12th of January
Contenido January 12 is the 12th (twelfth; twelfth or twelfth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 353 days left to end the year and 354 in leap years.
- 29 B.C.: In ancient Rome the civil war ends.
- 1072: In Spain, after the battle of Golpejera, Sancho II is crowned king of Leon.
- 1180: Alfonso VIII grants the Fuero de Villasila and Villamelendro
- 1230: Jaime I de Aragón conquers the island of Mallorca.
- 1425: In Spain, the first documents on the entry of gypsies on the Iberian peninsula are written.
- 1528: In Sweden, Gustavo I is crowned king.
- 1610: In Spain the expulsion of the Moors of Andalusia is decreed.
- 1719: In the mountains of Tydal, in the region of Trøndelag (Norway), in the framework of the Great Northern War (1700-1721), some 4000 caroline soldiers die frozen (from King Charles XI and Charles XII).
- 1755: In Moscow (Russian Empire), Empress Isabel approves the creation of the first Russian university, the University of Moscow.
- 1777: At the location of the current city of Santa Clara (California), the mission was founded Santa Clara de Assisi, the eighth Spanish mission in the region.
- 1807: part of the city of Leyden (Netherlands) is destroyed by the explosion of a gunship.
- 1812: in the department of Potosí (in the south-west of Alto Peru, the current Bolivia) – at the end of the first auxiliating expedition to Alto Peru – the Spaniards defeat the Argentinians in the battle of the Quebrada del Nazareno.
- 1816: in France, a law of the Government dismisses the entire Bonaparte family.
- 1829: in Mexico, the Congress of the Republic cancels presidential elections.
- 1832: in Spain, Ramon de Mesonero Romanos begins the publication of his "Matritense Scenes" in the literary magazine Spanish Castes.
- 1848: In Palermo (Sicilia) the independence revolution begins against the Bourbons of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
- 1866: Chile and Peru ratify an offensive and defensive alliance to repel the aggressions of the Spanish navy, which sought to block the Chilean ports.
- 1872: in Aksum (Ethiopia) Yohannes IV is crowned emperor, the first imperial coronation in 200 years.
- 1874: In Cartagena, Spain, the cantonalist insurrection formed by the Canton of Cartagena ended and the blockade by sea and land of government forces was resisted.
- 1875: in China, Kwang-Su is crowned emperor.
- 1881: In the framework of the Pacific War, in the battle of San Juan and Chorrillos, Bolivia, Chile and Peru are facing.
- 1895: In London (British Empire) is founded The National Trust (current National Foundation for Places of Historical Interest or Natural Beauty).
- 1898: In Tokyo, Japan, Itō Hirobumi begins his third term as Prime Minister of Japan.
- 1899: the frigate Argentine school President Sarmiento undertakes his first journey of circumnavigation.
- 1905: In Ecuador, Lizardo García is elected president.
- 1906: In London, UK, Henry Campbell-Bannerman's cabinet (including H.H. Asquith, Winston Churchill and David Lloyd George) embarked on radical social reforms.
- 1908: in Paris (France) a radio message is sent from the Eiffel Tower for the first time.
- 1910: In the United States—in the framework of racial segregation in the United States that legally existed in that country until 1967—the Congress approves a law against trafficking in "whites" (implying that only white women would be protected).
- 1913: In Kiel and Wilhelmshaven the bases of the German submarine fleet are established (preparing the beginning of the First World War).
- 1915: In the United States, the House of Representatives rejects a proposal to grant white women the right to vote.
- 1915: In the United States, the United States Congress creates the national park of the Rocky Mountains.
- 1917: in the Argentinian town of San Carlos Centro (provincia de Santa Fe) is founded the Argentine Atlético Club of San Carlos.
- 1918: The Confessive Mosaics Act is in effect in Finland, which makes the Finns of Jewish origin legal citizens.
- 1924: in Spain, Miguel Primo de Rivera dissolves the provincial representatives, except those of Navarra and the Basque Country.
- 1926: The British government protests against Mexico for article 27 Constitution of that country, which prohibits the possession of oil land to aliens.
- 1932: In the United States Hattie Caraway becomes the first white woman to be elected senator.
