
1922 (MCMXXII) was a common year beginning on a Sunday according to the Gregorian calendar.



  • 2 January: in Chile, the Socialist Workers Party resolves to change its name to that of the Communist Party of Chile and to join the Communist International (III International).
  • January 11: In Toronto, insulin is given for the first time to a patient named Leonard Thompson who was admitted to the Toronto General Hospital.
  • January 24th: in Copenhagen, Carl Nielsen is in his Symphony #5Opus 50.


  • 1 February: Bloody clashes in Gleiwitz between the French and the inhabitants of the Alta Silesia.
  • 2 February: The novel is first published UlyssesJames Joyce.
  • 4 February: the Chinese-Japanese treaty replaces China with the territory of Shantung.
  • 6 February: In Washington, D.C., the Treaty of the Nine Powers is signed, whose purpose is to achieve respect for the independence and territorial and administrative integrity of China.
  • 6 February: In Spain, the public officials of all Spanish ministries have been required from today.
  • February 2-6: In Rome, the conclave is held to choose a new pontiff after the death of Pope Benedict XV.
  • February 6: In Rome, Cardinal Ratti is elected Pope with the name of Pius XI.
  • 7 February: In Morocco, the bombings of the Spaniards on shady positions continue.
  • 7 February: At the Teatro Real de Madrid there is the tenor Miguel Fleta with the opera Carmen.
  • 14 February: A conference is held in Geneva that brings together German and Polish delegations to try to trace a common border in Alta Silesia.
  • 14 February: in Karatepe (Aydin Vilayeti, Turkey), the Greek army (in retreat after losing the Greco-Turkish War) burns all the people alive.
  • 16 February: The Hague holds the first session of the Permanent Court of International Justice, created at the request of the League of Nations.
  • February 20: In the city of Vilna (Lithuania), the diet (assembly) is occupied by Polish troops and is pronounced in favor of their integration into Poland.
  • February 21st: U.S. military leader Rome flight, with a result of 43 dead.
  • 22 February: In the French prison of Versailles, Henri Desiré Landrú is a guillotine, accused of the murder of ten women.
  • 22 February: the British paquebote sinks Egyptthat assured the mail between England and India.
  • February 24: Germany grants the extradition of Nicolau, assassin of the president of the Spanish Council Eduardo Dato.
  • February 28: Egypt is independent of England.


  • March 4th: the film Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, the first film related to the original story of Bram Stoker, Dracula, is released in Germany.
  • March 15: The Communist Party of Spain celebrates its first congress, where Antonio García Quejido is elected as secretary general.


  • 7 April: At the height of Poix, in Somme (France) there is the first clash between two line planes.
  • April 16: In the Italian town of Rapallo, the foreign ministers of Germany, Walther Rathenau, and the Russian RSFS, Georgi Chicherin, sign a treaty of friendship and cooperation between the two countries.
  • April 23 in the match of Azul, Mateo Banks and Keena executes eight of their relatives in their stay "The Good Luck" and "The Trebol".
  • April 24 is born the actor and fighter Blue Demon.


  • May 17: in Brooklands, K. Kee Guiness gets the speed record, with a time of 215,244 km/h.
  • May 18: In Paris, Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran died Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1907
  • 20 May: in Barcelona, Spain, the Camp de Les Corts, former stadium of the Barcelona Club Football Club, is inaugurated.


  • June 15th: Portuguese shippers Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral arrive in Rio de Janeiro in hydroplanon, thus carrying out the first air crossing of the South Atlantic.


  • 5 July: In the Netherlands, the first elections in which women can vote are held.
  • July 11: in Mos (Pontevedra-Spain) the Galician poet María Magdalena Domínguez was born.


  • August 19: Signed of Mapecs. Aruk. Finalization of the agreement: 22 August. Durability: permanent
  • August 23: the Peruvian Federation of Football is founded in Lima.


