Lista de Worldcons
Contenido Esta lista de la Convención Mundial de Ciencia Ficción (Worldcon) incluye Worldcons anteriores y programadas. Los datos son mantenidos por el Comité de Lista Larga, un subcomité de la Sociedad Mundial de Ciencia Ficción.
- Nombre – una convención se enumera normalmente por la versión menos confusa de su nombre. Este es generalmente el nombre preferido por la convención, pero la tradición fannish se sigue en la numeración retroactiva del primer Worldcon en una serie 1 (o I o One).
- Invitados de honor – personalizado en el diseño de invitados de honor ha variado mucho, con algunas convenciones que dan títulos específicos (Fan, Pro, Australia, EE.UU., Artista, etc.) y algunos simplemente los llaman todos invitados de honor. Se han utilizado etiquetas específicas donde existían, así como variantes regionales en la ortografía.
- Tamaño – donde está disponible, esta columna registra dos números: cuántos miembros pagadores asistieron al Worldcon y cuántos miembros totales había (en paréntesis). Los datos disponibles son muy incompletos e imprecisos y muchos de estos números probablemente están sustancialmente en error.
- No se celebraron Worldcons entre 1942 y 1945 debido a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Year | Name | City | Country | Guests of honor | Size | |
1st | 1939 | Nycon I | New York, New York | US | Frank R. Paul | 200 |
2nd | 1940 | Chicon I | Chicago, Illinois | US | E. E. "Doc" Smith | 128 |
3rd | 1941 | Denvention I | Denver, Colorado | US | Robert A. Heinlein | 90 |
4th | 1946 | Pacificon I | Los Angeles, California | US | A. E. van Vogt E. Mayne Hull |
130 |
5th | 1947 | Philcon I | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | US | John W. Campbell, Jr. | 200 |
6th | 1948 | Torcon I | Toronto, Ontario | Canada | Robert Bloch (pro) Bob Tucker (fan) |
200 |
7th | 1949 | Cinvention | Cincinnati, Ohio | US | Lloyd A. Eshbach (pro) Ted Carnell (fan) |
190 |
8th | 1950 | Norwescon | Portland, Oregon | US | Anthony Boucher | 400 |
9th | 1951 | Nolacon I | New Orleans, Louisiana | US | Fritz Leiber | 190 |
10th | 1952 | TASFiC (Chicon II) | Chicago, Illinois | US | Hugo Gernsback | 870 |
11th | 1953 | Philcon II | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | US | Willy Ley | 750 |
12th | 1954 | SFCon | San Francisco, California | US | John W. Campbell, Jr. | 700 |
13th | 1955 | Clevention | Cleveland, Ohio | US | Isaac Asimov (pro) Sam Moskowitz (mystery GoH) |
380 |
14th | 1956 | NyCon II | New York, New York | US | Arthur C. Clarke | 850 |
15th | 1957 | Loncon I | London | UK | John W. Campbell, Jr. | 268 |
16th | 1958 | Solacon | South Gate, California | US | Richard Matheson | 211 |
17th | 1959 | Detention | Detroit, Michigan | US | Poul Anderson (pro) John Berry (fan) |
371 |
18th | 1960 | Pittcon | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | US | James Blish | 568 |
19th | 1961 | Seacon | Seattle, Washington | US | Robert A. Heinlein | 300 |
20th | 1962 | Chicon III | Chicago, Illinois | US | Theodore Sturgeon | 730 |
21st | 1963 | Discon I | Washington, D.C. | US | Murray Leinster | 600 |
22nd | 1964 | Pacificon II | Oakland, California | US | Leigh Brackett (pro) Edmond Hamilton (pro) Forrest J Ackerman (fan) |
523 |
23rd | 1965 | Loncon II | London | UK | Brian W. Aldiss | 350 |
24th | 1966 | Tricon | Cleveland, Ohio | US | L. Sprague de Camp | 850 |
25th | 1967 | Nycon 3 | New York, New York | US | Lester del Rey (pro) Bob Tucker (fan) |
1,500 |
26th | 1968 | Baycon | Berkeley, California | US | Philip José Farmer (pro) Walter J. Daugherty (fan) |
1,430 |
27th | 1969 | St. Louiscon | St. Louis, Missouri | US | Jack Gaughan (pro) Eddie Jones (fan) |
1,534 |
28th | 1970 | Heicon '70 | Heidelberg | West Germany | E. C. Tubb (UK) Robert Silverberg (US) Herbert W. Franke (Germany) Elliot K. Shorter (fan) |
620 |
29th | 1971 | Noreascon I | Boston, Massachusetts | US | Clifford D. Simak (pro) Harry Warner, Jr. (fan) |