- 1936: from Camagüey (Cuba) airport take off Cuban aviator Menéndez Peláez to make the transatlantic flight Havana-Madrid, which he made in four stages.
- 1937: Amin al-Husayni, a great mufti from Jerusalem, demands the end of Jewish immigration to Palestine.
- 1937: Melilla becomes the base of the German submarines.
- 1938: The Constituent Session of the New Supreme Soviet is held in the Soviet Union.
- 1940: in Guayaquil (Ecuador), the supporters of José María Velasco Ibarra stage a revolutionary movement.
- 1940: In the framework of the winter war, the Soviet Union bombs Finland's cities.
- 1941: The Club Sport Cartaginés obtains its third title of First Division Champion in Costa Rica
- 1942: In the framework of the Second World War, Japan, after having invaded the Célebes Islands and the island of Borneo, declares the war to the Dutch East Indies.
- 1943: In the framework of the Second World War, the Red Army launches the Chispa operation, which allows to partially break the site of Leningrad and open a narrow corridor to the city.
- 1946: In New York, the UN General Assembly created the Security Council.
- 1948: In the United States, the Supreme Court declares equality of education for Black and White. However, racial segregation in the United States will be officially abolished in 1967.
- 1952: the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic announces that all exports must be paid before they are shipped.
- 1953: In Yugoslavia the new constitution enters into force and the Marshal Josip Broz Tito is proclaimed president of the republic.
- 1954: More than 200 people die in Australia because of an alud.
- 1959: in Maro, in southern Spain, five young people rediscover the Cave of Nerja. Inside, seal paintings were found by neandertales between 41 500 and 40 300 a. C. (which makes them the first known art work in history).
- 1961: at the University of Barcelona, general strike in protest of aggression against students.
- 1963: A military insurrection against the Sylvanus Olympio regime began in Togo.
- 1964: in Zanzibar the revolution of Zanzibar begins, which will proclaim a republic.
- 1966: in the United States, President Lyndon B. Johnson states that his country will keep Vietnam invaded until all communists are killed.
- 1966: The Batman television series with Adam West and Burt Ward are broadcast for the first time in the United States.
- 1967: in the Water Volcano (Guatemala) there is a snowy strong, which covers the summit as a whole. That was the last time he snowed on this Guatemalan volcano.
- 1967: In the United States, psychology professor James Bedford died of cancer and became the first person to be conserved cryogenically with the idea of being resurrected in the future.
- 1968: in the Soviet Union, writer Alexandr Guinzburg is sentenced to 5 years in prison.
- 1969: Led Zeppelin launches his debut album, Led Zeppelin.
- 1970: The Government of Nigeria crushes the ephemeral Republic of Biafra (1967-1970). End the civil war.
- 1970: Great floods occur in Spain due to the overflow of the rivers Ebro, Tajo, Duero, Guadiana and Guadalquivir.
- 1971: In Germany, the Ministry of Agriculture prohibits the use of DDT insecticide due to its cancer characteristics. The ban will be effective on 17 May.
- 1971: In the United States, the trial against the Catholic priest Philip Berrigan (1923-2002) and five other people began by claiming that they would make a "symbolic objection" against Henry Kissinger (one of those responsible for the Vietnam War). Although the Government will spend two million dollars in the coming years, it will not succeed in condemning them.
- 1971: in the United States the successful comedy of situations begins All in the Family by the CBS channel.
- 1976: The United Nations Security Council votes 11 to 1 to allow the Palestine Liberation Organization to participate in a debate on the Council (although without the right to vote).
- 1981: Uruguay's national team is proclaimed Champion of the World Champions Gold Cup by defeating the selection of Brazil.
- 1983: In El Salvador the rebellion led by Sigfrido Ochoa ends.
- 1986: U.S. shuttle Columbia is launched into space with the aim of orbiting the Cabion-1 communications satellite.
- 1988: in Michigan (United States) the first quintillizos of the world are born.
- 1988: In Antarctica, Spain installs its first base.
- 1991: In Spain, the vice president of the government Alfonso Guerra resigns, carried away by the scandals.