  • September 12: In Lima, Peru, the Brotherhood of the Lord of the Sanctuary of Saint Catherine was founded.
  • 13 September: 55 km from Tripoli (Libyan capital), in the town of Al 'Aziziyah, the temperature reaches 57.7 °C (135,9 °F) in the shade; it is the world record since temperatures are recorded to date.
  • September 17: The Sixth American Cup Edition begins for the second time in Brazil:
  • 21 September: In the Turkish city of Kayseri (the ancient Cesarea of Cappadocia) is founded the Turkish Patriarchate Independent Orthodox (Müstakil Türk Ortodoks Patrikhanesi).
  • September 23: the Hughes-Peynado Plan is signed, putting an end to the US military intervention in the Dominican Republic.


  • October 12: In Argentina the radical Marcelo Torcuato De Alvear assumes the presidency of the nation; being the second president within the period of radical successions
  • October 22: In Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) The Americas Cup ends and Brazil wins its second America Cup after winning 3-0 to Paraguay.
  • October 27: March on Rome. King Victor Manuel III refuses to declare the state of siege. It marks the beginning of the fascist regime in Italy.
  • October 29: in Italy, Victor Manuel III entrusts power to Benito Mussolini.


  • 1 November: the Ottoman Empire is officially dissolved.
  • 4 November: In Egypt, Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamon.
  • 4 November: Manta Foundation (Ecuador).
  • 10 November: An earthquake of 8.6 and a tsunami leave 1500 dead and 2000 wounded.


  • 6 December: Ireland creates the Irish Free State (later the Republic of Ireland), making 26 of the 32 counties in Ireland independent of the United Kingdom.
  • 14 December: in Cabimas (Venezuela), the reventon of the Barroso II well discovers the oil potential of the Campo Costanero Bolívar on the east coast of the lake of Maracaibo.
  • December 22: In Onteniente (Valencian Community) a train crash is charged 11 dead and 90 wounded.
  • December 25: In El Salvador, a demonstration of women marching in favor of a presidential candidate opposed to the Meléndez-Quiñones Dynasty government, was machine-gunned by the security forces, which ended with the death of several of the protesters.
  • December 27: In Japan, the first aircraft carrier in history, the Hōshō, is assigned to service.
  • December 30: founding of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (URSS).

No specific day

  • Frederick Grant Banting and Charles Best discover insulin.
  • Turkey becomes a republic.
  • In May, Lenin suffered his first stroke.
  • In August, Lenin told Maximus Gorki that he was so tired that he was incapable of doing any task.



  • January 1: Elide Brero, Peruvian actress.(f. 2021).
  • January 3: Ronald Smith, composer of British classical music (f. 2004).
  • January 3: Bill Travers, British actor and filmmaker (f. 1994).
  • 7 January: Vincent Gardenia, American actor (f. 1992).
  • 7 January: Jean-Pierre Rampal, French flutist (f. 2000).
  • January 7: Mario Almada, Mexican actor (f. 2016).
  • January 10: Juan Antonio Villacañas, Spanish poet (f. 2001).
  • January 15: Paul Marcinkus, Archbishop and U.S. banker (f. 2006).
  • January 17: Sheila van Damm, British rally driver (f.1987).
  • 17 January: Luis Echeverría Álvarez, Mexican president between 1970 and 1976 (f. 2022).
  • January 17: Betty White, comedian, American actress and executive producer (f. 2021).
  • January 27: Jesús María Alkain, a Spanish politician (f. 2001).


  • 1 February: Renata Tebaldi, Italian soprano (f. 2004).
  • 7 February: Hattie Jacques, English actress (f. 1980).
  • February 8: Yuri Averbaj, Russian chess player and author.(f. 2022).
  • February 8: Audrey Meadows, American actress (f. 1996).
  • February 9: Kathryn Grayson, American actress (f. 2010)
  • February 10: Árpád Göncz, President of Hungary (f. 2015).
  • February 18: Eric Gairy, prime minister of grenade (f. 1997).
  • February 24: Esperanza Magaz, a Venezuelan actress born in Cuba (f. 2013).
  • February 26: Margaret Leighton, British actress (f. 1976).


