11 of September
Contenido September 11 is the 254th (two hundred and fifty-fourth) day of the year—the 255th (two hundred and fifty-fifth) in leap years—in the Gregorian calendar. There are 111 days left to end the year.
Since 2001, the date has been widely known for the terrorist attacks that occurred in the United States that year. The date is also known in Latin America for the Chilean coup of 1973, which overthrew the socialist Salvador Allende.
- 9: In Germania Magna the Battle of the Teutobourg forest ends, where the Roman Empire suffers the greatest defeat of its history, setting itself the Rhine as the border between the Empire and the so-called barbarians for the next four hundred years.
- 813: In Aachen, Louis the Piadosus is crowned king.
- 910: In France, William I of Aquitaine founded the Abbey of Cluný.
- 1185: Isaac II Angelo kills Esteban Hagiocristoforites and appeals to the people, resulting in the revolt that led to Andronic I Comneno and placed Isaac on the throne of the Byzantine Empire.
- 1226: Catholic practice of Eucharistic worship begins.
- 1297: In the Battle of Stirling Bridge, the Scottish of William Wallace defeat the English.
- 1498: In the towns of Tokaido and Kii (Japan), at 8:00 (local time) there is a violent earthquake of magnitude 8.3 in the seismological scale of Richter, leaving a balance of dozens of deaths. (See Earthquakes prior to the 20th century).
- 1541: In Chile, the Michimalonco cacique forces attack and destroy the recently founded city of Santiago de la Nueva Extremadura, now known as Santiago de Chile.
- 1541: In Guatemala, an earthquake completely destroys the city of Guatemala.
- 1552: In Chile, an earthquake destroys the city of Santiago.
- 1609: Henry Hudson is the first European to arrive on Manhattan Island.
- 1609: In Spain the expulsion order is issued against the unreturned Muslims of Valencia; this will be the beginning of the expulsion of all the Muslims of Spain.
- 1640: In the port of Havana, a hurricane destroys the fleet of 36 ships of the Dutch Admiral Pata de Palo (Cornelius Jol).
- 1649: Drogheda's siege ends: Oliver Cromwell's parliamentarist troops take over the city and slaughter his garrison.
- 1683: victory of Austria and Poland against the Ottoman Empire in the battle of Kahlenberg that ended the site of Vienna.
- 1697: Austria's decisive victory against the Ottoman Empire in the battle of Zenta.
- 1709: Britain, the Netherlands and Austria fight against France (Battle of Malplaquet).
- 1714: the siege of Barcelona that surrenders to the Bourbon troops in the Spanish War of Succession ends. It ends the war.
- 1766: In Spain, Carlos III of Spain admits American aborigines in religious communities and accepts them for civil charges.
- 1777: Battle of Brandywine.
- 1786: the Annapolis Convention begins.
- 1789: In the United States, Alexander Hamilton is appointed as the first Secretary of State of the Treasury.
- 1792: In England, six men enter the house for the deposit of jewels and steal the Diamond Hope along with other jewels of the British crown.
- 1802: France annexes the Italian Piedmont.
- 1810: In Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Academy of Mathematics is inaugurated.
- 1814: Battle of Plattsburgh.
- 1826: William Morgan is kidnapped and never seen alive again.
- 1829: in Tampico (Tamaulipas, Mexico) General Antonio López de Santa Anna defeats the Spanish army (Batalla de Tampico (1829)) who planned to reconquer Mexico, in charge of the Brigadier Isidro Barradas (Bardas expedition).
- 1838: in Álamos (Sonora, Mexico) the deputy Antonio Almada and Alvarado submits to the presidency of Anastasio Bustamante.
- 1847: in a bar in Pittsburgh (Pensilvania) the notes of Stephen Foster's song are interpreted for the first time, Oh! Susanna.
- 1852: Revolution in Buenos Aires: the State of Buenos Aires is separated from the Argentine Confederation.
- 1856: in Leon, representatives of the legitimate and democratic sides sign the "Providential Covenant"to confront, defeat and expel from Central America the filibusters of William Walker, thus constitutes an Allied Army formed by Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.
- 1856: near Tipitapa (Nicaragua), the 60 flecheros Indians of Yucul, Matagalpa, in command of Captain Francisco Sacasa, arrive at the San Jacinto hacienda to strengthen the 100 members of the Northern Army and that 3 days later they will participate in the Battle of San Jacinto.