- 1991: In Lithuania, on the night of 12-13, thousands of civilians gather around Parliament and face Soviet troops.
- 1991: In the United States, both the Senate and the Congress authorize President Bush to use force against Iraq.
- 1992: in Algeria the electoral process was overturned in whose first round of 26 December the Islamists had succeeded.
- 1993: In Paris, 120 countries signed an agreement to ban chemical weapons.
- 1994: In the Fiyi Islands, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara is appointed president.
- 1995: in Paris, President François Mitterrand opened the largest musical complex in Europe.
- 1998: In Paris, 19 European countries, including Spain, signed the Council of Europe protocol prohibiting the cloning of human beings, the first international legal text on this subject.
- 1998: The German government agrees to pay 100 million euros to the Eastern Jews who survived the Nazi Holocaust.
- 1998: In Chile, the Chilean Air Force successfully manages the operation "Manu Tama'I" in which F-5E Tigre III fighter aircraft fly directly from mainland Chile to Easter Island, being refueled in air by the KC-707 Águila of the institution.
- 1999: Britney Spears launches his first album "Baby One More Time", with which he has currently sold more than 30 million copies worldwide, and he earned his first diamond record certified by the RIAA.
- 2004: The largest transatlantic in the world, Queen Mary 2.
- 2005: From Cabo Cañaveral (Florida) take off the Deep Impact space probe.
- 2006: in Mina (Saudi Arabia) a stampede occurs during the ritual of Satan's Lapidation. At least 362 Muslim pilgrims die.
- 2010: a devastating earthquake of 7 degrees, with an epicentre 15 km from Port-au-Prince (Haiti), produces some 316 000 deaths.
- 2011: In Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) the City of Culture of Galicia is inaugurated.
- 2011. in the United States, the Google company censor the video channel of the Cubadebate website on the YouTube website.
- 2012: in Limonade, 15 km south of Cabo Haitiano (Haiti) the Rey Henri Christophe campus of the State University of Haiti was opened in commemoration of the second anniversary of the earthquake in 2010. He was donated by the Government of the Dominican Republic with a portion of the donations received by that country on behalf of Haiti.
- 2014: In the Vatican City, Pope Francis named 19 new cardinals.
- 2016: In Istanbul, a new suicide attack was perpetrated near the tourist attraction of the Blue Mosque with 10 dead and 15 wounded.
- 2017: On the YouTube platform the music video is uploaded with more reproductions in Luis Fonsi's Despacito story with Daddy Yankee.
- 2021: In Washington, D.C., the U.S. House of Representatives approves the 25th Amendment resolution with the aim of dismissing President Donald Trump after the events that took place during the Capitol.
- 1474: Nitiananda, holy Bengali Hinduist (approximately 1540).
- 1483: Henry III of Nassau-Breda, German aristocrat (f. 1538).
- 1562: Carlos Manuel I, aristocrat saboyano (f. 1630).
- 1580: Jan Baptista van Helmont, Belgian physicist and chemist (f. 1644).
- 1588: John Winthrop, American political leader (f. 1649).
- 1591: José de Ribera, a Spanish painter (f. 1652).
- 1597: François Duquesnoy, Italian sculptor (f. 1643).
- 1628: Charles Perrault, French writer of children's stories as Pulgarcito or Caprucita (f. 1703).
- 1711: Gaetano Latilla, Italian composer (f. 1788).
- 1715: Jacques Duphly, French composer (f. 1789).
- 1716: Antonio de Ulloa, marine and Spanish scientist (f. 1795).
- 1721: Fernando de Brunswick, mariscal Prusiano (f. 1792).
- 1729: Edmund Burke, an Irish politician, philosopher and writer (f. 1797).
- 1746: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Swiss pedagogue (f. 1827).
- 1751: Fernando I of Bourbon, aristocrat Sicilian, king between 1759 and 1825 (f. 1825).
- 1792: Johan August Arfwedson, Swedish chemical (f. 1841).
- 1797: Gideon Brecher, Austrian Jewish physician and writer (f. 1873).
- 1809: Leopoldo O'Donnell, Spanish military and political (f. 1867).
- 1822: Etienne Lenoir, Belgian engineer, creator of the internal combustion engine (f. 1900).
