11th century BC c.


The 11th century BC began on January 1, 1100 B.C. C. and ended on December 31, 1001 B.C. c.


The world in the year 1000 a. C.
  • 1100 a. C. approx.: Celtiberia penetrates the culture of the urn fields.
  • 1100 B.C.: on the island Mallorca is founded the Talayotic village of Ses Païsses de Artá.
  • Years 1090 B.C.: In Egypt, under the reign of Ramses XI, the crisis in that country increases the number of tomb robbers, which will cause the Valley of the Kings to be abandoned as a place of burying Pharaohs.
  • 1089 B.C.: in Greece, Melanto, the king of Athens, dies after a 37-year-old reign; his son Codrus happens to him.
  • 1079 BC: Cheng, king of the Zhou dynasty dies in China.
  • 1078 BC: in China, Zhou Kang Wang becomes king of the Zhou dynasty.
  • 1076 B.C.: Aramaic (Aram country) conquer Assyria. Aramaic language is disseminated as lingua franca of the region.
  • 1069 BC: In Egypt Ramses XI dies, ending the XX dynasty. His death will cause Egypt to pass from the New Empire to the Third Intermediate Period. Ramses XI was succeeded by Esmendes I, who founded the 21st Dynasty.
  • 1068 B.C.: The legendary Athenian king Codrus dies in battle against the Dorian invaders after a reign of 21 years. The Athenian tradition considers it the last monarch that had absolute power over Athens. Modern historians consider it the last king whose biography is part of the Greek mythology. It was succeeded by his son Medonte.
  • 1064 B.C.: In China, the first cho-ko-nu crossbow is recorded (repetition ball), which dates the Chou dynasty this year, a document referring to the invention of an automatic crossbow during the Han dynasty (c. 200-220 B.C.).[chuckles]required]
  • Years 1050 BC: on the Iberian peninsula, the Phoenicians introduce the olive tree.
  • 1051 or 1020 B.C. (traditional dates): in Palestine, Saul becomes the first king of Israel.
  • 1050 BC: In Israel, the Philistines take over the Ark of the Covenant of the Israelites.
  • 1048 B.C.: King Medonte dies in Athens, after a reign of 20 years. It's happened by your son Acastus.
  • 1046 B.C.: In China, after the battle of Muye, Wuwang deposes King Di Xin (the Shang dynasty), and founded the Zhou dynasty (1046-249 B.C.), as the "Ry Wu of Zhou".
  • 1044 B.C.: the pharaoh Esmendes I dies; it is succeeded by two brokers: Psusenes I and Neferjeres.
  • 1039 B.C.: King Nephere dies in Egypt.
  • 1027 BC: traditional date of the end of the Shang dynasty.
  • 1022 BC: In China the Zhou dynasty is created, which will end in 256 BC. C.
  • 1020 B.C.: the village of Troy VIIb2.
  • 1012 B.C.: in Athens (Greece) King Acastus dies after a 36-year reign and is succeeded by his son Archippus.
  • 1006 B.C. (traditional date): in Israel, David happens to King Saul.
  • 1004 B.C. (traditional date): King David of Israel and Judah conquers the Jebusian village of Jerusalem through a contingent sent through an underground spring, and converts it into the capital of his unified kingdom.
  • 1002 BC: Zhou Zhao Wang, king of the Zhou dynasty dies in China.
  • 1001 B.C.: Zhou Mo Wang becomes king of the Zhou dynasty.
  • 1000 BC: In Palestine, King David's army conquers Idumea and Moab.
  • 1000 a. C. approx.: the world population reaches 50 million.
  • 1000 B.C.: From the Danube River region the first tribes of Latinos enter Italy.
  • 1000 a. C. approx.: the Hungarian language is separated from its closest linguistic relatives, the ob-Ugric languages.
  • 1000 B.C.: In the current city of Amersfoort (Netherlands) the first settlements happen.
  • 1000 B.C.: The first settlements occur in the current city of Locarno (Switzerland).
  • 1000 B.C.: In the south of Italy the first asentaments happen in the current city of Bari.
  • 1000 BC: first settlements in the current city of Cordenons, Italy.
  • 1000 B.C. approx.: In western Turkey Priene is founded.
  • 1000 a. C. approx.: on the Iberian peninsula, the Phoenicians founded the village of Tartessos.
  • 1000 a. C. approx.: on the Iberian peninsula, the Phoenicians founded the village of Gades (Cádiz) in the kingdom of Tartessos (traffic of minerals); according to Diodoro de Sicilia.
  • 1000 B.C.: In ancient Greece the worship of the god Dioniso begins to spread.
  • 1000 B.C.: In the current Turkey, the Hittites founded the village Kahramanmaraş.
  • 1000 B.C.: Anatolia founded the village of Eskişehir.
  • 1000 B.C.: In Syria, the Phoenicians invent their alphabet.
  • 1000 B.C.: In Persia (present-day Iran) groups of Iranian families enter.
  • 1000 B.C. (traditional date): in Israel, King David conquers Idumea and Moab.
  • 1000 a. C. approx.: Assyrians begin to conquer neighboring villages.
  • 1000 B.C.: In Japan the last phase of the Jomon period begins.
  • 1000 B.C.: In India, some metalworkers discover iron (which in other regions had already been discovered).
  • 1000 B.C.: In southern India, Tamil language (a classical language) is spoken, according to archaeological evidence found in 2005. In the north we speak Sanskrit Vedic (between 1500 and 500 BC).
  • 1000 B.C.: The first evidence of agriculture remains in Kenyan plains.
  • 1000 B.C.: in the southwest of what is today Mexico begins the Zapotec culture.
  • 1000 BC: Throughout the isthmus of Tehuantepec (Mexico) the Olmeca culture begins.
  • Between 1000 and 600 BC: in Iran, the prophet Zoroastro spreads his religion (Zoroastrism).

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