- 1857: Mountain Meadows Massacre occurs.
- 1869: The works of the Wallace monument are completed.
- 1875: Mexico establishes the Mexican Academy of Language.
- 1886: Barcelona celebrates the first commemoration of the Barcelona site (1714) which will then come on the Day of Catalonia (Died).
- 1887: Paraguay is founded the Colorado Party or National Republican Association, at the hands of General Bernardino Caballero.
- 1891: a Consuegra (province of Toledo), dying 360 people.
- 1893: The first conference of the World Parliament of Religions takes place.
- 1897: In Ethiopia, Generals of Menelik II capture (after months of persecution) Gaki Sherocho, the last king of the Kingdom of Kaffa, which meant the end of this ancient kingdom.
- 1906: Mahatma Gandhi begins its Nonviolence Movement.
- 1911: in Murfreesboro (Tennessee) the Middle Tennessee normal school is founded (now Middle Tennessee State University).
- 1911: born the singer Ignacio Jacinto Villa Fernández, better known as Bola de Nieve.
- 1914: Australia invades Britain, defeating the German contingent there.
- 1916: the Quebec bridge (Canada) falls for the second time, dying 11 men. The bridge had first fallen on August 29, 1907.
- 1918: the Boston Red Sox baseball team wins the World Series, which would not succeed until 86 years later, on October 27, 2004.
- 1919: U.S. Marines invade Honduras.
- 1921: U.S. actor Fatty Arbuckle is arrested for rape. He will later be acquitted of the indictment.
- 1922: the British Mandate of Palestine begins.
- 1924: In Chile, through a military pronouncement, a government board is formed, in which the period known as "Parliamentarism" is ended, parallel President Arturo Alessandri Palma, resigns from his temporary position.
- 1926: in Rome (Italy) in an attack on Benito Mussolini eight transients were injured.
- 1929: first flight of the autogiro (before the helicopter) crossing the Channel.
- 1930: in Italy, the Stromboli volcano erupted.
- 1939: In France the first British troops are disembarked (Second World War).
- 1940: George Stibitz makes the first remote operation from a phone to a computer.
- 1941: U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt commands the Navy to shoot against any German vessel in waters between the eastern coast of the United States and Iceland (in World War II).
- 1941: Excavations for the construction of the Pentagon begin in the United States.
- 1943: the Italian transatlantic Conte di Savoia is sunk in Venice by German aviation (in the Second World War).
- 1943: German troops occupy Corsica and Kosovo-Metohija.
- 1943: In Minsk and Lida, the Nazis begin the extermination of the Jewish ghetto.
- 1944: the first allied troops of the U.S. Army cross the western border of Nazi Germany (Second World War).
- 1944: The British Royal Air Force bombed the city of Darmstadt by killing 11 500 civilians.
- 1948: Henri Queuille becomes the prime minister of France.
- 1951: Florence Chadwick crosses swimming the wick Canal from England to France, the first woman to complete the journey in both directions.
- 1954: First televised election of Miss America.
- 1960: in Rome the XVII Olympiad is closed.
- 1961: The first office of the World Fund for Nature (WWF - World Wide Fund for Nature) is installed.
- 1961: In the United States, a couple of Americans named Betty and Barney Hill claim to have been abducted by aliens.
- 1962: in London (United Kingdom), the British rock band The Beatles finish recording their first single Love Me Do.
- 1964: in the U9bd Area of the Nevada Atomic Test Site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:00 (local time), the United States detonates its 0.2 kiloton Spoon atomic bomb to 180 m underground. It is the bomb number 385 of the 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 1965: Vietnam arrives the First Division of American Cavalry.
- 1967: from the Moon's surface, Surveyor 5 provides the results of the chemical analysis performed on the satellite floor.
- 1968: A plane from the Air Inter company that made the flight Nice-Ajaccio disappears in the Mediterranean Sea, dying 95 people.
- 1970: In the United States, Ford Motors Company presents the new Ford Pinto model.
- 1972: in Munich the XX Olympics are closed.
- 1973: in Chile, the whole of the Armed Forces and Carabineros led by Generals Augusto Pinochet, Gustavo Leigh, José Toribio Merino and César Mendoza perpetuated a coup d'etat, defeated the socialist government of President Salvador Allende and began the military dictatorship that would last seventeen years.
- 1974: Eastern Air Lines flight 212 crashes in North Carolina, dying 69 passengers and 2 crew members.
