
1874 (MDCCCLXXIV) was a common year beginning on a Thursday according to the Gregorian calendar.



  • 2 January: in Madrid, Spain, Emilio Castelar, president of the Spanish Republic, loses the confidence of the Parliament and presents his resignation.
  • January 3: in Madrid, Spain, General Pavia enters the Courts and perpetrates a coup d'etat, ending the First Spanish Republic.
  • January 4th: in Zaragoza, the people carried out a republican uprising because of the coup d'etat of General Manuel Pavia.
  • January 10: Germany's federal elections of 1874 are held.
  • 12 January: in Cartagena, Spain, the cantonalist insurrection formed by the Canton of Cartagena ends with the blockade by sea and land of the government forces.


  • February 9: Mexico City founded the first Protestant school in Ibero-America, the Mexican Methodist Institute, today Instituto Mexicano Madero.
  • 11 February: in Paris (France), Alejandro Dumas, son entered the French Academy.
  • February 20: In London, UK, Benjamin Disraeli, a 70-year-old conservative leader, assumes the position of prime minister for the second time. His policy will be aimed at strengthening the position of the British Empire in the world.
  • 24 and 25 February: in the valley of Somorrostro (Spain)—in the framework of the Third Carlist War—to break the site of Bilbao, the Carlist troops defeat the forces of General Moriones in the first battle of Somorrostro.


  • 24-27 March: in the valley of Somorrostro (Spain)—in the framework of the Third Carlist War—Carlist troops struggle in the second battle of Somorrostro, to break the site of Bilbao. It ends with a balance of more than 8,000 casualties between both sides.
  • March 25: The Republic of Ecuador is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, realized by then President Gabriel García Moreno and supported, blessed and concreted by Pope Pio IX.


  • 25 April:
    • Germany and Greece signed the Olympic Treaty, initiating the first archaeological excavations involving two governments at the same time.
    • The scientist Santiago Ramón y Cajal is destined for Cuba
  • 27 and 28 April: in the valley of Somorrostro (Spain)—in the framework of the Third Carlist War—Carlist troops struggle in the third battle of Somorrostro, which ends with the site of Bilbao.


  • May 18: In Vilabella, Spain, a crude battle is waged in the framework of the Third Carlist War.


  • 27 June:
    • In Navarre, Spain—in the framework of the Third Carlist War—the battle of Monte Muro is waged.
    • In the United States, a coalition of Indian comanches, kiowas, cheyenes and arapahos, led by Quanah Parker, assault Adobe Walls.


  • July 1st: The first public zoo is opened in Philadelphia (United States).
  • July 10: first climb to Mount Elbrús by F. Crauford Grove, F. Gardner, H. Walker and P. Knubel.
  • July 16: Dunster Train Station was opened.


  • August 6: Bolivia and Chile sign the second treaty of limits that replaces the previously signed treaty of 1866. Chile renounces the territories in the area covered by the parallels 24 and 25. In return, the Bolivian government is committed not to increasing taxes on salitre for the next 25 years (i.e. until 1899).


  • 9 October: the Universal Postal Union was founded in Bern (Switzerland).
  • October 12: In Argentina, Nicolás Avellaneda assumes as president.


  • November 24: In the United States, Joseph Golden obtains the barbed wire patent.


  • 1 December: in Spain is proclaimed King Alfonso XII.

Unknown dates

  • Lord Salisbury is appointed Secretary of State for India (up to 1878).
  • Argentina: is elected President Nicolás Avellaneda, who quickly overcomes an attempted coup d'etat led by the military Bartolomé Mitre.

Art and literature

  • First Impressionist Exhibition, where Monet presents Impression, soleil levant (painted in 1872).
  • Gustave Flaubert: The Temptations of San Antonio.
  • Thomas Hardy: Far from the crazy crowd.
  • Emile Zola: The belly of Paris.


  • Bedřich Smetana starts her masterpiece Má vlast (My homeland).
  • Modest Músorgski finishes writing his work Tables of an exhibition in honor of Víktor Hartmann, his friend artist.

Science and technology

  • In Yokohama, Japan, Norwegian-born French astronomer Pierre Janssen records the transit of Venus in front of the Sun, with the help of his "photographic survey".
  • Brayton creates the explosion engine, with oil as a fuel.
  • Gustav Kirchhoff: Mechanics.
  • Gray describes for the first time the Pygmy Orca (Feresa attenuata).
  • Carl Wernicke (German doctor), describes the aphasia (neurological syndrome) that bears its name.


