16th century BC c.


The 16th century B.C. C. began on January 1, 1600 B.C. C. and ended on January 1, 1501 a. c.


  • 1600 BC: in China the Shang dynasty is instituted.
  • 1600 to 1300 B.C.: In Central Europe — from the Rhine River to the Western Carpathians, and from the Alps to the Baltic Sea — the tumulus culture begins, so called by the individual inhumation graves with earth mounds. Three centuries later it will be replaced by the culture of the urn fields.
The Star Disc of Nebra (Germany).
  • 1600 B.C.: on the banks of the Unstrut river, in Nebra (Sajonia-Anhalt, in current Germany), artisans of Unetice culture create a star disk. It was made public in 2002, when people who had found it in 1999 wanted to sell it and were arrested.
  • 1600 B.C.: In southern Mexico the Olmeca culture begins.
  • 1600 BC: At the Aegean Sea ends the civilization of the Cyclades Islands.
  • 1600-1200 B.C.: In Anatolia (present-day Turkey) the Hittite make iron tools and weapons.
  • 1600-1200 BC: In ancient Greece, the village Tirinto begins to be inhabited.
  • 1600 BC: near the current Bogazköy, about 250 km south of the Black Sea (in Turkey), the Hittites establish their capital in Hattusa.
  • 1595 B.C.: in Mesopotamia, the houses finally take the city of Babylon.
  • 1566 B.C.: In Jericho (Israel) an earthquake of X degrees occurs in the seismological scale of Mercalli (from I to XII). The amount of dead is unknown.
  • 1554 B.C.: In Egypt, a scribe of the Middle Empire writes a papyrus about employment as a medicinal plant of the species Maritime caribdis for the treatment of edemas.
  • 1550 B.C.: the country of Egypt expands to the land of Canaan.
  • 1550 to 1500 BC: in the acropolis of Micenas (Greece), one or more goldsmiths perform a funeral mask. In 1876 it was found by the German millionaire Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890) who mistakenly believed that he had belonged to King Agamemnon (sixteenth century)XIII). It is currently in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.
  • 1545: According to the high chronology, in Egypt dies Ahmose I, Pharaoh and founder of the eighteenth dynasty.
  • 1525 B.C.: In Hattusa begins to rule Telepinu, king of the Hittites. It will publish Proclamation of Telepinu.
  • 1525 B.C.: In ancient Egypt the 15th Dynasty disappears.
  • 1522 B.C.: According to the Hebrew calendar, the Hebrew patriarch Jacob emigrates to Egypt, settling on the Land of Goshen.
  • 1521 B.C. (24 April): Moon saros begin 36.
  • 1513 B.C.: According to the congregation of the Jehovah's Witnesses, this year the Jewish exodus of Egypt came to "the land promised" by the Lord God.
  • 1511 BC: according to Paros Chronicle, in Athens begins to reign Erictonio.
  • 1510 B.C.: In ancient Egypt, among the treasures that are lega to the dead in the graves, mercury is beginning to be left.
  • 1506 BC: according to Paros Chronicle in ancient Athens begins the reign of Erictonio.
  • 1506 a. C.: Cécrope I, legendary king of Athens, dies after a 50-year reign. Having survived his own son, it was succeeded by Cránao.
  • h. 1506 B.C.: Tutmosis I (Egyptian 18th Dynasty) begins to govern. Alternatively, a date from 1504 to C. is also possible.
  • 1500 B.C.: Egypt conquers Nubia and the Levant (1504 B.C.–1492 B.C.).
  • 1500 B.C.: the kushita kings conquer Kemet (the ancient Egypt).
  • 1500 B.C.: in Hattusa (Turkey center) the Hittite King Telepinu dies.
  • 1500 B.C.: In ancient Greece begins micenic civilization.
  • In Pakistan the composition begins—orally, as until then in Asia only the Sumerians had invented the writing—of the Rig-veda (the oldest text in India). The text will be set several centuries later.
  • The nomadic Aryan people—whose language has ceased to be the indoiranio (an indo-European language) and has become Sanskrit— begin to invade India from Pakistan, possibly non-violent.
  • In the region of current Jordan, the Ammonite people began to develop.
  • The oldest remains of domesticated ferret date back to this time.
  • Celts appear in Europe, speaking of an Indo-European language from Ukraine.
  • In Europe the ox begins to domesticate.
  • In ancient Greece begins the celebration of the eleusin mysteries—a ritual of initiation, possibly with bread and wine contaminated with the cornezuelo fungus of the rye.
  • Polynesians settle in the Fiyi Islands.

Relevant people

  • Puzur-Assur III, king of Assyria.
  • Amosis I, Pharaoh of Egypt.
  • Telepinu, king of the Hittites.

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