Isaac Rabin.
  • 1 March: Isaac Rabin, Israeli military and political (f. 1995).
  • March 5: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italian writer and filmmaker (f. 1975).
  • 7 March: Olga Ladýzhenskaya, Russian math (f. 2004).
  • March 11: José Luis López Vázquez, Spanish actor (f. 2009).
  • 11 March: Cornelius Castoriadis, Franco-Greek philosopher and psychoanalyst (f. [1997).
  • 14 March: China Zorrilla, Great Uruguayan Actress (f. 2014).
  • 15 March: Alberto Morán, Argentine singer of tangos, of piamontés origin (f. 1997).
  • March 24: Washingtonia Díaz, Uruguayan teacher. (f. 1955].


  • April 3: Doris Day, American actress. (f. 2019).
  • April 6: Josefina López de Serantes, Spanish writer (f. 1998).
  • 13 April: Julius K. Nyerere, a Tanzanian politician (f. 1999).
  • April 15: Michael Ansara, American actor (f. 2013).
  • 16 April: Kingsley Amis, poet, novelist and British literary critic (f. 1995).
  • April 19: Erich Hartmann, German aviator and military officer (f. 1993).


  • 1 May: Jorge Zuloaga, comedian, actor and Colombian reporter (f. 2022).
  • 4 May: Giovanni Paolo Gibertini, Italian Catholic bishop (f. 2020).
  • May 6: Otmar Suitner, Austrian orchestra director (f. 2010).
  • 7 May: Tony Leblanc, Spanish actor (f. [2012).
  • May 25: Enrico Berlinguer, Italian communist leader (f. 1984).
  • May 27: Christopher Lee, British actor (f. 2015).
  • May 28: Piru Gainza, Spanish footballer (f. [1995).
  • May 29: Jean-Claude Brisville, a French novelist and playwright.(f 2014).
  • 29 May: Iannis Xenakis, French composer and architect of Greek-Roman origin (f. 2001).
  • May 30: Hal Clement, American writer (f. 2003).


  • June 3: Alain Resnais, French filmmaker (f. 2014).
  • June 10: Judy Garland, American singer and actress (f. 1969).
  • June 14: Kevin Roche, Irish architect (f. 2019).
  • June 18: Henri Chopin, a leading French poet and musician (f. 2008).
  • June 21: Joseph Ki-Zerbo, a politician and a Burundian historian (f. 2006).
  • June 23: Juan San Martín, Spanish writer (f. 2005).
  • June 25: Antonio Welcome, Spanish bullfighter (f. 1975).
  • June 26: Eleanor Parker, American actress (f. 2013).
  • June 27: Silvia Piñeiro, Chilean actress (f. 2003).


  • 2 July: Pierre Cardin, a French-Italian fashion designer (f. 2020).
  • July 3: Guillaume Cornelis van Beverloo, painter (f. 2010).
  • July 6: Miguel Ángel García Guinea, Spanish archaeologist (f. 2012).
  • July 15: Leon Max Lederman, physicist and U.S. university professor (f. 2018).
  • July 18: Thomas Kuhn, physicist, philosopher of American science and historian (f. 1996).
  • July 18: Julia Morilla de Campbell, Argentine youth writer.
  • 21 July: Juana Ginzo, Spanish radio actress (f. 2021).
  • July 22: Julia Farron, British ballet dancer (f. 2019).
  • July 23: Damiano Damiani, Italian filmmaker (f. 2013).
John B. Goodenough
  • July 25: John B. Goodenough, German-American physicist.
  • July 26: Blake Edwards, American filmmaker (f. 2010).
  • July 26: Jason Robards, American actor (f. 2000).
  • July 30 – Micaela Josefa Portilla Vitoria, anthropologist, historian and Spanish pedagogue (f. 2005)


  • August 4th: Luis Aponte Martínez, Puerto Rican Catholic cardinal (f. 2012).
  • August 16: Joaquín Cordero, Mexican actor (f. 2013).
  • August 22: Armando Scannone, engineer and Venezuelan gastronomy (f. 2021).
  • August 25: Gustavo Alatriste, cineasta, producer and Mexican writer (f. 2006).
  • August 29: John Edward Williams, American writer (f. 1994).