- 1977: in the city of Puerto Elizabeth (South Africa), black antiapartheid activist Steve Biko (30), in a coma for a brain hemorrhage after being tortured (and possibly beaten with a stick in the head) for 22 hours of interrogation, is unnecessarily transferred (wife and nude) to be treated in Pretoria (1100 km), where he will die the next day due to the bad conditions of the trip.
- 1977: Argentine tennis player Guillermo Vilas, wins Jimmy Connors Forest Hills tournament and becomes the first and until now unique Argentine to conquer the second place of the world ranking
- 1977: A million people manifest themselves in the city of Barcelona to ask for the return of the institutions of self-government, on the occasion of the Diada, national party of Catalonia.
- 1978: in Camp David are Jimmy Carter (United States President), Anwar el-Sadat (President of Egypt) and Menájem Beguín (prime minister of Israel), and agree on a framework for peace between Israel and Egypt and an extensive peace in the Middle East.
- 1980: Chile approves in referendum the new constitution that confirms Augusto Pinochet as president of Chile.
- 1981: The Museum of Modern Art in New York delivers to Spain Guernicathe most famous of Picasso's paintings, painted in 1937.
- 1982: the international forces that were guaranteeing the security of Palestinian refugees leave Lebanon after Israel ' s invasion. Five days later, several thousand refugees are massacred in the refugee camps of Sabra and Chatila massacre by Christian Maronites.
- 1982: in Mexico, Miguel de la Madrid is officially appointed president.
- 1984: 22 people die on the island of La Gomera (Canary Islands) in a forest fire, including Francisco Afonso (governor of Santa Cruz de Tenerife).
- 1986: in the U3kz Area of the Nevada Atomic Test Site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:57 (local time), the United States detonates its 0.1 kiloton Charleston atomic bomb to 503 m underground. It is the 1049 bomb of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 1987: Van Gogh, Sunflowers is auctioned at a record price at the time, 320 million francs.
- 1987: in the United States, the main presenter CBS Evening NewsDan Rather, angry that he was replaced by a tennis match, left the stage, leaving the viewers with an empty news table for six minutes.
- 1989: the steel curtain opens between communist Hungary and Austria. From Hungary, thousands of East Germans are stumbling towards Austria and West Germany.
- 1991: The Soviet Union decided to withdraw its troops from Cuba, estimated at 11,000 men.
- 1992: In Pakistan and northern India, monsoon storms cause the death of 2000 people.
- 1992: Hurricane Iniki, one of the most damaging hurricanes in the current history of the United States, devastates the island of Hawaii, especially the islands of Kauai and Oaju.
- 1992: in Peru the Government of Alberto Fujimori captures the terrorist Abimael Guzmán.
- 1997: Scotland votes to re-establish its own Parliament, after 290 years of union with England at the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Stirling Bridge, for the nationalist influence of the film Braveheart of American actor and director Mel Gibson.
- 1998: Opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Malaysia is the first Asian country to host games.
- 1999: Tentist Serena Williams, 2 weeks from her 18th birthday, wins her first Grand Slam tournament, the US Open, being the first Afro-descendant woman to win a Grand Slam from Althea Gibson in 1958.
- 2001: The OAS Assembly approves the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
- 2001: in the United States the attacks of 11 September 2001 in the Twin Towers (in New York), the Pentagon (in Washington) and an airplane (in Shanksville, Pennsylvania), leaving 3016 dead.
- 2003: The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety is launched.
- 2003: The Steam game platform, made by Valve Corporation, is launched.
- 2004: near Mount Athos (Greece), Patriarch Petros VII and his companions die in a helicopter accident yet unexplained.
- 2005: The State of Israel officially declares its intention to leave the disputed territory of the Gaza Strip after 38 years of occupation.
- 2007: partial eclipse of the sun, seen from Antarctica, Argentina, Chile and Peru.
- 2008: in Porvenir (Department of Pando, Bolivia) the massacre of Porvenir is carried out, with 18 dead peasants and 30 disappeared.
- 2008: Spanish company Telefónica announces its decision to launch an OPA for 55.1 % of Telefónica Chile for about 985 million US dollars.
- 2011: The first round of the general elections is held in Guatemala.
- 2011: the single One Direction comes out for sale What Makes You Beautiful.
- 2016: in Madrid, Spain, Colombian cyclist Nairo Quintana is proclaimed winner of the Vuelta to Spain.
