El Reino de Vaspurakan (908-1021)

1021 (MXXI) was a common year beginning on a Sunday of the Julian calendar.


By location

North America

The use of a new dating technique that analyzes tree rings has provided evidence that the Vikings occupied L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada, in this year. Although it has long been known that Europeans reached the Americas before Columbus's arrival in the New World in 1492, using an atmospheric radiocarbon signal produced by a dated solar storm as a reference, they were able to pin down the exact year of tree felling" to 1021. Such a solar storm, a huge burst of radiation from the Sun hitting Earth, is known to have occurred in the year 993, known as the 993-994 carbon-14 peak. This allowed them to determine a more recent date. accurate than previous estimates for the camp of about 1000 AD. C.


  • Eudoxia Macrembolitissa, second wife of Emperor Constantine X Ducas.
  • Wang Anshi, Chinese Reformer (m. 1086)


  • Fujiwara no Akimitsu, Japanese bureaucrat.
  • March 16, Heriberto de Cologne, saint of the Catholic Church.
  • Al-Hákim bi-Amrillah, sixth Fatimid caliph in Egypt.
  • Minamoto no Yorimitsu, member of the Minamoto clan.
  • Rørek Dagsson, king of Hedmark, Norway.
  • Wolbodo de Liège, bishop of Liège, Utrecht.

Contenido relacionado

Annex: Annual table of the 1st century



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