Yvonne de Carlo
  • September 1: Yvonne De Carlo, actress, dancer and American nationalized Canadian singer (f. 2007).
  • September 1st: Vittorio Gassman, Italian actor and filmmaker (f. 2000).
  • 13 September: Yma Súmac, born Peruvian singer (f. 2008).
  • September 15: Bob Anderson, British Farmer (f. 2012).
  • September 15: Sergio de Castro, plastic artist and Francoargentine musician (f. 2012).
  • September 17: Agostinho Neto, Angolan President (f. 1979).
  • September 24: Meche Barba, Mexican actress and rumbera (f. [2000).
  • September 27: Arthur Penn, American filmmaker (f. 2010).


  • October 4, Francisca Adame Hens, a Spanish activist for the recovery of historical memory and poet (f. 2022).
  • October 8: Enriqueta Leguía, Peruvian poet (f. 2017).
  • October 9: Olga Guillot, Cuban singer (f. 2010).
  • October 15: Aurora Bautista, Spanish actress (f. 2012).
  • October 15: Alfons Figueras, Spanish historietist (f. 2009).
  • October 22: Carlos Estrada, Argentine actor (f. 2001).
  • October 26: Darcy Ribeiro, an anthropologist, writer and Brazilian politician (f. 1997).
  • October 27: Ruby Dee, American actress (f. 2014).
  • October 27: Juan Carlos Lorenzo, Argentine footballer (f. 2001).
  • October 27: Carlos Andrés Pérez, Venezuelan politician, president between 1974 and 1979 and between 1989 and 1993 (f. 2010).
  • 31 October: Norodom Sihanouk, a Cambodian king between 1941 and 1955 and between 1993 and 2004 (f. 2012).


  • 15 November: Francesco Rosi, Italian filmmaker (f. 2015).
  • 16 November: José Saramago, writer, journalist and Portuguese playwright, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1998 (f. 2010).
  • November 23: Manuel Fraga Iribarne, Spanish politician (f. 2012).
  • 23 November: Luis D'Jallad, Argentine writer (f. 2008).
  • 26 November: José María López de Letona, politician and Spanish engineer.(f. 2018).
  • 26 November: Charles Schulz, American cartoonist and cartoonist, creator of Peanuts (f. 2000).
  • November 26: Carmen Vallejo, Argentine actress and humorist (f. 2013).
  • November 27: Nicholas Magallanes, main dancer and founding member of the New York City Ballet (f. 1977).
  • November 29: Miguel Ocampo, Argentine painter and architect.(f. 2015).


  • December 5: Juan Carlos Casariego de Bel, Spanish-Argentine lawyer and economist; disappeared (f. 1977).
  • December 14: Antonio Larreta, Uruguayan writer (f. 2015).
  • December 23: Zuleika Alambert, a feminist writer and a Brazilian communist policy (f. 2012).
  • 23 December: Micheline Ostermeyer, French athlete and musician (f. 2001).
  • December 24: Ava Gardner, American actress (f. 1990).
  • December 25: Maruja Vieira, Colombian poet.
  • 27 December: Juan Gerardi, Guatemalan bishop; murdered (f. 1998).
  • December 27: Ramón Trías Fargas, economist and Spanish politician (f. 1989).
  • December 28: Stan Lee, editor of American comics and screenwriter (f. 2018).

Unknown dates

  • Sylvia Bermann, psychiatrist, professor and Argentinean midwife (f. 2012).


