
1789 (MDCCLXXXIX) was a common year beginning on a Thursday according to the Gregorian calendar. This year marks the end of the Modern Age to give way to the Contemporary Age, with the beginning of the French Revolution, whose repercussions would affect not only Europe, but also the rest of the world.


  • January: Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès publishes his work What is the Third State?
  • January 29: In Vietnam, Emperor Nguy/25070/n Humour wins a decisive victory over the Chinese Empire, which is considered one of the largest in Vietnamese history. Due to its impressive military victories against Chinese and Thais, Nguy/25070/n Hurama was known by European missionaries as the "Alexander the Great of Vietnam".
  • March: the Second Xhosa War begins between the settlers of South Africa and the Bantus.
  • 4 March: In New York, the Congress of the Confederation, at its tenth meeting, declares the United States Constitution.
  • 22 March: In Switzerland the Helvetic Republic is proclaimed.
  • March 25: In Spain, King Charles IV named Goya "camera painter".
  • March - April: A smallpox epidemic occurs in Australia that decimates half of the Aboriginal population.
  • April 7: Selim III ascends to the throne of the Ottoman Empire, starting a government of great reforms for the decadent empire.
  • 24 - 26 April: failed revolt of Jean-Baptiste Réveillon in a factory in Paris.
  • April 28: in the South Pacific, the Bounty riot happens.
  • April 30: In the United States, George Washington began his term as the first president of the United States.
  • 10 May:
    • Brazilian patriot Tiradentes (José da Silva Xavier) is arrested in Brazil, a Brazilian national hero.
    • In Japan, the Menashi-Kunashir Rebellion begins between the Ainu and the Japanese in the northwest of Hokkaidō.
  • May 31: In Spain a real class is issued "conceding freedom for the trade in blacks".
  • July 30: part of Cadiz the scientific expedition of Malaspina.
  • August 18: the Dutch Revolution begins in the Austrian Netherlands.
  • 24 October: proclamation of the United States of Belgium (Netherlands).
  • 6 November: Pope Pius VI appoints the priest John Carroll as the first bishop of the Catholic Church in the United States.

French Revolution

  • 5 May: Opening of the General States in Versailles.
  • 17 June: the Third State proclaims the National Assembly.
  • June 20: Juramento of the Balloon Game among the 577 deputies of the third state not to be separated until they give France a constitution, facing the pressures of the king of Louis XVI.
  • 23 - 27 June: Luis XVI tries to dissolve the General States, but he concedes to the popular demands.
  • 9 July: General States become the National Constituent Assembly.
  • July 11: Louis XVI and the nobility refuse to meet with the Third State, worsening the discontent of the masses.
  • 14 July: Take the Bastille.
    Bastille take. (1789) by Jean-Pierre Houël.
  • 20 July: Start the Great Fear
  • Night of 4 August 1789
    • Abolition of the feudal system
  • 5 - 6 August: March on Versailles
  • 26 August: Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen by the Constituent Assembly
  • October 21: Luis XVI declares the Martial Law.
  • 2 November: Nationalization of the property of the Catholic clergy.
  • December 24: Protestants get the right to vote.

No date

  • Lavoisier: Elementary Treaty of Chemistryconsidered the first text of modern chemistry.
  • Martin Heinrich Klaproth discovers the zirconium and uranium.
  • In the state of Andhra Pradesh (India), a cyclic mare hits the town of Coringa and kills 20 000 people. On November 16, 1839, the same will happen again, with the same number of victims.
  • In Mongolia (then China ' s administrative province), important laws codes issued by the Manchus are enacted.


  • February 5: Miguel Salinas and Campillo, Spanish military (f. 1853).
  • March 16: Georg Simon Ohm, German physicist (f. 1854).
  • April 10: Leone Vicar, Mexican insurgent for the independence of New Spain (f. 1842).
  • May 20: Marcelino Champagnat, religious and holy French, founder of the Marist Brothers (f. 1840).
  • June 19: Carl Ludwig Blume, German-Dutch botanist (f. 1862).
  • June 24: Juan Bautista Cabral, Argentine soldier (f. 1813).
  • June 30: Horace Vernet, French painter (f. 1863).
  • 1 July: Francisco Javier Mina Larrea, a Spanish military officer (f. 1817).
  • July 16: Enrique Martínez, a Montevidean military who will participate in the emancipation of America (f. 1870).
  • July 22: Antonio Alcalá Galiano, Spanish writer and politician (f. 1865).
  • July 29: Gabriel Valenzuela Barreda
  • August 20: Bernardo de Monteagudo, Argentine lawyer and journalist (f. 1825).
  • September 15: James Fenimore Cooper, American novelist (f. 1851).
  • 14 November: José Antonio Anzoátegui, Venezuelan military (f. 1819).
  • December 15: Carlos Soublette, a Venezuelan military and president (f. 1870).
No date
  • Sara Baartman, South African slave of the Khoikhoi ethnic group (f. 1815).


  • May 15: Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre, French painter and engraver (n. 1714).
  • 13 July: Victor Riquetti, French economist (n. 1715).
  • July 14: Bernard-René Jordan de Launay, French military (n. 1740).
  • July 15: Jacques Duphly, French composer, organist and clavicordist (n. 1715).
  • December 3: Claude Joseph Vernet, French painter (n. 1759).
  • December 9: Pedro de Usauro Martínez de Bernabé, militar e historiador colonial Chilean-Spanish (n. 1733).

Science Fiction

  • The start of the video game Assassin's Creed: Unity takes place this year

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