
1212 (MCCXII) was a leap year beginning on a Sunday of the Julian calendar.


  • 1 or 2 May: 75 km north of Eilat (Israel), at 5:00 (local time), there is an earthquake with an intensity of between 8 and 9 degrees of the Richter scale, which leaves records in Al-Karak (Jordan, 140 km north-east), Jerusalem (Israel, 180 km north-west) and Cairo (Egypt, 380 km west) and a "many" balance.
  • 16 July: in Navas de Tolosa, the Christian troops of Alfonso VIII of Castile, Pedro II of Aragon and Sancho VII of Navarra beat the Almohads in the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. This defeat will cause the decay of the Almohads, which will be progressively conquered. Thus, al-Ándalus was reduced to the Nasrid kingdom of Granada.
  • Child Crusade.
  • In Madrid, San Isidro is named the patron saint of the city, after his incorrupt body and in recognition of the miracles performed throughout his life.
  • In the Castilian city of Palencia the first university of Spain was founded by order of King Alfonso VIII of Castilla, the University of Palencia (historic).
  • In Spain, Countess Aurembiaix de Urgel (son of Count Ermengol VIII of Urgel) married Alvaro Pérez de Castro "el Castellano" (master of the Castro House and son of Pedro Fernández de Castro "el Castellano").
  • In the Netherlands there is a flood caused by a cyclic mare. Some 60 000 people die in North Holland.


  • 22 March: Emperor Go-Horikawa of Japan (f. 1234).


  • 20 November: In Cerfroid, France, Saint Felix of Valois, a French religious and co-founder of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity

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