1,600 |
30th | 1972 | L.A.con I | Los Angeles, California | US | Frederik Pohl (pro) Buck & Juanita Coulson (fan) |
2,007 |
31st | 1973 | Torcon II | Toronto, Ontario | Canada | Robert Bloch (pro) William Rotsler (fan) |
2,900 |
32nd | 1974 | Discon II | Washington, D.C. | US | Roger Zelazny (pro) Jay Kay Klein (fan) |
3,587 |
33rd | 1975 | Aussiecon 1 | Melbourne, Victoria | Australia | Ursula K. Le Guin (pro) Susan Wood (fan) Mike Glicksohn (fan) Donald Tuck (Australian) |
606 |
34th | 1976 | MidAmeriCon | Kansas City, Missouri | US | Robert A. Heinlein George Barr (fan) |
3,014 |
35th | 1977 | SunCon | Miami Beach, Florida | US | Jack Williamson (pro) Robert A. Madle (fan) |
3,240 (4,200) |
36th | 1978 | IguanaCon II | Phoenix, Arizona | US | Harlan Ellison (pro) Bill Bowers (fan) |
4,700 |
37th | 1979 | Seacon '79 | Brighton | UK | Brian Aldiss (UK) Fritz Leiber (US) Harry Bell (fan) |
3,114 |
38th | 1980 | Noreascon Two | Boston, Massachusetts | US | Damon Knight (pro) Kate Wilhelm (pro) Bruce Pelz (fan) |
5,850 |
39th | 1981 | Denvention Two | Denver, Colorado | US | Clifford D. Simak (pro) C.L. Moore (pro) Rusty Hevelin (fan) |
3,792 |
40th | 1982 | Chicon IV | Chicago, Illinois | US | A. Bertram Chandler (pro) Frank Kelly Freas (pro) Lee Hoffman (fan) |
4,275 |
41st | 1983 | ConStellation | Baltimore, Maryland | US | John Brunner (pro) David A. Kyle (fan) |
6,400 |
42nd | 1984 | L.A.con II | Anaheim, California | US | Gordon R. Dickson (pro) Dick Eney (fan) |
8,365 |
43rd | 1985 | Aussiecon Two | Melbourne, Victoria | Australia | Gene Wolfe (pro) Ted White (fan) |
1,599 |
44th | 1986 | ConFederation | Atlanta, Georgia | US | Ray Bradbury (pro) Terry Carr (fan) |
5,811 |
45th | 1987 | Conspiracy '87 | Brighton | UK | Doris Lessing (UK) Alfred Bester (US) Boris and Arkady Strugatsky (USSR) Jim Burns (artist) Ray Harryhausen (film) Joyce Slater and Ken Slater (fan) David Langford (special fan) |
4,009 (5,425) |
46th | 1988 | Nolacon II | New Orleans, Louisiana | US | Donald A. Wollheim (pro) Roger Sims (fan) |
5,300 |
47th | 1989 | Noreascon 3 | Boston, Massachusetts | US | Andre Norton (pro) Betty and Ian Ballantine (pro) The Stranger Club (fan) |
6,837 (7,795) |
48th | 1990 | ConFiction | The Hague | Netherlands | Harry Harrison (pro) Wolfgang Jeschke (pro) Joe Haldeman (pro) Andrew I. Porter (fan) |
3,580 |
49th | 1991 | Chicon V | Chicago, Illinois | US | Hal Clement (pro) Martin H. Greenberg (pro) Richard Powers (pro) Jon and Joni Stopa (fan) |
5,661 |
50th | 1992 | MagiCon | Orlando, Florida | US | Jack Vance (pro) Vincent Di Fate (artist) Walter A. Willis (fan) |
5,319 (6,368) |
51st | 1993 | ConFrancisco | San Francisco, California | US | Larry Niven Alicia Austin Tom Digby (fan) Jan Howard Finder Mark Twain (Dead GoH) |
6,602 |
52nd | 1994 | ConAdian | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Canada | Anne McCaffrey (pro) George Barr (artist) Robert Runte (fan) |
3,570 (7,725) |
53rd | 1995 | Intersection | Glasgow, Scotland | UK | Samuel R. Delany (writer) Gerry Anderson (media) Les Edwards (artist) Vin¢ Clarke (fan) |
4,173 (6,524) |
54th | 1996 | L.A.con III | Anaheim, California | US | James White (writer) Roger Corman (media) Elsie Wollheim (special) Takumi and Sachiko Shibano (fan) |
6,703 |
55th | 1997 | LoneStarCon 2 | San Antonio, Texas | US | Algis Budrys (pro) Michael Moorcock (pro) Don Maitz (artist) Roy Tackett (fan) |
4,634 (5,614) |
56th | 1998 | BucConeer | Baltimore, Maryland | US | C. J. Cherryh Milton A. Rothman Stanley Schmidt Michael Whelan J. Michael Straczynski (special) |
6,572 |
57th | 1999 | Aussiecon Three | Melbourne, Victoria | Australia | Gregory Benford, author George Turner, author Bruce Gillespie, fan |
1,626 (2,872) |
58th | 2000 | Chicon 2000 | Chicago, Illinois | US | Ben Bova (author) Bob Eggleton (artist) Jim Baen (editor) Bob & Anne Passovoy (fan) |
5,794 (6,574) |
