
1275 (MCCLXXV) was a common year beginning on a Tuesday of the Julian calendar.


  • North African benimerine landing on the Iberian peninsula.
  • July 22 - Magnus Ladulás is elected king of Sweden in the Stone of Mora.
  • September - Battle of Ecija. The troops of the kingdom of Castilla, commanded by Nuño González de Lara el Bueno, are defeated by the emir of the Benimerines.
  • Marco Polo visits Xanadu.
  • The Nestorian monk Rabban Bar Sauma begins his pilgrimage from China to Jerusalem.
  • Finish the Japanese era Bun'ei and start the Kenji era.
  • The Mongol Golden Horde assaults Lithuania for the third time.
  • In the Kingdom of Mallorca, Ramon Llull establishes a school to teach Arabic to preachers, in an attempt to make proselytism among Muslims.


  • Fernando de la Cerda, firstborn son and heir to Alfonso X de Castilla.
  • Leonor de Castilla, daughter of Alfonso X de Castilla.
  • Alfonso Manuel, grandson of Fernando III the Holy and Sister of Don Juan Manuel.
  • Pelayo Pérez Correa, Master of the Order of Santiago.
  • Sancho de Aragón, Archbishop of Toledo and son of Jaime I de Aragón.
  • Nuño González de Lara el Bueno, Mr. de la Casa de Lara. He lost his life in the battle of Ecija.
  • January 6: Raimundo de Peñafort, Dominican and Spanish jurist. (n. 1180)
  • 11 March: Bohemundo VI, prince of Antioch (n. 1237).

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