Sports.
  • August 7: Youth Junior Club Foundation, Colombian football team whose current name is Junior of Barranquilla.
  • September 10: Fundación del Cúcuta Foot-ball Club, Colombian football team whose current name is Sports.
  • 31 December: First San Silvestre race, held annually since then.
  • Olympic Games in Paris, France
  • Olympic Games: Uruguay gets the gold medal in football for the first time, defeating in the end Switzerland.
  • Uruguayan Football Championship: National is dedicated champion for the eleventh time, obtaining its second tri-camponato (1922-1923-1924).
  • Deportivo Alavés Inauguration of the Stadium of Mendizorroza.
  • Club Atlético Racing de Córdoba (Argentina) Year of foundation of the club of the city of Córdoba.
  • Central American Olympics in San José, Costa Rica
  • Club Sportivo Escobar (Argentina) Year of foundation of the club of the city of Escobar, Buenos Aires.


  • The film is filmed in the Soviet Union Aelitabased on the novel with the same name as the writer Alekséi Tolstói.
  • It's the movie. AvariciaDirector Erich Von Stroheim.


  • January 24: In Cuba, the student Sonora Matancera was founded, which was later called Sonora Matancera.
  • Jimmy Blythe records his theme Chicago stompconsidered the first recording of boogie-woogie.

Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn.
  • Chemistry: destined to the special fund of this section of the award.
  • Medicine: Willem Einthoven.
  • Literature: Władysław Stanisław Reymont.
  • Peace: destined to the special fund of this section of the prize.

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