
The year 140 (CXL) was a leap year beginning on a Thursday of the Julian calendar, in force on that date.

In the Roman Empire the year was named the year of the consulship of Hadrian and Caesar, or less frequently, as 893 ab urbe condita, being its denomination as 140 at the beginning of the Middle Ages, when the Anno Domini was established.


  • In the Roman Empire, the Emperor Antonino Pio himself and one of his successors, Marco Aurelio, exercise the consulate.
  • Claudio Ptolomeo completes his Almagesto (approximate date).
  • The wall of Antonino Pio in Britain begins to rise.
  • St. Pius I happens to St. Higinius as a pope.


  • Zhang Jue, curandero and leader of the Rebellion of the Yellow Turbants. (approximate date)


  • Faustina the Major, wife of Emperor Antonino Pio. (Other sources give 141)
  • Cayo Brutio Presente, politician and Roman military.
  • Menelaus of Alexandria, mathematician and Greek astronomer.
  • Mitrídates V de Partia, king of the Parti Empire.
  • Filón de Biblos, a Phoenician scholar.
  • Higinius, Pope of the Catholic Church.

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