  • The Bolton Wanderers Football Club is founded.



  • January 1st: Gustave Whitehead, German aviator (f. 1927).
  • January 4: Josef Suk, Czech composer.
  • January 5: Joseph Erlanger, U.S. physiologist, nobel medical prize in 1944 (f. 1965).


  • February 3: Gertrude Stein, American writer (f. 1946).
  • February 6: Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasuati, a Bengali Krisnaist religious and writer (f. 1937).
  • February 15: José María Vargas Pacheco, a Costa Rican jurist (f. 1956).


  • March 5: Henry Travers, British actor (f. 1965).
  • March 24: Harry Houdini (Ehrich Weiss), Hungarian magician (f. 1926).
  • March 26: Robert Frost, American writer and poet (f. 1963).
  • 28 March: Shapurji Saklatvala, a British politician of Indian origin (f. 1936).


  • April 3: Eduardo Sánchez de Fuentes, Cuban composer and writer (f. 1944).
  • 13 April: Toribio Martínez Cabrera, a Spanish military officer (f. 1939).
  • April 15: Johannes Stark, German physicist, nobel prize of physics in 1919 (f. 1957).
  • April 25: Guglielmo Marconi, Italian inventor (f. 1937).


  • May 9: Howard Carter, British archaeologist (f. 1939).
  • May 26: Laura Montoya, Colombian religious, first saint of that country (f. 1949).


  • June 1st: Macedonio Fernández, Argentine writer and philosopher (f. 1952).
  • June 9: Ernst Diehl, classical philologist and German epigraphist (f. 1947).
  • June 9: Launceston Elliot, Scottish halterophile (f. 1930).
  • June 13: Leopoldo Lugones, Argentine poet (f. 1938).


  • July 25: Jaime Mendoza Gonzáles, doctor, poet, philanthropist, Bolivian writer and geographer (f. 1939).
  • July 28: Joaquín Torres García, Uruguayan plastic artist (f. 1949).
  • July 28: Ernst Cassirer, German philosopher (f. 1945).
  • July 28: Agustín Víctor Casasola, Mexican photographer (f. 1938).


  • August 22: Max Scheler, German philosopher (f. 1928).
  • August 27: Carl Bosch, a German chemical and industrialist, a nobel chemistry award in 1931 (f. 1940).
  • August 29: Manuel Machado, Spanish poet (f. 1947).
  • August 31: Edward Thorndike, American behavioral psychologist.


  • September 10: Karl Faust, German botanist.
  • 13 September: Arnold Schönberg, Austrian composer (f. 1951).
  • September 21: Gustav Holst, British composer.
  • September 30: Roberto Lewis, Panamanian painter (f. 1949).


  • October 20: Charles Ives, American composer (f. 1954).


  • 9 November: Julio Romero de Torres, a Spanish painter (f. 1930).
  • 15 November: August Krogh, Danish physiologist, nobel medical prize in 1920 (f. 1949).
  • November 18: Clarence Day, American writer (f. 1935).
  • 22 November: Cristóbal de Castro, a Spanish writer (f. 1953).
  • November 30: Winston Churchill, British writer and politician (f. 1965).


  • December 28: María de la O Lejárraga, writer and Spanish feminist (f. 1974).

Unknown date

  • John Yu Shuinling, Chinese diplomat and photographer (f. 1944).



  • 8 February: David Friedrich Strauss, German theologian (n. 1808).


  • February 17: Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quételet, astronomer and Belgian mathematician (n. 1796).


  • March 8: Millard Fillmore, American politician, 13th president between 1850 and 1853 (n. 1800).


  • 1 May: Niccolò Tommaseo, writer, philosopher and Italian poet of a Christian character.


  • July 3: Franz Bendel, composer and pianist Bohemio (n. 1833).
  • July 17: Lucio del Valle, Spanish engineer and architect (n. 1815).
  • July 22: Howard Staunton, English chess player (n. 1810).


  • September 24: Teófilo Ivanovski, Argentinian General (n. 1827).


  • October 26: Peter Cornelius, German composer and poet.


  • November 19: Manuel Lasala and Ximénez de Bailo, jurist, writer, politician and Spanish historian (n. 1803).
  • 21 November: Mariano Fortuny (1838-1874), Spanish painter.


  • December 7: Pedro Timote, Argentinean military (n. 1836).
  • Constantin von Tischendorf.

Unknown date

  • Pedro José Rojas, Venezuelan military and political (n. 1818).

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