10th century BC c.

The world in the 10th century BC.
hunters-gatherers Travellers simple agricultural societies complex agricultural societies/cacyclazgos societies not inhabited Area of use of iron, around 1000 a. C. Area of use of bronze, around 1000 a. C.

The 10th century B.C. C. began on January 1, 1000 B.C. C. and ended on December 31, 901 BC. c.

Important events

  • On the Iberian peninsula, the Phoenicians make their first trips. Initial period of Tartessos (up to 750 BC). In this period, the Tarragona culture is formed.
  • 1000 BC: In India begins the age of paper; the kingdoms of Panchala, Kuru, Kosala and Videja are developed.
  • 1000 B.C.: in Spain is formed the "Deposit of the Huelva River", with objects of the bronze age (according to current dating).
  • 997 B.C. (traditional date): in Canaan there is a great revolt of the ten northern tribes against the other two, after the death of the unifying Solomon.
  • 993 B.C.: In Egypt, Pharaoh Amenemope happens to Psusenes I.
  • 993 B.C.: In Greece, the king of Athens Archipo died after 19 years of reign. It's happened by your son Thersipo.
  • 984 B.C.: In Egypt, Osocor the Major happens to Amenemope as king.
  • 982 B.C.: finishes the first period (1197-982 B.C.) according to the Sau Yung concept about the I Ching.
  • 978 BC: in Egypt, Siamon happens to Osocor.
  • 967 B.C.: In Iraq, Tiglatpileser II becomes king of Assyria.
  • 965 B.C. (traditional date): King David died.
  • 962 B.C. (traditional date): Solomon becomes king of the tribes of Israel, after the death of his father David and begins the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem.
  • 959 BC: in Egypt, Psusenes II happens to Siamon.
  • 952 B.C.: King Tersipo dies in Athens after 41 years of reign; his son Forbas happens.
  • 950 B.C. (traditional date): The Temple of Solomon is built in Jerusalem.
  • 950 BC: In Egypt the XXII dynasty begins, which will last until 730 BC. C.
  • 945 B.C.: In Egypt Psusenes II died, the last king of the 21st Dynasty of Egypt. It is the case of Sheshonq I, founder of the 21st Dynasty of Egypt.
  • 945 B.C.: In Egypt Nehemes-Bastet was born, an Egyptian singer who lived in the 21st Egyptian dynasty.
  • 945 B.C.: In Egypt, Sheshonq I, founder of the 21st Dynasty of Egypt, succeeds Psusenes II.
  • 935 B.C.: King Tiglatpileser II, king of Assyria, dies in Iraq.
  • 925 B.C. (traditional date): In Israel Solomon died, the last king of all the Israeli tribes. After his death the kingdom is divided into Judah (whose boss was Rehoboam) and Israel (whose boss was Jeroboam).
  • 922 B.C.: In China, King Mu of Zhou of the Zhou dynasty died.
  • 922 BC: in China, Zhou Gongwang becomes king of the Zhou dynasty.
  • 909 B.C.: Jeroboam, the first king of the Hebrew tribe of the north dies in Israel; he is succeeded by his son Nadab.
  • 900 B.C.: In China the Zhou Gongwang, king of the Zhou dynasty dies.
  • 900 B.C.: In India, the religious thinker Iagñavalkia composes (without writing, as there were still several centuries left for the Indians to discover writing) the Shatápata-bráhmanawhere he describes the movement of the Sun around the Earth.
  • c. 900 B.C.: In northern Italy the culture of Villanova arises.
  • c. 900 BC: Urartu is unified around a central authority.
  • In Greece the monarchy is suppressed in Athens and the Dorians founded Esparta.
  • c. 900 B.C.: In the current province of Los Ríos (Ecuador), the culture of La Chorrera is splendor. In the center of the country, the native inhabitants begin to build the village of Quitu (now Quito, the capital city of Ecuador).
  • 900 B.C.: In Nubia (south of Egypt) the kingdom of Kush is founded.
  • End of the centuryXa. C.: in Lefkandi (Eubea Island) an artisan makes a statue of Centauro. It is currently in the Archaeological Museum of Eretria (Greece).
  • In Peru the Chavín culture is developed.
  • In Greece the Dark Age ends and the geometric period begins.

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