- 1843: José Peón y Contreras, Mexican poet (f. 1907).
- 1849: Jean Béraud, French Impressionist painter (f. 1935).
- 1849: Candelario Obeso, a Colombian writer (f. 1884).
- 1852: Joseph Joffre, French general (f. 1931).
- 1856: John Singer Sargent, an Italian American painter (f. 1925).
- 1863: Swami Vivekananda, Indian philosopher (f. 1902).
- 1873: Spiridon Louis, a Greek athlete (f. 1940).
- 1874: James Juvenal, American Remero (f. 1942).
- 1876: Jack London, American writer (f. 1916).
- 1876: Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari, Italian-German composer (f. 1948).
- 1876: Pablo de la Garza, lawyer, military and Mexican politician (f. 1932).
- 1878: Ferenc Molnár, Hungarian writer (f. 1952).
- 1882: Milton Sills, an American actor (f. 1930).
- 1884: Texas Guinan, American actress (f. 1933).
- 1893: Hermann Goering, German military and political (f. 1946).
- 1893: Alfred Rosenberg, Estonian politician and Nazi leader (f. 1946).
- 1894: Georges Carpentier, French boxer (f. 1975).
- 1895: Marcial Mora, Chilean politician (f. 1972).
- 1896: David Wechsler, an American psychologist (f. 1981).
- 1896: Joaquín Maurín, politician and Spanish anarchist (f. 1973).
- 1899: Pierre Bernac, French opera singer (f. 1979).
- 1899: Paul Hermann Müller, Swiss chemist, nobel prize for physiology or medicine in 1948 (f. 1965).
- 1901: Salvador Cardona, Spanish cyclist (f. 1985).
- 1903: Igor Kurchatov, Russian physicist (f. 1960).
- 1904: Mississippi Fred McDowell, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (f. 1972).
- 1905: Tex Ritter, American singer and actor (f. 1974).
- 1906: Emmanuel Lévinas, Lithuanian philosopher (f. 1995).
- 1907: Serguéi Koroliov, rocket designer and Russian engineer (f. 1966).
- 1908: José Limón, dancer, teacher and Mexican choreographer (f. 1972).
- 1908: Alfredo Zalce, Mexican painter and muralist (f. 2003).
- 1908: Jean Delannoy, filmmaker, screenwriter and French actor (f. 2008).
- 1910: Patsy Kelly, American actress (f. 1981).
- 1910: Luise Rainer, an American actress of German origin (f. 2014).
- 1911: Robert Abshagen, German communist and fighter of the German Resistance to Nazism (f. 1944).
- 1912: Raúl Benito Castillo, an Argentine politician (f. 1969).
- 1912: Florindo Sassone, Argentine musician (f. 1982).
- 1914: Enrique Miret Magdalena, Spanish theologian (f. 2009).
- 1914: Diego Espín Cánovas, Spanish jurist (f. 2007).
- 1916: Pieter Willem Botha, a South African politician, president of South Africa between 1984 and 1989 (f. 2006).
- 1916: Jay McShann, American singer-songwriter and pianist (f. 2006).
- 1917: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Indian Hindu religious (f. 2008).
- 1920: Bill Reid, Canadian sculptor (f. 1998).
- 1921: Julio Cicero, Jesuit and Mexican biologist (f. 2012).
- 1923: Tito Alberti, Argentine musician and composer (f. 2009).
- 1923: Ira Hayes, American Marine, one of those who raised the flag in Iwo Jima (f. 1955).
- 1924: Olivier Gendebien, a Belgian motor vehicle pilot (f. 1998).
- 1925: Katherine MacGregor, American actress (f. 2018).
- 1926: Morton Feldman, American composer (f. 1987).
- 1926: Ray Price, American singer (f. 2013).
- 1926: Abraham Serfaty, Moroccan politician (f. 2010).
- 1927: Leopoldo Federico, director of orchestra, composer and Argentine bandoneonist (f. 2014).
- 1929: Alasdair MacIntyre, an Anglo-American philosopher.
- 1930: Glenn Yarbrough, American singer and actor (f. 2016).