59th | 2001 | Millennium Philcon | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | US | Greg Bear (author) Stephen Youll (artist) Gardner Dozois (editor) George H. Scithers (fan) |
4,840 (6,269) |
60th | 2002 | ConJosé | San Jose, California | US | Vernor Vinge (author) David Cherry (artist) Bjo & John Trimble (fan) Ferdinand Feghoot (imaginary) |
5,162 (5,916) |
61st | 2003 | Torcon 3 | Toronto, Ontario | Canada | George R. R. Martin (author) Frank Kelly Freas (artist) Mike Glyer (fan) Robert Bloch (GoHst of Honor) |
3,834 (4,986) |
62nd | 2004 | Noreascon 4 | Boston, Massachusetts | US | Terry Pratchett (pro) William Tenn (pro) Jack Speer (fan) Peter Weston (fan) |
5,651 (7,485) |
63rd | 2005 | Interaction | Glasgow, Scotland | UK | Greg Pickersgill Christopher Priest Robert Sheckley Lars-Olov Strandberg Jane Yolen |
4,115 (5,202) |
64th | 2006 | L.A.con IV | Anaheim, California | US | Connie Willis (Author) James Gurney (Artist) Howard DeVore (fan) Frankie Thomas (Special) |
5,738 (6,291) |
65th | 2007 | Nippon 2007 | Yokohama | Japan | Sakyo Komatsu (author) David Brin (author) Takumi Shibano (fan) Yoshitaka Amano (artist) Michael Whelan (artist) |
3,348 (5,149) |
66th | 2008 | Denvention 3 | Denver, Colorado | US | Lois McMaster Bujold (pro) Tom Whitmore (fan) Rick Sternbach (artist) |
3,752 |
67th | 2009 | Anticipation | Montréal, Québec | Canada | Neil Gaiman (pro) Elisabeth Vonarburg (pro) Taral Wayne (fan) David Hartwell (editor) Tom Doherty (publisher) |
3,925 (4,499) |
68th | 2010 | Aussiecon Four | Melbourne, Victoria | Australia | Kim Stanley Robinson (author) Robin Johnson (fan) Shaun Tan (artist) |
2,101 (3,462) |
69th | 2011 | Renovation | Reno, Nevada | US | Tim Powers Ellen Asher Boris Vallejo Charles N. Brown (in memoriam) |
4,112 (5,526) |
70th | 2012 | Chicon 7 | Chicago, Illinois | US | Mike Resnick (author) Rowena Morrill (artist) Story Musgrave (astronaut) Peggy Rae Sapienza (fan) Jane Frank (agent) Sy Liebergot (special guest) John Scalzi (toastmaster) |
4,743 (6,197) |
71st | 2013 | LoneStarCon 3 | San Antonio, Texas | US | Ellen Datlow James Gunn Willie Siros Norman Spinrad Darrell K. Sweet (in memoriam) Paul Cornell (toastmaster) Leslie Fish Joe R. Lansdale |
4,311 (6,060) |
72nd | 2014 | Loncon 3 | London | UK | Iain M. Banks (in memoriam) John Clute Chris Foss Malcolm Edwards Jeanne Gomoll Robin Hobb Bryan Talbot |
6,946 (10,718) |
73rd | 2015 | Sasquan | Spokane, Washington | US | Brad Foster David Gerrold Vonda McIntyre Tom Smith Leslie Turek |
4,644 (10,350) |
74th | 2016 | MidAmeriCon II | Kansas City, Missouri | US | Kinuko Y. Craft Patrick Nielsen Hayden Teresa Nielsen Hayden Tamora Pierce Michael Swanwick |
4,602 (7,338) |
75th | 2017 | Worldcon 75 | Helsinki | Finland | John-Henri Holmberg Nalo Hopkinson Johanna Sinisalo Claire Wendling Walter Jon Williams |
5,944 (8,748) |
76th | 2018 | Worldcon 76 in San Jose | San Jose, California | US | Spider Robinson Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Pierre Pettinger Sandy Pettinger Edgar Pangborn |
5,440 (7,812) |
77th | 2019 | Dublin 2019 - An Irish Worldcon | Dublin | Ireland | Diane Duane Ginjer Buchanan Jocelyn Bell Burnell Ian McDonald Steve Jackson Bill and Mary Burns |
6,525 (8,430) |
78th | 2020 | CoNZealand | Wellington | New Zealand | Mercedes Lackey Larry Dixon Greg Broadmore Rose Mitchell |
0 (held virtually) |
79th | 2021 | DisCon III | Washington, D.C. | US | John Harris Nancy Kress Malka Older Sheree Renée Thomas Ben Yalow |
2,359 in-person 1,197 virtual |
80th | 2022 | Chicon 8 | Chicago, Illinois | US | Tananarive Due Steven Barnes Edie Stern and Joe Siclari Erle Korshak Annalee Newitz and Charlie Jane Anders Charles de Lint Floyd Norman |
3,574 in-person 1,150 virtual (6,500) |
81st | 2023 | Chengdu Worldcon 81st | Chengdu | China | Cixin Liu Sergey Lukianenko Robert J. Sawyer |
82nd | 2024 | Glasgow 2024 | Glasgow | UK | Chris Baker Claire Brialey Mark Plummer Ken MacLeod Nnedi Okorafor Terri Windling |