- 2019: The first COVID-19 case is detected in Wuhan, China
- 2020: The news portal "Las Tejas Online" is founded, becoming the first media in Las Tejas, Catamarca
- 2021: In Lima, Peru, Abimael Guzmán is the head of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist terrorist group Shining Path.
- 2022: In Quito, Ecuador, María Belén Bernal was murdered after 10 days disappeared.
- 1182: Minamoto no Yoriie, Japanese shogun (f. 1204).
- 1522: Ulisse Aldrovandi, Italian naturalist (f. 1605).
- 1524: Pierre de Ronsard, French poet (f. 1585).
- 1557: José de Calasanz, saint and Spanish Catholic priest, founder of the Pias Schools (f. 1648)
- 1611: Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, French marshal (f. 1675).
- 1656: Ulrica Leonor of Denmark, Swedish queen (f. 1693).
- 1684: Martín Martínez, doctor and Spanish philosopher (f. 1734).
- 1711: William Boyce, British composer (f. 1779).
- 1723: Johann Bernhard Basedow, German educational reformer (f. 1790).
- 1786: Friedrich Kuhlau, German composer (f. 1832).
- 1816: Carl Zeiss, German manufacturer of lenses (f. 1888).
- 1819: Jacinto Mariano de Villegas, an Argentine politician (f. 1896).
- 1825: Eduard Hanslick, German musical critic (f. 1904).
- 1836: Fitz Hugh Ludlow, American author (f. 1870).
- 1845: Émile Baudot, a French telegraph engineer (f. 1903).
- 1862: William Sydney Porter, "O. Henry", American writer (f. 1910).
- 1867: Friedrich Boedeker, German botanist and pharmacist (f. 1937).
- 1871: Hermenegildo Anglada Camarasa, a Spanish painter (f. 1959).
- 1877: James Hopwood Jeans, astronomer, British mathematician and physical (f. 1946).
- 1883: Asta Nielsen, actress, born Danish (f. 1972).
- 1883: Francisco Santarini Tognoli, Italian aeronautical engineer (f. 1954).
- 1883: Jacinto B. Mexican military and political treviño (f. 1971)
- 1885: D. H. Lawrence, a British novelist and poet (f. 1930).
- 1892: Lucien Buysse, Belgian cyclist (f. 1980).
- 1894: Leonor Rinaldi, an Argentine actress (f. 1977).
- 1901: Katri Vala, Finnish poet (f. 1944).
- 1903: Theodor Adorno, philosopher and German musicologist (f. 1969).
- 1904: Lyman B. Smith, botanist and curator of the Gray Herbarium(f. 1997).
- 1904: José María Bueno Monreal, Spanish priest (f. 1987).
- 1907: Julio Pereira Larraín, Chilean lawyer (f. 1978).
- 1910: Manuel Mujica Lainez, writer, art critic, biographer and Argentine journalist (f. 1984).
- 1911: Bola de Nieve (Ignacio Villa), Cuban singer and pianist (f. 1971).
- 1911: Conchita Montenegro, model, dancer and Spanish actress (f. 2007).
- 1912: Apa Sahib Pant, politician, diplomat and Indian writer (f. 1992).
- 1913: Jacinto Convit, Venezuelan physician and scientist (f. 2014).
- 1915: Raúl Alberto Lastiri, politician and president of Argentina (f. 1978).
- 1917: Ferdinand Marcos, Filipino dictator (f. 1989).
- 1917: Jessica Mitford, British writer (f. 1996).
- 1917: Carlos Puebla, Cuban singer (f. 1989).
- 1918: César Mendoza Durán, Chilean military (f. 1996)
- 1918: Brian Vickery, American chemical (f. 2009).
- 1924: Tom Landry, American football coach (f. 2000).
- 1924: Rudolf Vrba, Canadian Jewish teacher, Holocaust survivor (f. 2006).
- 1927: Carlos Molina, Uruguayan poet and payer (f. 1998).
- 1928: Myrtha Raia, an Argentine pianist murdered for testifying against the civic-military dictatorship (f. 2013).
- 1929: David S. Broder, American journalist (f. 2011).
- 1929: Luis Camaleón García, Venezuelan baseball player (f. 2014).
- 1929: Birgitta Trotzig, Swedish writer (f. 2011).
- 1931: Hans-Ulrich Wehler, German historian (f. 2014).
- 1933: Alejandro Paternain, Uruguayan writer (f. 2004).