- 1933: Kamal Ganzuri, Egyptian economist and politician (f. 2021).
- 1936: Liliana Cavani, Italian filmmaker.
- 1936: Miguel de Guzmán, Spanish mathematician (f. 2004).
- 1939: Héctor Ortega, actor, film director and Mexican screenwriter (f. 2020).
- 1941: Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano, Spanish jurist (f. 2007).
- 1942: Ramiro de León Carpio, a Guatemalan politician (f. 2002).
- 1942: Michel Mayor, Swiss astronomer.
- 1944: Joe Frazier, American boxer (f. 2011).
- 1944: Vlastimil Hort, Czech chess player.
- 1944: Carlos Villagrán, Mexican actor.
- 1944: Rafael Savino, Argentine businessman and former president of the Club San Lorenzo de Almagro (f. 2021).
- 1946: George Duke, American pianist and composer (f. 2013).
- 1948: Gordon Campbell, Canadian politician.
- 1948: Brendan Foster, British athletic commentator.
- 1948: William Nicholson, British writer and writer.
- 1949: Ottmar Hitzfeld, German football coach.
- 1949: Wayne Wang, American filmmaker of Chinese origin.
- 1949: Hamadi Jebali, engineer, journalist and Tunisian politician, 19th Prime Minister.
- 1949: Haruki Murakami, Japanese writer.
- 1950: Irma Maury, Peruvian actress.
- 1951: Kirstie Alley, American actress (f. 2022).
- 1951: Rush Limbaugh, TV presenter, political commentator and American writer (f. 2021).
- 1952: Walter Mosley, American writer.
- 1952: El Nani (Santiago Corella), Spanish attacker.
- 1953: Mary Harron, Canadian writer and director.
- 1954: Jesús María Satrústegui, Spanish footballer.
- 1954: Howard Stern, driver, humorist and U.S. author.
- 1955: Rockne S. O'Bannon, American screenwriter and producer.
- 1956: Ana Rosa Quintana, TV presenter and Spanish journalist.
- 1956: Marie Colvin, American War Reporter (f. 2012).
- 1957: John Lasseter, creative director, filmmaker and animator of Pixar.
- 1958: Cecilio Alonso, Spanish basketball player.
- 1958: Christiane Amanpour, an Anglo-American journalist and writer.
- 1959: Blixa Bargeld, German singer, Einstürzende Neubauten.
- 1959: Ralf Moeller, German actor and bodybuilder.
- 1959: Per Gessle, Swedish composer and singer, of the Roxette band.
- 1960: Oliver Platt, Canadian actor.
- 1960: Dominique Wilkins, Franco-American basketball player.
- 1961: Francisco Marhuenda, journalist, newspaper director The Reason and Spanish politician.
- 1962: Luna Vachon, American-Canadian professional fighter (f. 2010).
- 1962: Nurlan Ormanbetov, Kazakh military pilot
- 1963: François Girard, filmmaker and Canadian writer.
- 1963: Nando Reis, singer-compositor, guitarist and Brazilian producer, from the Titãs band.
- 1964: Jeff Bezos, American businessman, founder of Amazon.com.
- 1965: Rob Zombie, musician, filmmaker and American writer.
- 1966: Olivier Martínez, French actor.
- 1967: Vendela Kirsebom, Swedish-American model and actress.
- 1968: Rachael Harris, American actress.
- 1968: Laura Mañá, director of Spanish cinema.
- 1968: Phil Spencer, American business executive
- 1968: Junichi Masuda, composer, developer and Japanese video game producer.
- 1968: Heather Mills, British activist and former wife of Paul McCartney.
- 1968: Mauro Silva, Brazilian footballer.
- 1969: Robert Prosinečki, Croatian footballer.
- 1970: Zack de la Rocha, American musician, of the Rage Against the Machine band.
- 1970: Raekwon, American rapper, Wu-Tang Clan band.
- 1971: Scott Burrell, American basketball player.
- 1973: Hande Yener, Turkish singer.
- 1973: Joaquín Enrique Valerio, Spanish footballer.
- 1973: Giuseppe Giunta, Italian fighter.
- 1974: Melanie Chisholm, British singer, Spice Girls.