  • January 5: Ernest Shackleton, Irish explorer (n. 1874).
  • January 22: Benedict XV, Italian Pope (n. 1845).
  • January 22: Fredrik Bajer, Danish writer and pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize in 1908 (n. 1837).
  • January 26: Vincenc Strouhal, Czech physicist.
  • January 27: Luigi Denza, Italian composer (n. 1846).
  • 7 May: Manuel Granero (20), Spanish bullfighter (n. 1902).
  • 13 May: Varelito (28), Spanish bullfighter (n. 1893).
  • May 18: Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran, French doctor, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1907 (n. 1845).
  • May 26: Aurélia de Sousa, a Chilean-Portuguese painter (n. 1866).
  • May 26: Ernest Solvay, Belgian chemist (n. 1838).
  • June 6: Lillian Russell, American actress (n. 1860 or 1861).
  • July 20: Andréi Márkov, Russian mathematician (n. 1856).
  • July 28: João Cezimbra Jacques, folklorist, Brazilian writer and military (n. 1848).
  • August 2: Alexander Graham Bell, British scientist (n. 1847).
  • August 19: Felip Pedrell, Spanish composer and ethnomusicologist (n. 1841).
  • August 24: Concepción Agramonte, patriot of Cuban independence (n. 1834).
  • August 29: Georges Sorel, French philosopher (n. 1847).
  • 22 October: Roberto Wernicke, doctor, bacteriologist, educator and Argentine researcher (n. 1852).
  • December 17: Maria Douglas Mexican actress, died because of suicide.
  • December 19: Clementina Black, writer, feminist and trade unionist (n. 1853)
  • 21 December: Alberta Giménez, Spanish religious (n. 1837).
  • December 30: José Ortega Munilla, Spanish writer and journalist (n. 1856).

Art and literature

  • James Joyce: Ulysses.
  • Gabriela Mistral: Desolation.
  • Bertolt Brecht: Tambors at night.
  • César Vallejo: Trilce.
  • T. S. Eliot: The wasteland
  • Rainer Maria Rilke: Elegías de Duino
  • Pablo de Rokha: The Gems.
  • Marcel Proust: In search of the lost time
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald: Beautiful and damned.
  • Karel Čapek: The Absolute Factory.
  • Agatha Christie: The mystery Mr. Brown.
  • Hermann Hesse: Siddhartha.
  • Rafael Sabatini: Captain Blood.
  • Virginia Woolf: Jacob's room.
  • Stefan Zweig: Amok, Letter from an unknown.
  • Diego Rivera: CreationHis first mural, in the Old College of San Ildefonso.
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein: Tractatus logico-philosophicus.

Science and technology

  • Juan de la Cierva and Codorníu: autogiro (precursor of the helicopter).


  • 17 September: the works of the Sitges-Terramar Authodrome began, but it was established in the municipal territory of San Pedro de Ribas (Barcelona), the works would last 300 days.
  • October 18: Founding the Hercules Club of Football.
  • December 8: the first basketball game is held in Spain. It takes place in Barcelona between two teams from the city: CE Europa defeats Laietà Basket Club for 8 to 2 in the field of the first.
  • FC Barcelona opens the stadium Les Corts, with capacity for 30,000 spectators.
  • Uruguayan Football Championship: National is dedicated champion for the ninth time.


  • Nanook, the Eskimo (from the filmmaker Robert J. Flaherty). This is the first documentary that can be called as such of history.
  • He's calm. Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (from the German filmmaker F. W. Murnau), Max Schreck acts on the role of the vampire.
  • Les Grenouilles qui demandent un roi of Ladislas Starewitch
  • La Souriante Madame Beudet (from the French director Germaine Dulac). A film that defines his impressionist stage.

Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Niels Henrik David Bohr.
  • Chemistry: Francis William Aston.
  • Medicine: Otto Fritz Meyerhof Archibald Vivian Hill.
  • Literature: Jacinto Benavente.
  • Peace: Fridtjof Nansen.

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