- 1935: Arvo Pärt, Estonian composer.
- 1935: Gherman Titov, Russian astronaut (f. 2000).
- 1937: Paola Ruffo, Belgian queen.
- 1937: Robert Crippen, American astronaut.
- 1940: Brian De Palma, American filmmaker.
- 1942: Eusebio Leal, Cuban historian.
- 1944: Everaldo, Brazilian footballer.
- 1944: Serge Haroche, French physicist.
- 1944: Javier Pérez Royo, Spanish jurist.
- 1945: Franz Beckenbauer, German footballer.
- 1945: Lidia Catalano, an Argentine actress.
- 1945: Salo Pasik, Argentine actor (f. 2016).
- 1948: John Martyn, British musician (f. 2009).
- 1950: Barry Sheene, British motorcyclist (f. 2003).
- 1950: Maria Novaro, Mexican filmmaker.
- 1951: Hugo Porta, Argentinian ex-player of rugby.
- 1957: Miguel Ángel Martínez-González, professor of medicine, epidemiologist, Spanish nutritionist.
- 1958: Scott Patterson, American actor.
- 1960: Carlos Chávez Navarrete, Peruvian singer (f. 1997).
- 1960: Hiroshi Amano, Japanese physicist.
- 1960: Ramón Vargas, Mexican tenor.
- 1961: Paul Washer, American lawyer, writer and Baptist pastor.
- 1961: Virginia Madsen, American actress.
- 1962: Julio Salinas, Spanish footballer.
- 1962: Jorge Aedo, Chilean radio and television animator.
- 1964: Victor Wooten, American musician.
- 1965: Moby (Richard Melville Hall), American musician.
- 1965: Fernando Gómez, Spanish footballer.
- 1965: Bashar al-Asad, Syrian president.
- 1967: Harry Connick, Jr., American singer.
- 1967: Bibi Landó, Paraguayan television presenter.
- 1968: Kay Hanley, American musician.
- 1968: Paul Mayeda Berges, writer and director of American cinema.
- 1970: Taraji P. Henson, American actress and singer.
- 1971: Richard Ashcroft, British singer, The Verve band.
- 1971: Alessandra Rosaldo, Mexican singer and actress.
- 1974: Orlando Duque, he is a Colombian classman.
- 1974: José Manuel Palacios Parra, Chilean politician.
- 1974: Dmitro Parfónov, Ukrainian footballer.
- 1975: Maru Campos, Mexican politics.
- 1976: Tomáš Enge, Czech racing pilot.
- 1977: Ludacris (Christopher Brian Bridges), American rapper.
- 1977: Jon Buckland, British guitarist, of the Coldplay band.
- 1978: Leave Stanković, Yugoslav footballer.
- 1979: Éric Abidal, French footballer.
- 1979: Andols Herrick, American trumpetist, of the Chimaira band.
- 1979: Ariana Richards, American actress and professional painter.
- 1979: David Pizarro, Chilean footballer.
- 1979: Cameron Richardson, American actress and model.
- 1979: Krunoslav Lovrek, Croatian footballer.
- 1980: Antônio Pizzonia, Brazilian Formula 1 pilot.
- 1980: David Bolzoni, Argentine singer and composer.
- 1980: Willy Mckey, Venezuelan poet (f. 2021).
- 1981: Luscious López, Mexican pornographic actress.
- 1981: Andrea Dossena, Italian footballer.
- 1981: Corral Alejo, Uruguayan rugby player.
- 1981: Dylan Klebold, American student.
- 1983: Ike Diogu, American basketball player.
- 1985: Shaun Livingston, American basketball player.
- 1990: Jorge Alejandro Castro, Costa Rican footballer.
- 1991: Jordan Ayew, a French footballer.
- 1991: Asmir Suljić, Bosnian footballer.
- 1992: Maria Gabriela de Faría, actress, singer and fashion design from Venezuela.
- 1994: Jordi el Niño Polla, Spanish porn actor.
- 1995: Astra Sharma, Australian professional tennis player.
- 1999: Samantha Hudson, artist, singer, Internet celebrity and Spanish activist.
- 2001: Mackenzie Aladjem, American actress.
- 1161: Melisenda of Jerusalem, queen of Jerusalem (n. 1105).
- 1372: Isabel de France, aristocrat french, duchess of Milan (n. 1348).