- 1974: Claudia Conserva, Chilean model and actress.
- 1974: Ivica Mornar, Croatian footballer.
- 1975: Jason Freese, American musician, of the Green Day band.
- 1976: María José Loyola Anaya, Mexican singer and composer.
- 1976: Dragan Isailović, Serbian footballer.
- 1977: Yoandy Garlobo, Cuban baseball player.
- 1977: Piolo Pascual, actor, singer, and Filipino producer.
- 1977: Fredy García, Guatemalan footballer.
- 1978: Luis Ayala, Mexican baseball player.
- 1978: Jeremy Camp, American singer-songwriter and guitarist.
- 1978: Santiago Hirsig, Argentine footballer.
- 1978: Bonaventure Kalou, Ivorian footballer.
- 1978: Kim Sa-rang, actress, model and South Korean mc.
- 1979: John Galliquio, Peruvian footballer.
- 1979: Grzegorz Rasiak, Polish footballer.
- 1979: Rodolfo Martín Ferrando, Uruguayan footballer.
- 1979: David Zabriskie, American cyclist.
- 1980: Alfredo David Moreno, Mexican naturalized Argentine footballer (f. 2021).
- 1980: Amerie, American songwriter.
- 1981: Valerie Domínguez is an actress, model, presenter and Colombian designer.
- 1981: Luis Ernesto Pérez, Mexican footballer.
- 1982: Paul-Henri Mathieu, French tennis player.
- 1982: Dean Whitehead, British footballer.
- 1982: Tony Lochhead, New Zealand footballer.
- 1984: Oribe Peralta, Mexican footballer.
- 1985: Yohana Cobo, Spanish actress.
- 1985: Artem Milevskiy, Ukrainian footballer.
- 1985: Borja Valero, Spanish footballer.
- 1986: Alejandro Riaño is a Colombian actor and comedian.
- 1986: Gemma Arterton, British actress.
- 1986: Miguel Angel Nieto, Spanish footballer.
- 1986: Pablo Daniel Osvaldo, an Italian footballer.
- 1986: Kieron Richardson, British actor.
- 1987: Naya Rivera, American actress and singer (f. 2020).
- 1987: Salvatore Sirigu, Italian footballer.
- 1988: Claude Giroux, Canadian player on ice.
- 1990: Serguéi Kariakin, Russian chess player.
- 1991: Pixie Lott, singer and British actress.
- 1992: Ishak Belfodil, Algerian footballer.
- 1992: Samuele Longo, Italian footballer.
- 1992: Lucas Mugni, Argentine footballer.
- 1993: Zayn Malik, British singer.
- 1993: D.O, singer, actor and South Korean model, member of the EXO group.
- 1994: Emre Can, German footballer.
- 1995: Maverick Viñales, Spanish biker.
- 1995: Alessio Romagnoli, Italian footballer.
- 1995: Nathy Peluso, Argentinean singer.
- 1996: Ella Henderson, British singer and composer.
- 1997: Gabriella Quevedo, Swedish guitarist.
- 1997: Bernabé Zapata Miralles, Spanish tennis player.
- 1998: Nathan Gamble, American actor.
- 1998: Juan Foyth, Argentine soccer player.
- 1998: Adrian Šemper, Croatian footballer.
- 1998: Rafik Zekhnini, Norwegian footballer.
- 1998: Brent Van Moer, Belgian cyclist.
- 1998: Leave Petrovič, Slovenian footballer.
- 1998: Carol Bouvard, Swiss acrobatic skier.
- 1998: Umo Diallo Dieng, Spanish basketball player.
- 1998: Maxim Jramtsov, Russian taekwondista.
- 1999: Nicolás Schiappacasse, Uruguayan footballer.
- 1999: Manu Morlanes, Spanish footballer.
- 1999: Clara Copponi, French cyclist.
- 1999: Tyler Roberts, Welsh footballer.
- 1999: Xavier Tillman, American basketball player.
- 1999: Thom Gicquel, French Badminton player.
- 1999: Francisco Solís, Chilean Yudoca.
- 1999: Krishna Nagar, Indian Badminton player.
