
1471 (MCDLXXI) was a common year beginning on a Tuesday of the Julian calendar.


  • The Portuguese cross the Earth's equator.
  • Sixtus IV happens to Paulo II as Pope.
  • Enrique VI is captured by Eduardo IV during the war of the two Roses.
  • The Duke of Ferrara is established.
  • The city of Barcelona suffers from a severe epidemic of fleas that carries constant bites to most of the population. In recuredo to that epidemic, in Spanish popular language the phrase "the year of the peak" appeared years later, to refer to events or objects considered old or very old.
  • October 30th. He is ordained priest Roderic Llançol i Borja, better known as Rodrigo de Borja, Alejandro VI, The "Papa Borja", who would be pope from 1492 to 1503.
  • December 21 - The Portuguese discover the island of Santo Tomé.


  • May 21 - Alberto Durero, German painter.

De los 2474 hogares, el 31,30 % tenía hijos menores de 18 años que vivían con ellos, el 52,40 % eran parejas casadas que vivían juntas, el 11,40 % tenía una mujer como cabeza de familia sin marido presente y el 33,30 % no eran familias. Aproximadamente el 30,80% de todos los hogares estaban compuestos por personas y el 16,50% tenía alguien que vivía solo y tenía 65 años o más. El tamaño promedio del hogar era de 2,40 y el tamaño promedio de la familia era de 3,00.

  • Pachacocotec - Inca Emperor.
  • July 25 - Thomas of Kempis, German monk.
  • Antonio Beccadelli, jurist canonigo, poet and Italian scholar.

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