- 1599: Beatrice Cenci, an Italian aristocrat executed for plotting to murder his brother (n. 1577).
- 1677: James Harrington, a British politician and philosopher (n. 1611).
- 1721: Rudolf Jakob Camerarius, German physicist and botanist (n. 1665).
- 1733: François Couperin, French composer (n. 1668).
- 1760: Louis Godin, French astronomer (n. 1704).
- 1788: Joseph, Prince of Brazil, heir to the Portuguese Crown (n. 1761).
- 1808: José Celestino Mutis, astronomer, mathematician and Spanish botanist (n. 1732).
- 1823: David Ricardo, British economist (n. 1772).
- 1851: Sylvester Graham, American nutritionist (n. 1794).
- 1870: Eugenio Lucas Velázquez, a Spanish painter (n. 1817).
- 1876: Conception of Estevarena, Spanish poet (n. 1854).
- 1888: Nataniel Aguirre, Bolivian writer (n. 1843).
- 1888: Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, militar, maestro y presidente argentina (n. 1811).
- 1915: William Cornelius Van Horne, Canadian Ferrovial Executive (n. 1843).
- 1917: Georges Guynemer, French aviator (n. 1894).
- 1918: Joaquín Arcadio Pagaza, Mexican poet (n. 1839).
- 1926: Policarpo Bonilla, Honduran President (n. 1858).
- 1931: Salvatore Maranzano, mafia boss (n. 1886).
- 1939: Konstantin Korovin, Russian painter (n. 1861).
- 1941: Alipio Ponce Vásquez, Peruvian police, Hero of the Guardia Civil (n. 1906).
- 1942: Elena Kólesova, a Soviet partisan (n. 1920).
- 1948: Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Indian politician, founder of Pakistan (n. 1876).
- 1949: Henri Rabaud, director of French orchestra and composer (n. 1873).
- 1950: Count of Romanones, Spanish aristocrat, President of the Government (n. 1863).
- 1950: Jan Smuts, military and South African statesman (n. 1870).
- 1955: Alfonso Cravioto, lawyer, politician, diplomat and Mexican writer (n. 1884).
- 1955: Francisco Fiorentino, Argentine singer (n. 1905).
- 1956: Billy Bishop, Canadian World War I pilot (n. 1894).
- 1956: Norman L. Bowen, Canadian geologist (n. 1887).
- 1965: Fernando Aguirre, Spanish actor (n. 1882).
- 1971: Nikita Jrushchov, Soviet leader (n. 1894).
- 1972: Max Fleischer, Austrian film producer and animator (n. 1883).
- 1973: Augusto Olivares, Chilean journalist (n. 1930).
- 1973: Salvador Allende, Chilean politician, president of his country (n. 1908).
- 1978: Georgi Markov, Bulgarian dissident (n. 1929).
- 1978: José Antonio Calcaño, composer, arranger, interpreter and Venezuelan musician (n. 1900).
- 1978: Janet Parker, a medical photographer and the last person to die for smallpox (n. 1938).
- 1978: Ronnie Peterson, Swedish Formula 1 pilot (n. 1944).
- 1982: Wifredo Lam, a surrealist Cuban painter (n. 1902).
- 1985: William Alwyn, British composer (n. 1905).
- 1986: Noel Streatfeild, British writer (n. 1895).
- 1987: Lorne Greene, Canadian actor (n. 1915).
- 1987: Peter Tosh, a Jamaican musician, from the band The Wailers (n. 1944).
- 1988: Roger Hargreaves, British author and illustrator (n. 1953).
- 1990: Myrna Mack, Guatemalan anthropologist (n. 1949).
- 1993: Erich Leinsdorf, Austrian musical director (n. 1912).
- 1994: Jessica Tandy, American actress (n. 1909).
- 1997: Fernando Ayala, Argentine filmmaker (n. 1920).
- 1998: Claudia López Benaiges, Chilean anarchist (n. 1972).
- 1999: Gonzalo Rodríguez, Uruguayan automotive pilot (n 1971).
- 2001: Victims of the 11S attacks.
- John P. O'Neill, U.S. Special Agent (n. 1952).
- Charles Burlingame, American aviator (n. 1949).
- Rick Rescorla, American military (n. 1939).
- Dominick Pezzulo, American police (n. 1965).
- John Ogonowski, American aviator (n. 1949).
- Timothy Maude, American military (n. 1947).
- Wilson Flagg, American military (n. 1938).