- 1999: Ignacio Saavedra, Chilean footballer.
- 1999: Ela Aydin, German taekwondista.
- 1999: Christina Wassen, German jumper.
- 1999: Vladyslav Heraskevych, a Ukrainian skeleton pilot.
- 2000: Sven Botman, Dutch footballer.
- 2000: Batista Mendy, French footballer.
- 2000: Jean Marcelin, French footballer.
- 2000: Thierno Barry, Spanish-Green footballer.
- 2000: Zulfat Garáyev, Russian halter.
- 2002: Raúl Gil Porta, Spanish Biologist.
- 1322: Mary of Brabant, queen consort of France between 1274 and 1285 (n. 1254).
- 1519: Maximilian I of Habsburg, Emperor of the Holy Germanic Roman Empire and Archduke of Austria (n. 1459).
- 1537: Lorenzo di Credi, Florentine painter and sculptor (n. 1459).
- 1665: Pierre de Fermat, French mathematician (n. 1601).
- 1674: Giacomo Carissimi, Italian composer (n. 1605).
- 1705: Luca Giordano, Italian artist (n. 1634).
- 1735: John Eccles, British composer (n. 1668).
- 1765: Johann Melchior Molter, German composer and violinist (n. 1696).
- 1788: Francisco Noroña, religious, doctor and Spanish botanist (n. 1748).
- 1806: Manuel Abad and Lasierra, a Spanish religious (n. 1729).
- 1809: Antonio Sangenís Torres, a Spanish military engineer (n. 1767).
- 1812: Lucas González Balcarce, Argentine military (n. 1777).
- 1829: Friedrich von Schlegel, German philosopher (n. 1772).
- 1856: cultudovít Štúr, politician and Slovak writer (n. 1815).
- 1861: Vaclav Hanka, a Czech philologist and archaeologist (n. 1791).
- 1871: Eduardo Zamacois and Zabala, a Spanish painter (n. 1841).
- 1886: Iliá Uliánov, the father of Lenin (n. 1831).
- 1894: Mariano Rius, Spanish entrepreneur (n. 1838).
- 1897: Isaac Pitman, British linguist and educator (n. 1813).
- 1907: Adolf Bernhard Christoph Hilgenfeld, German writer and theologian (n. 1823).
- 1909: Hermann Minkowski, German mathematician of Jewish origin (n. 1864).
- 1912: Alexander Duff, British aristocrat (n. 1849).
- 1938: Gösta Ekman, Swedish actor (n. 1890).
- 1939: Hariclea Darclée, Romanian soprano (n. 1960).
- 1942: Vladimir Petliakov, Russian aircraft designer (n. 1891).
- 1956: Norman Kerry, American actor (n. 1894).
- 1960: Pedro Puig Adam, Spanish mathematician (n. 1900).
- 1960: Nevil Shute, British engineer and writer (n. 1899).
- 1963: Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Spanish writer and journalist (n. 1888).
- 1969: Roberto Noble, Argentine journalist (n. 1902).
- 1972: Amaury Germán Aristy, a Dominican politician and revolutionary (n. 1947).
- 1976: Agatha Christie, British writer (n. 1890).
- 1977: Henri-Georges Clouzot, French filmmaker (n. 1907).
- 1980: Antonio Pons, Ecuadorian President (n. 1897).
- 1983: Nikolái Podgorni, Soviet politician (n. 1903).
- 1984: Marina Chechneva, Soviet military pilot, Heroin of the Soviet Union (n. 1922).
- 1986: Héctor Galmés, writer, teacher and Uruguayan translator (n. 1933).
- 1988: Connie Mulder, a South African politician (n. 1925).
- 1990: Laurence J. Peter, Canadian pedagogue (n. 1919).
- 1991: Vasco Pratolini, Italian writer (n. 1913).
- 1994: Samuel Bronston, American Film Producer (n. 1908).
- 1997: Jean-Edern Hallier, French writer (n. 1936).
- 1997: Charles Brenton Huggins, Canadian physician, nobel medical prize in 1966 (n. 1901).
- 1998: Roger Clark, British racing pilot (n. 1939).
- 1998: Ramón Sampedro, marine and Spanish tetraplegic writer (n. 1943).
