14th century BC c.


The 14th century BC began on January 1, 1400 B.C. C. and ended on December 31, 1301 a. c.


  • 1400 B.C.: In Crete the micenic culture reaches its peak. The palace of Cnosos is abandoned.
  • 1400 B.C.: The Palace of Minos is destroyed by a fire.
  • 1400 B.C.: Assyrians become very powerful by expelling the hurrits.
  • 1400 B.C.: in Hattusa – near the modern village of Boghazköy (Çorum district) (Turkey) – the Lion Gate is built.
  • 1400 BC: in China the Shang dynasty expands.
  • 1397 B.C.: Pandon I, legendary king of Athens, dies after 40 years of reign and his son Erecteo II happens.
  • 1385 B.C.: In Egypt, Pharaoh Amenhotep III marries Tiy.
  • 1380 B.C.: Pharaoh Amenhotep II connects the Nile River and the Red Sea through a channel.
  • 1375 BC (3 May): in China, a solar eclipse is recorded, "The Sun is ashamed, it was hidden during the day."
  • 1372 BC: the Hittites conquer the whole kingdom of Mithani, west of the Euphrates.
  • 1365 B.C. (±5 years): An earthquake occurs in Ugarit (Syria). The subsequent tsunami and a fire destroy the entire city.
  • 1365 B.C.: Ashur-uballit I becomes king.
  • 1357 B.C.: in Denmark is buried The girl of Egtved.
  • 1347 B.C.: The legendary King Erecteo II of Athens is hit by lightning, thus dying, after reigning 50 years. His younger brother Cécrops II happens.
  • 1346 B.C.: Pharaoh Amenhotep IV begins his cult of Aton and begins to build his new capital: Ajetaton.
  • 1345 B.C.: the Pharaoh Amenhotep IV is renamed Ajenaton.
  • 1346 B.C.: In Egypt, Tutankhamon became king only 10 years old.
  • 1336 B.C.: Ajenaton pharaoh appoints Smenejkara as his broker.
  • 1336 B.C.: In Egypt Tutankhamon was born
  • 1334 BC: Ajnaton dies in Egypt.
  • 1334-1333 a. C.: Tutanjaton becomes a pharaoh and marries Anjesenpaatón, daughter of Ajenatón and Nefertiti.
  • 1331 B.C.: the pharaoh Tut-anj-Atón is renowned Tut-anj-Amon and leaves Ajetatón, returning the capital to Thebes.
  • 1330 B.C.: In Assyria, Enlil-nirari becomes king.
  • 1323 B.C.: Tutankhamon dies in Egypt.
  • 1323 BC: in Egypt, Horemheb becomes Pharaoh.
  • 1319 BC: In Assyria, Arik-den-ili becomes king.
  • 1312 B.C. (24 June): In Asia Minor, during the reign of the Hittite King Mursili II there is a "bad augury of the Sun" (a solar eclipse).
  • 1310 B.C.: King Tungot went up to the throne in Frigia
  • 1307 B.C.: Assyria ascends to the throne Adad-nirari I.
  • 1305 B.C. (5 June): in China there is an astronomical phenomenon (“three flames ate the Sun”) that could be a solar eclipse.
  • 1303 B.C.: Seti I becomes a Pharaoh of Egypt.
  • Cécrope II, legendary king of Athens, dies after reigning 40 years. It's happened by his son Pandian II. He was exiled by the sons of Methion (brother or nephew of Cécrope II). Pandon fled to Megara, where he married the king's daughter and finally inherited the throne. After his death, the sons of Pandon II returned to Athens and cast the sons of Metion.
  • Around 1300 BC: in Europe the culture of the urn fields is developed.
  • 1300 B.C. (most likely date): Kadesh battle in Syria between Hittites and Egyptians.
  • 1300 BC: the frigids destroy the Hittites.
  • 1300 BC: the Amorites conquer the Hittites of Canaan.
  • 1300 BC: the iliters appear.
  • 1300 BC: The Ammonites are established in Jordan.
  • 1300 B.C.: In the Dead Sea Idumea is founded.
  • 1300 BC: In China, Pangeng moved the capital of the Shang dynasty to Yin.
  • Around 1300 B.C.: Some peoples of the Eastern Forests (in the current United States) begin to build huge earthworks, earth and stone mounds. In Poverty Point (Louisiana State) is the oldest.
  • Around 1300 to 1200 BC: in Micenas (Greece) the treasure of Atreo is built. It will be excavated by Christos Stamatakis in 1878.
  • 1300 to 1200 BC: the palace of Pilos is built.
  • 1300 to 1100 a. C: in Micenas (Greece) an artisan performs the vaso del Guerrero. It is currently in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.

Important characters

  • Akenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt

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