- William M. Feehan, American firefighter and military (n. 1929).
- Mychal F. Judge, American Catholic priest (n. 1933).
- William E. Caswell, American physicist (n. 1947).
- Barbara Olson, American reporter (n. 1955).
- Amy Sweeney, American hostess (n. 1965).
- 2001: 11S suicide attackers.
- Mohammed Atta, Egyptian terrorist (n. 1968).
- Waleed al-Shehri, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1978).
- Wail al-Shehri, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1973).
- Abdulaziz al-Omari, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1979).
- Satam al-Suqami, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1976).
- Marwan al-Shehhi, an Emirati terrorist (n. 1978).
- Fayez Banihammad, an Emirati terrorist (n. 1977).
- Mohand al-Shehri, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1979).
- Hamza al-Ghamdi, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1980).
- Ahmed al-Ghamdi, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1979).
- Hani Hanjour, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1972).
- Khalid al-Mihdhar, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1975).
- Majed Moqed, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1977).
- Nawaf al-Hazmi, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1976).
- Salem al-Hazmi, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1981).
- Ziad Jarrah, a Lebanese terrorist (n. 1975).
- Ahmed al-Haznawi, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1980).
- Ahmed al-Nami, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1977).
- Saeed al-Ghamdi, a Saudi terrorist (n. 1979).
- 2002: Kim Hunter, American actress (n. 1922).
- 2002: Roberto Vidal Bolaño, writer and Spanish theatre actor (n. 1950).
- 2003: John Ritter, American actor (n. 1948).
- 2003: Julio César Castro, Uruguayan writer and humorist (n. 1928).
- 2005: Francisco Lacueva, Spanish evangelical theologian (n. 1911).
- 2008: Nikolái Kuznetsov, Soviet military, Hero of the Soviet Union (n. 1922).
- 2009: Juan Almeida Bosque, militar, revolutionary and Cuban composer (n. 1927).
- 2009: José Pedro Barrán, Uruguayan writer and historian (n. 1934).
- 2010: Bärbel Bohley, German artist and activist (n.1945).
- 2010: Kevin McCarthy, actor of American theater, cinema and television (n. 1914).
- 2011: Andy Whitfield, Welsh actor (n. 1972).
- 2012: Sergio Livingstone, arquero and Chilean sports commentator (n. 1920).
- 2015: Marcelo Moren Brito, Chilean military (n. 1935).
- 2017: Abdul Halim, Sultan Malay, King of Malaysia between 1970-1975 and 2011-2016 (n. 1927).
- 2017: James Patrick Donleavy, writer, novelist and Irish playwright (n. 1926).
- 2019: Jusuf Habibie, military, aeronautical and political engineer in Indonesia, president of Indonesia between 1998 and 1999 (n. 1936).
- 2020: Roger Carel, French actor and double player (n. 1927).
- 2021: Abimael Guzman, professor of Peruvian philosophy and terrorist (n. 1934).
- 2022: Alain Tanner, Swiss film director (n. 1929).
- Observances related to the attacks of 11 September 2001 in the United States
- National Service and Remembrance Day
- Master's Day
- Ecuador
- National Day of the Republic
United States:
- Day of Emergency Number
- Peru
- Public Accountant Day
- Russia
- Tendra Battle Day
- Spain
- Diada de Catalunya
Catholic saints list
- Holy Proto and Jacinto of Rome, martyrs (s. III)
- Saint Felix and Rule of Turico, martyrs
- Saint Pauline of Egypt, bishop (s. IV)
- Patient of Lyon, bishop (480)
- Saint Priest of Lyon, Bishop (552)
- St. Daniel of Bangor, Bishop and Abbot (584)
- San Adelfio de Remiremont, abad (670)
- Saint Leudino or Bodon of Toul, Bishop (680)
- San Elías Espeleota de Aulón (960)
- Blessed Gaspar Koteda, Francisco Takeya and Pedro Shichiemon, martyrs (1622)
- Beato Buenaventura de Barcelona (1648)
- Blessed Francisco Mayaudon, priest and martyr (1794)
- San Juan Gabriel Perboyre, priest and martyr (1840)
- Blessed Pedro de Alcántara Villanueva Larráyez, martyr (1936)
- Blessed José María Segura Penadés, priest and martyr (1936)
- Our Lady of Coromoto Patron of Venezuela
Contenido relacionado
Pedro Montt
Tolosa (Guipuzcoa)
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