- 2000: Marc Davis, American cartoonist and cartoonist (n. 1913).
- 2000: Bobby Phills, American basketball player (n. 1969).
- 2001: Manuel Aznar Acedo, Spanish journalist (n. 1916).
- 2001: William Hewlett, American Engineer (n. 1913).
- 2001: Atano III (Mariano Juaristi), ballri española (n. 1904).
- 2002: Cyrus Vance, American politician (n. 1917).
- 2003: Kinji Fukasaku, Japanese filmmaker (n. 1930).
- 2003: Leopoldo Galtieri, Argentine military, dictator between 1981 and 1982 (n. 1926).
- 2003: Maurice Gibb, British bass player and key player, Bee Gees band (n. 1949).
- 2003: Hugo Sofovich, Argentine producer, director and libretist (n. 1939).
- 2004: Olga Ladyzhenskaya, Russian math (n. 1922).
- 2006: Jovita Luna, singer, vedette and Argentine actress (n. 1924).
- 2007: Alice Coltrane, American jazz pianist (n. 1937).
- 2008: Gabriel Manelli, Argentinian bassist, of the band Babasónicos (n. 1969).
- 2008: Angel González, Spanish poet (n. 1925).
- 2009: Claude Berri, French filmmaker (n. 1934).
- 2009: Arne Næss, Norwegian philosopher (n. 1912).
- 2009: Alejandro Sokol, Argentine musician, Sumo and Las Pelotas (n. 1960).
- 2010: Daniel Bensaïd, a French philosopher (n. 1946).
- 2010: Fina de Calderón, writer, poet and Spanish composer (n. 1927).
- 2011: Paul Picerni, American actor (n. 1922).
- 2012: Mónica Grey, Argentine actress (n. 1941).
- 2012: Natalee Holloway, a missing American student in 2005 and declared dead on this date (n. 1986).
- 2013: Amedeo Cattani, Italian footballer (n. 1924).
- 2013: Guillermo Nimo, Argentinian sports commentator (n. 1932).
- 2013: Koto Okubo (115), Japanese supercentenary (n. 1897).
- 2014: Reynaldo Vasco Uribe, Argentine poet (n. 1951).
- 2014: Héctor Manuel Vidal, Uruguayan theatre director (n. 1943).
- 2015: Yelena Obraztsova, Russian mezzosoprano (n 1939).
- 2017: Meir Banai, Israeli musician, singer and composer (n. 1961).
- 2017: William Peter Blatty, American writer and filmmaker (n. 1928).
- 2018: Pierre Pincemaille, French musician (n. 1956).
- 2020: Roger Scruton, English philosopher and writer (n. 1944).
- 2021: Filaret, a Belarusian priest (n.1935).
- 2022: Luis Castañeda Lossio, a Peruvian politician (n. 1945).
- 2023: Lisa Marie Presley, American singer (n. 1968).
- Yennayer. New Berber Year.
- Bolivia
Bolivia: Tourism Day
United States: The first day that Lee-Jackson Day may fall, while January 18 is the last, held Friday before Martin Luther King Day (Via Community).
Turkmenistan: Memorial Day.
India: National Youth Day.
- Russia
Russia: Attorney General's Day.
- Tanzania
Tanzania: Zanzibar Revolution Day.
Catholic saints list
- San Arcadio de Cesarea, martyr (c. 304).
- Saints Tigrius and Euthronium of Constantinople, martyrs (406).
- Santa Cesarea de Arlés, abadesa (c. 529).
- Saint Victorian of Asan (c. 561).
- Saint Ferreol of Grenoble, bishop and martyr (c. 659).
- St Benito Biscop, Abbot (c. 690).
- San Elredo de Rievaulx, abad (c. 1166).
- Saint Martin of the Holy Cross, priest and canon (1203).
- San Bernardo de Corileone (1667).
- Saint Margaret Bourgeoys, virgin (1700).
- Beato Antonio Fournier, martyr (1794).
- Blessed Pedro Francisco Jamet, priest (1845).
- San Antonio María Pucci, priest (1892).
- Blessed Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung, priest and martyr (1944).
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