Contenido 1482 (MCDLXXXII) was a common year beginning on a Tuesday of the Julian calendar.
- 28 February: the Marquis of Cadiz, Rodrigo Ponce de León and Núñez, conquest for the Kingdom of Castile the square of Alhama of Granada, Spain, (Guerra de Granada).
- Christopher Columbus travels to Guinea.
- An expedition, sent by the Spanish military Alonso Fernández de Lugo (26), establishes Spanish enclaves in the Canary Islands.
- In Africa, Diego Cao is the first European to navigate the Congo River.
Art and literature
- Sandro Botticelli (the Italian Renaissance painter): Madonna del Magnificat.
- Michelangelo attends the school of Francesco de Urbino.
Science and technology
- Marsilio Ficino (Italian philosopher) writes "Theologia platónica".
- 29 June: Mary of Aragon, queen consorte of Portugal (f. 1517), wife of King Manuel I.
- Richard Aertsz, Dutch painter (f. 1577).
- Juan Ecolampadio, German religious (f. 1531).
- Francebigio, Florentine painter (f. 1525).
- Leo Jud, Swiss religious (f. 1542).
- Bernardino Luini, Italian painter (f. 1532).
- Richard Pace, English diplomat (approximately 1536).
- Matthias Ringmann, German cartographer and humanist poet (f. 1511).
- Georg Tannstetter, Austrian humanist (f. 1535).
- Atius Crescenti, inventor (f. 1482).
- March 27: María de Borgoña, daughter of Carlos de Borgoña (n. 1457).
- May 10: Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli, Italian mathematician (n. 1397).
- 1 July: Alonso Carrillo de Acuña, Spanish priest, Archbishop of Toledo.
- August 25: Margarita de Anjou, an English aristocrat (n. 1429), wife of Henry VI of England.
- Hugo van der Goes, painter of the Flemish school.
- Luca della Robbia, Florentine sculptor (n. 1400).
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